Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
About This Catalog
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Newark
College of Nursing
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Availablity of Courses, Majors, and Minor Programs
Course Notation Information
Academic Foundations 003
African-American and African Studies 014
Allied Health Technologies 045
American Studies 050
Ancient and Medieval Civilizations 060
Anthropology 070
Arabic 074
Archaeology 075
Art (Art 080, B.F.A. Visual Arts 081, Art History 082, Arts Management 084)
Biological Sciences
Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES) 149
Chemistry 160
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 191
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology 460)
Economics 220
Urban Education 300
English (350 and 352)
Environmental Sciences 375
French 420
Geoscience Engineering 465
Greek 490
Hebraic Studies 500
History (History 510, American 512)
Honors 525
Human-Computer Interaction 531
International Affairs
Italian 560
Journalism and Media Studies 570
Korean 574
Latin 580
Legal Studies
Linguistics 615
Mathematics (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medical Technology 660
Music (Music 700, Music Performance 701)
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Major Requirements
Physics 750
Applied Physics 755
Minor Requirements
Teacher Certification
Political Science 790
Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies 810
Psychology 830
Puerto Rican Studies 836
Religious Studies 840
Slavic 861
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Theater Arts, Television and Media Arts (Theater Arts 965, Speech 950)
Urban Studies 975
Women's Studies 988
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008 Liberal Arts Colleges Academic Programs and Courses Physics 750 Courses  


21&62:750:109Astronomy and Cosmology (3-0-3) A nonmathematical presentation of contemporary views of the origin, evolution, and structure of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe. Special topics include neutron stars, black holes, gravitationally strange objects, and the "Big Bang." A similar course is offered at NJIT as PHYS 202. Recommended for nonscience majors.
21&62:750:202Physics as a Liberal Art (3) Nonmathematical treatment of the major ideas in physics from ancient times to the present; relativity, the uncertainty principle, quantum theory, cosmology, and the atom as viewed by classical and modern physics; atomic energy; impact on culture and society. Recommended for nonscience majors.
21&62:750:203,204General Physics I,II (4,4) A trigonometry- and algebra-based course treating the basic concepts of mechanics,  electricity and magnetism, light, and some modern physics. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:114. Students who major in physics and mathematics are advised to enroll in 21&62:750:213,214 instead of this course.
21&62:750:205,206Introductory Physics Laboratory (1,1) Laboratory courses for 750:203,204 or 750:213,214. Lab. 3 hrs. Pre- or corequisites: 21&62:750: 203,204 or 213,214.
21&62:750:213,214University Physics (4,4) A calculus-based introductory course in physics. Topics include mechanics, wave phenomena, electricity and magnetism, and optics. Pre- or corequisites: 21&62:640:135,136. Intended for physics and mathematics majors and preengineering students, but open to all qualified students.
21&62:750:315Introductory Thermodynamics (3) Concludes the introductory sequence in physics. Interpretation and application of the laws of thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and statistical physics. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:203,204 or 213,214 and one year of introductory calculus.
21&62:750:316Introduction to Modern Physics (3) Interaction of radiation with matter; elementary quantum theory; atomic and nuclear physics; relativity; solid-state physics. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:203,204 or 213,214.
21&62:750:333Applications of Mathematics to Physics (3) Emphasis on applications of mathematical techniques to physical problems: infinite series, matrices, determinants, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, vector analysis, and Fourier series. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:213,214 or 203,204; 21&62:640:136.
21&62:750:361,362Mechanics I,II (3,3) Dynamics of particles and systems; theory of small oscillations and mechanical waves; rigid bodies; Lagrange and Hamilton formalism. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:314; 21&62:750:315,316, 333; or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:385,386Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (3,3) Electrostatics; magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations with applications; electrodynamics. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:315,316, 333; 21&62:640:314; or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:402Statistical Mechanics (3) Statistical thermodynamics, classical, and quantum statistical mechanics, and elementary transport theory. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:315, 361,362.
21&62:750:403Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics (3) Discussion of experiments that led to the quantum theory; atomic spectra; atomic structure; laser science and nuclear physics. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:361,362, 385,386, or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:404Quantum Mechanics (3) Schrödinger equation; operators; correspondence principle; uncertainty principle; the harmonic oscillator; the hydrogen atom; elementary scattering theory; elements of matrix mechanics; perturbation theory. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:361, 385,386, or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:406Introductory Solid-State Physics (3) Crystallography and structure of crystals; bonding of atoms; structure and properties of metals, semiconductors, and insulators; luminescence and fluorescence of crystals, photoconductivity; solid-state devices. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:361, 385,386, or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:407Advanced Physics Laboratory I (1) Design of experiments and instrumentation techniques; data acquisition and analysis; graphic representation of experimental data; study of errors and reliability of results; AC and DC circuit theory. Corequisites: 21&62:750:315,316, 333, or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:408Advanced Physics Laboratory II (1) Detailed examination of design concepts and measurement techniques; experiments in physical and geometric optics, coherent optics, acoustics, microwave signal propagation, and atomic and nuclear physics. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisites: 21&62:750:315,316, or permission of instructor.
21:750:410Physical Electronics (2) Development of physical models for nonlinear devices (diodes, transistors) used in modern electronic circuits; analysis of practical circuits; construction and examination of rectifiers, signal generators, basic digital circuits, and measurement systems. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:135,136; 21&62:750:213,214 or 203,204.
21&62:750:411Physical Optics (3) Electromagnetic theory of light, interference, diffraction, polarization, double refraction, absorption, scattering, dispersion, and introduction to quantum optics. Prerequisites: 21&62:750:385,386 or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:461Computational Methods in Applied Physics (3) General computer programming modeling methods and techniques; numerical solutions to integro-differential equations; eigenvalue problems; applications of computer-aided design and other packages. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:314. Pre- or corequisite: 21&62:750:404.
21&62:750:462Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (3) Vector and tensor analysis; matrix methods; complex variables; Sturm-Lieuville theory; special functions; Fourier series and integrals; integral equations; numerical solutions of differential equations. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:314, 21&62:750:361, or permission of instructor.
21&62:750:471Introductory Relativity Theory (3) Special theory: simultaneity, Lorentz transformations, four vectors, and electromagnetic field transformation; General theory: principle of equivalence, parallel displacements, and geodesics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
21&62:750:485,486Individual Research in Physics (BA,BA) Qualified students may undertake individual research under the supervision of a member of the department.
21&62:750:491,492Physics Seminar (1,1) Group discussions of selected current topics in physics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
21&62:750:493,494Readings in Physics (BA,BA) Independent study supervised by a member of the department. For qualified students who wish to investigate a specific area or topic in physics in greater depth than is normally covered elsewhere in the curriculum. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
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