The anthropology major provides students with an understanding of
human society in terms of its biological and cultural aspects in the
widest historical and comparative framework. This major provides a
useful background for students interested in careers in education,
research, government service, and other employment where a knowledge of
human relations is important.
The requirements for the anthropology major are 30 credits as follows:
1. 21 credits in anthropology that must include
21&62:070:203 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
21&62:070:204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 credits in an area course
21&62:070:207 Indians of North America
21&62:070:316 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
21&62:070:346 The Cultural History of the New York Police
21&62:070:352 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
21&62:070:353 Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia
21&62:070:361 Selected Areas Studies
21&62:070:367 Archaeology of the Old World
21&62:070:369 New World Archaeology
3 credits in a comparative course
21&62:070:301 Anthropology of Development
21&62:070:303 Anthropology of Postcolonialism
21&62:070:305 Culture and Personality
21&62:070:306 Anthropology of Power
21&62:070:309 Medical Anthropology
21&62:070:310 Comparative Religion
21&62:070:331 Urban Anthropology
21&62:070:337 Anthropology of Inequality
21&62:070:340 Comparative Roles of Women
21&62:070:341 Culture and Biology
21&62:070:350 Cultural Ecology
21&62:070: 358 Archaeological Theory and Practice
21&62:070:363 Anthropology of Social Life
21&62:070:390 Culture, Political Violence, and Genocide
21&62:070:420 War
21&62:070:475 Culture and Globalization Anthropology
3 credits in an advanced seminar
21&62:070:425 Research in Anthropology
21&62:070:492 Seminar in Anthropology or 3 credits of
independent study or other advanced course to be designated
6 credits in any two additional anthropology courses
9 credits from other course listings in anthropology and sociology.
With departmental approval, related courses offered in other
departments may be applied toward the major.