Anatomy and Physiology: Health Sciences (4,4)
Structure and function of human organ systems. Some microanatomy and biochemical aspects of physiology included.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab 3 hrs. For nursing, pharmacy, and other professional students.
Microbiology for the Health Sciences (3)
Introduction to microbes with emphasis on the nature and behavior of microorganisms, the interrelationships between microbes and the human host in health and disease, and the principles of prevention and control of infectious disease.
Lec. 3 hrs. Not open to students who have taken 01:447:390. Not for biological science majors. For nursing, pharmacy, and other professional students. Prerequisites: 01:119:127-128.
Corequisite: 01:119:132.
Microbiology for the Health Sciences Laboratory (1)
Laboratory to accompany 01:119:131.
Lab 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:119:127-128. Pre- or corequisite: 01:119:131.
Chemistry of Life (3)
Topics chosen from fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry, including proteins, DNA, RNA, and chemical origins of life. Emphasis given to nature of chemical and biochemical discoveries and the social responsibility of scientists.
Does not make a sequence with 01:160:161.
Expository Writing I (3)
Expository Writing 101 provides students with the analytical and writing skills necessary to compose essays throughout their entire academic career. It ensures students' ability to compose an analytical essay comprised of a thesis and textual support in a clear and organized manner.
Prerequisites: 01:355:100, 01:356:156, or placement.
May not be used for credit toward the English major or minor.
Research in the Disciplines (3)
Research in the Disciplines promotes further development of competence in reading, thinking, and writing, with emphasis on the intellectual and practical skills required for the research paper.
May not be used for English major or minor credit.
Statistics I (3)
Principles and methods of statistics, including
frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, simple
probability, sampling, regression and correlation analysis, curve fitting,
chi-square analysis, test of significance.
Prerequisite: 01:640:115 or permission of department. See Level II Statistics restrictions. Credit not given for more than one of 01:960:201, 211, and 285, nor for more than one of 01:960:212, 384, and 401.
General Psychology (3)
Survey of main areas of contemporary psychology:
the nature of psychology as a science, principles of learning, the brain and
behaviour, sensation and perception, cognitive processes, motivation and
emotion, personality and development, stress and health, adjustment and behavior
disorders, and social behavior.