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  School of Nursing 2023-2025 Courses Baccalaureate and Postbaccalaureate Certificate Program Courses School of Arts and Sciences-Newark Courses  

School of Arts and Sciences-Newark Courses

21:120:141-142 Anatomy and Physiology I, II (4,4) Examination of integrated structure and function of the human body from the aspect of levels of organization. Emphasis is on homeostatic mechanisms. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Open to School of Nursing students. Also open to School of Arts and Sciences-Newark students who have completed 21:120:101-102 with a grade of C or better.
21:120:235 Microbiology (4) Fundamentals of microbiology, including the distinguishing characteristics of the various groups of microbial cells; microbial control, including physical and chemical agents and chemotherapeutic agents; applications in personal and public health and in industry; mechanisms of disease production and host resistance; prevention and control of disease. May not be used for credit toward the biology, botany, or zoology major. Prerequisites:  21:120:141-142.
21:160:108 Organic Biochemistry (3) Emphasis on biochemical aspects of organic chemistry.
Prerequisite: Nursing students only. This course is not suitable for science or premedicine majors.
21:355:101 English Composition (3) English Composition 101 is the first writing course required of all nontransfer students and is usually taken in a student's first semester. Designed to introduce students to academic discourse, this course provides instruction in reading and thinking critically and in writing analytically in response to primarily nonfiction readings. Through a series of sequenced assignments, emphasis is placed on writing as a process, which includes drafting, revising, and editing writings. Instruction is provided in recognizing and assessing the argumentative and rhetorical strategies of other writers and in students effectively constructing well-informed, sophisticated, and logical essays, while maintaining an individual voice and synthesizing increasingly complex academic essays. Prerequisite: Open to students on the basis of placement test only.
21:355:102 English Composition (3) English Composition 102 is the second course in the sequence of writing courses required of nontransfer students and must be taken immediately following the successful completion of English Composition 101. This course builds on the critical reading, thinking, and writing skills developed in 101 and further prepares students for the types of intellectual inquiry as well as critical analysis and writing required in upper-level courses offered at the university. Students engage increasingly complex texts of different genres and from a variety of disciplinary orientations. Emphasis continues to be placed on writing as a process as students are required to conduct and to critically evaluate research as well as to maintain an independent voice as they negotiate multiple primary and secondary sources.
21:640:211 Statistics I (3) Principles, methods, and application of statistical methodology; includes frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, simple probability, sampling, regression and correlation analysis, curve fitting, and tests of significance. Applications to natural and social sciences. Prerequisite: Math placement above 21:640:106, 107, 108, 109, or successful completion, with a grade of C or better, of one of the following courses: 21:640:106, 107, 108, 109, or any other higher-level mathematics course.
21:830:102 Principles of Psychology II (3) Scientific study of human behavior, including development, personality, social influences, abnormal behavior, and therapy. Note: 21:830:101 and 102 may be taken simultaneously or in either order.
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