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  School of Nursing 2023-2025 Courses Baccalaureate and Postbaccalaureate Certificate Program Courses Nursing Electives  

Nursing Electives

Nursing courses offered on the Newark campus are coded with a "25", whereas courses offered on the New Brunswick and Blackwood campuses are preceded by a "77."

For example, Sociocultural Dimensions of Health offered in Newark is coded as 25:705:205, but in New Brunswick or Blackwood the same course has the following code: 77:705:205.

705:241 Sophomore Honors Seminar (1.5) Provides experiences that will open student's minds to the opportunities and intellectual resources inherent in the discipline, nursing research, and research-based practice. Focus is on unfolding a dialogue between the student's potential and personal vision and interests. Nursing honors students only.
705:393, 394 Honors Colloquium I,II (1.5,1.5) Provides students with the opportunity to conduct an integrated review of the literature in an area of interest with close mentorship of faculty. Nursing honors students only.
705:400 Independent Study (BA) Opportunity for independent study in nursing in an area of interest to be carried out under the supervision of an instructor and with the approval of the assistant dean of the undergraduate program. Students must arrange for a project supervisor within the School of Nursing prior to registering for the course. Prerequisite: Open only to junior and senior nursing students, and others by special permission.
705:470 Foundations in Health Education (3) Focuses on current educational practices including history of education; educational theories, objectives, or policies; and teaching and evaluation strategies. Strategies for teaching children, adolescents, and adults will be presented. Students will develop, present, and critique health education plans for individuals, groups, and/or communities.
705:490 Nursing Informatics (3) Focuses on the analysis and development of computer programs for nursing. Topics include computer systems, information systems, computer-based education, decision-making with computers, and artificial intelligence. Students will develop computer literacy skills and computer applications in nursing practice.
705:495,496 Senior Honors Project (3,3) Provides students with the opportunity to conduct a research project in an area of interest with close mentorship of faculty. Projects may include quantitative or qualitative research methods. Nursing honors students only.
705:302 Healthcare Delivery in Out-of-Hospital Settings (3)

This hybrid course is designed to examine the theoretical concepts impacting the practice of nursing and health care delivery in out-of-hospital (OOH) settings, (such as long-term care, rehabilitation/subacute nursing centers; assisted living communities; community health/ambulatory care settings; hospices; and mental health treatment facilities) through seminar and service learning opportunities. Core theoretical concepts include application of the Nurse of the Future Core Competencies©, population health, and their influence on nursing practice in OOH settings. Students will learn through investigation of exemplars, field experiences, and analysis of patient care situations.

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