Traditional and Second-Degree Baccalaureate Program
Students are expected to dress appropriately and behave in a professional manner at all times. The official uniform consists of black scrub tops with the official embroidered school logo and student name, black scrub pants, and the regulation uniform jacket. The regulation uniform jacket must have the embroidered School of Nursing logo and student name. The uniform, including uniform jacket, must be purchased as a complete set from the School of Nursing vendor. Additional layered clothing is not to be worn with the uniform. White or neutral-colored hosiery (or socks if slacks are worn) must be worn.
Clinical Settings
The uniform must be worn to all designated clinical experiences unless faculty specifies otherwise. Uniforms are only to be worn in clinical areas or at designated community events, such as health fairs. When going to the clinical site outside of scheduled clinical hours, the uniform jacket and dress pants/skirt should be worn.
Community/Psychiatric Nursing Practice Settings
Clothing for community health and community-based psychiatric settings, where the student has been asked to not wear the School of Nursing uniform, is specified as being "business-like professional attire." This might be solid black or dark slacks and a white or colored top and plain shoes.
Hair and Nails
Hair must be above the collar, either short or securely fastened, and be neat and clean. Men must be clean-shaven or have a neatly trimmed beard and/or mustache. Extreme hair styles are not permitted and include but are not limited to unnatural colors, partially shaved heads, and hair styles that impair vision. Fingernails should be kept short and well-manicured. Nail polish, if worn, should be neutral. Decals, charms, artificial nails, gel polish, and airbrushing are not permitted. For cultural or religious purposes, hair may be covered with a solid-color scarf to match the color of the uniform.
Jewelry must be minimal (i.e., a wedding band, small post earrings, and a watch with a second hand).
When the uniform is worn, black leather closed shoes or sneakers must be worn.
Body Jewelry/Tattoos
Body jewelry in visible places such as eyebrows, nose, lips, and tongue is not permitted during clinical rotations. Tattoos should be covered to the extent possible.
Perfumes, perfumed lotions, and after shaves are prohibited because of potential allergic reactions in patients.
A stethoscope and bandage scissors are required for students.
R.N. to B.S. in Nursing Program
Students are expected to dress and act professionally and appropriately at all times. Although the attire may differ depending on the specific rotation and clinical agency, most clinical rotations for the R.N. to B.S. in nursing program will require "business-casual" professional attire. The student should comply with agency policy while representing the school as a professional nurse.
In addition, all students must wear: a Rutgers University identification badge, Rutgers or Rutgers School of Nursing name pin, and/or lab coat with the student's name and designation as an R.N. nursing student.
Graduate Program
Students are expected to dress appropriately and behave in a professional manner at all times. School insignia and/or student identification badges should be worn that include the student's name, designation as a graduate student, and the name of the university: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Students should also wear a laboratory coat over professional attire. The clinical site may, however, specify the dress code. Additional equipment and supplies should be negotiated with the clinical agency.