Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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Programs of Study
Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service and Civic Engagement Fellowship Programs
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Health Administration 501 Course Listing
Medical Ethics and Policy 652 Course Listing
Planning and Public Policy 762 Course Listing
Policy, Health, and Administration 775 Course Listing
Public Health 832 Course Listing
Public Policy 833 Course Listing
Public Administration and Management 843 Course Listing
Urban Planning and Design 971 Course Listing
Urban Studies 975 Course Listing
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Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Course Listing Health Administration 501 Course Listing  

Health Administration 501 Course Listing

This list includes the health administration (501) courses offered at the Bloustein School as of September 1, 2022. Courses are taught by multiple instructors and may not be offered each semester. Please refer to WebReg for information about special topics courses.
10:501:203 Introduction to Health Administration (3) Introduction of administrative theory to health care delivery, policy, and planning. Focus on managerial structures and functions and their application in the health care workplace.
10:501:207 Accounting for Supervisors and Managers (3) An introductory course that  gives a basic understanding of accounting, including the basic corporate operation, preparation of financial statements, basic accounting principles, etc.
10:501:260 Health Care Systems (3) Introduction to the elements of the American health care system including provider roles, the  basic structure of health systems, financial aspects, and the legal and regulatory framework. Credit not given for this course and 10:832:260.
10:501:296,297 Special Topics (3,3)

See WebReg for current offerings. This course is designed to address current issues in health administration.

10:501:298,299 Independent Study (BA,BA) Prerequisites: Students must contract with a faculty sponsor and be granted permission by the program director.
10:501:310 Administrative Issues for Health Care Managers (3) Exploration of how managers work with staff in health care delivery to develop job descriptions, provide incentives, perform evaluations, support promotions, and recommend training.
10:501:332 Health Care Economics (3) Examination of microeconomics within the context of the supply and demand for health care services. Focus on health insurance and the behaviors of health care consumers and providers.
10:501:333 Financial Aspects of Health Administration (3) Review of financial management tools for various health care delivery settings. Interpret financial information and understand the processes performed by financial departments of an institution.

10:501:335 Population Health (3) Study of the principles and methods of epidemiology; the application of epidemiologic methods to the heath care setting including outcomes measures, decision-making, and infection control concepts.
10:501:342 Long-Term Care Management (3) Review of management techniques and practices for those seeking a career in long-term care management. Emphasis on skilled nursing home care, assisted living, adult day care, home health care hospice, and senior retirement communities.
10:501:354 Marketing for Health Organizations (3) Overview of the marketing process, strategic planning, consumerism, the competitive environment, and the marketing mix as they relate to modern health organizations. Credit not given for this course and 10:832:354.
10:501:356 Health Care Ethics and Law (3) Introduction to ethics and law in the health care delivery and clinical settings including an examination of the rights of the patient and their decision makers.
10:501:360 Principles of Public Management (3)

Overview of fundamental management practices in public health settings including leadership, team building, credentialing and standards, regulatory oversight budgeting, and professionalism. Credit not given for both this course and 10:843:360 and 10:833:360.

Credit not given for both this course and 10:843:360 and 10:833:360.
10:501:362 Nonprofit Management (3)

Overview of the wide-ranging administrative skills needed to manage nonprofits effectively while meeting mission and fiduciary responsibilities.

Credit not given for both this course and 10:833:362.
10:501:363 Health Systems Operations (3) Study of an integrated and strategic approach to operations management that transforms complex health policy into efficient operations that improve care, clinical operations, and financial outcomes.
10:501:410 Information Systems for Health Care (3) Exploration of the types and uses of information systems; their management and strategic application; related privacy policies; and their transformative role in health care delivery. Open to majors only. Prerequisites: 10:501:203 or 10:832:334 and 10:501:333 or 10:832:333.
10:501:412 Introduction to LEAN for Health Care (3) Understand and apply the LEAN management system that eliminates waste, improves employees' satisfaction, and assures better patient care
10:501:425 Financial Management (3) In-depth application of financial theory to health care systems, including financial analysis and forecasting, strategic formulation, and economic application. Open to 501 and 832 majors only. Prerequisite: 10:501:333.
10:501:483,484 Special Topics (3,3) Topics vary. These courses are designed to address current issues in health administration. See WebReg for current offerings.
10:501:485,486 Independent Study (BA,BA) Prerequisite: Students must contract with a faculty sponsor and be granted permission by the program director.
10:501:497,498 Bloustein Honors Research (3,3) Participation of advanced undergraduates as research assistants at one of the institutes or centers at the Bloustein School. Students contract with and are supervised by the principal investigator of the project.
For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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