Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
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Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Aerospace Engineering 021
Applied Sciences in Engineering 073
Biomedical Engineering 125
Chemical Engineering 155
Civil Engineering 180
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Environmental Engineering 366
General Engineering 440
Industrial Engineering 540
Materials Science and Engineering 635
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Engineering Course Listing Chemical Engineering 155  

Chemical Engineering 155
14:155:201 Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balances (3) Introduction to the major. Conservation of mass and energy, and application to chemical engineering systems. Solution of material and energy balance problems for complex processes. Focus on open systems at steady-state.
Prerequisites: 01:160:160, 01:640:152.
14:155:208 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (3) Thermodynamics from a chemical engineering viewpoint. First Law as it applies to nonflow and steady-flow processes, pressure-volume-temperature behavior of fluids and heat effects, the Second Law and its applications, thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and fluid mixtures, phase equilibria, and chemical reaction equilibria. Thermodynamics of polymers and biosystems. Prerequisite: 14:155:201.
14:155:210 Biological Foundations of Chemical Engineering (3) Biochemistry and biophysics of proteins and nucleic acids; cellular composition and metabolism; tools for manipulating cells; introduction to biological products and processes. Prerequisites: 01:640:152, 01:160:307.
14:155:291,292 Undergraduate Research for Sophomores (BA,BA) Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty adviser in a specific area of chemical or biochemical engineering. Interdisciplinary cooperation encouraged where applicable. Projects may be one or two semesters in length. No more than 3 credits are awarded per semester. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
14:155:298 Professional Skills Development (1) Seminar on career topics and skills to aid students in finding jobs and succeeding as professionals.
Corequisite: 14:155:201. Graded pass/no credit.
14:155:303 Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering I (3) Introduction to fluid dynamics of chemical systems. Application of basic equations to steady-state and unsteady-state flow processes. Description of laminar and turbulent-flow regimes leading to the determination of velocity distributions and friction factors. Design equations for flowing fluids, with computer applications. Prerequisites: 14:155:208, 01:640:244.
14:155:304 Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering II (3) Heat and mass transfer in chemical engineering processes, with computer applications. Steady-state and unsteady-state heat conduction and molecular diffusion. Energy and mass transfer in fluids undergoing flow, phase change, and/or chemical reaction. Radiant heat transfer. Heat exchangers and mass transfer equipment. Prerequisites: 14:155:303, 309.
14:155:307 Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering (3) Introduction to modeling and simulation techniques in the analysis of chemical and biochemical engineering systems. Application of numerical methods for the solution of complex chemical process problems. Development and use of PC software for the analysis and solution of engineering problems. Prerequisites: 14:155:201, 14:440:127, 01:640:244.
14:155:309 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (3) Thermodynamic properties of mixtures. Ideal gas and ideal solution models. Partial fugacity of gaseous and liquid phases. Properties change of mixing and partial molar properties. Excess functions and activity coefficients for nonideal solutions. Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams. Phase equilibrium calculations. Colligative properties. Chemical reaction equilibrium. Prerequisite: 14:155:208.
14:155:324 Separation Processes (3) Application of mass transfer theory to the design and analysis of chemical engineering separation processes. Distillation, liquid extraction, gas absorption, and other separation processes. Computer software for the design and analysis of various separation processes. Prerequisites: 14:155:303, 307, 309.
14:155:341 Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3) Fundamental theories of kinetics. Ideal reactor analysis; single reactions; parallel and series reactions. Consideration of real reactors and reactor design. Principles of heterogeneous catalysis, combined mass transfer/kinetic phenomena, and approaches to catalytic reactor design using computer methods. Prerequisites: 14:155:303, 307.
14:155:391,392 Undergraduate Research for Juniors (BA,BA) Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty adviser in a specific area of chemical or biochemical engineering. Interdisciplinary cooperation encouraged where applicable. Projects may be one or two semesters in length. No more than 3 credits are awarded per semester. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
14:155:407 Processing and Properties of Materials (3) Atomic/molecular-level structure of fundamental materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Properties, such as mechanical properties, are understood in terms of the microstructure of materials. Focus is placed on the relationship between the structure and the properties of materials. Prerequisites: 01:160:159, 01:750:123, 14:440:221.
14:155:411 Biochemical Engineering (3) Integration of the principles of chemical engineering, food science, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, and microbiology with applications to the analysis, control, and development of industrial, biochemical, and biological processes. Quantitative, problem-solving methods emphasized. Prerequisites: 14:155:210, 303, 307, 309.
14:155:415 Process Engineering Laboratory I (4) Original experiments developed using existing pilot-scale or bench-scale equipment. Working independently under faculty supervision, students use modern instruments, operate equipment under various open- and closed-loop control conditions, perform experiments, take data and assay samples, and write reports of professional quality. OSHA-type laboratory safety and health practices taught and utilized. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 9 hrs. Prerequisites: 14:155:304, 324, 341.
14:155:416 Process Engineering Laboratory II (4) Projects differ in type and scale from those of the first semester. Emphasis on professional-quality data and individual contributions, particularly process evaluation, scale-up, and design criteria. Also, orientation on careers, job opportunities, professional societies, licensing, rights and responsibilities of licensed engineers, and safety-risk management. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 9 hrs. Prerequisites: 14:155:415, 341.
14:155:422 Process Simulation and Control (3) Modern simulation techniques and automatic control theory as applied to process dynamics of chemical and biochemical engineering systems. Use of analytical methods and computer software for solving complex problems. Structure and design of closed-loop, computer-controlled processes. Discussion of safety engineering in the final process of control design. Prerequisites: 14:155:307, 324, 341.
14:155:427 Chemical Engineering Design I (3) First course in a two-semester, capstone design sequence (155:427,428) that covers the principles of product design, process design, and economic considerations for building and operating chemical or biochemical plants. Reflecting recent advances in chemical engineering education, we are integrating product design and process design in this sequence. Specifically, starting from the identification of marketable products, we proceed to develop ideas for making the products, select workable methods, and then design the best processes for both upstream (reactor design and batch, semibatch, or continuous operation) and downstream processing (separations and purifications) to produce the said product profitably. In the fall semester, rate-based separations and batch-process design for the production of biochemicals and specialty chemicals will be covered.
Prerequisites: 01:160:308; 14:155:304, 324, 341.
14:155:428 Chemical Engineering Design II (4) The capstone design course covers the principles of product design, process design, and economic considerations for building and operating chemical or biochemical plants. Reflecting recent advances in chemical engineering education, we are integrating product design and process design in this sequence. Specifically, starting from the identification of marketable products, we proceed to develop ideas for making the products, select workable methods, and then design the best processes for both upstream (reactor design and batch, semibatch, or continuous operation) and downstream processing (separations and purifications) to produce the said product profitably. The design details and economic considerations involved in the design, construction, and operation of chemical plants using basic principles and modern computer software. Engineering ethics, plant safety practices, and OSHA concerns. Prerequisite: 14:155:415.
14:155:491,492 Undergraduate Research for Seniors (BA,BA) Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty adviser in a specific area of chemical or biochemical engineering. Interdisciplinary cooperation encouraged where applicable. Projects may be one or two semesters in length. No more than 3 credits are awarded per semester. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
14:155:495 Internship in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (BA) Provides students with the opportunity to practice and/or apply knowledge and skills in various chemical or biochemical engineering professional environments. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Graded pass/no credit.
14:155:496,497 Co-op in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3,3) Provides a capstone experience to the student's undergraduate studies by integrating prior coursework into a working chemical or biochemical engineering professional environment. Credits earned for the educational benefits of the experience and granted only for a continuous, six-month, full-time assignment. Prerequisites: Permission of department. Graded pass/no credit.
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