Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
General Information
Administration and Faculty
Labs and Facilities
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Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Aerospace Engineering 021
Applied Sciences in Engineering 073
Biomedical Engineering 125
Chemical Engineering 155
Civil Engineering 180
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Environmental Engineering 366
General Engineering 440
Industrial Engineering 540
Materials Science and Engineering 635
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Engineering Course Listing Applied Sciences in Engineering 073  

Applied Sciences in Engineering 073

Courses for 073 Applied Sciences in Engineering, Packaging Engineering Concentration are listed using the subject code 440.
14:440:301 Introduction to Packaging Engineering (3) A required course for all students wishing to pursue a major or certificate in packaging. The course introduces the student to the concept of packaging and provides an overview of the main technologies used to create packages. Technologies include graphic creation, printing and decoration, plastic molding, metal forming, films and foils, and distribution packaging.
14:440:302 Computer-Aided Design for Packaging Engineering (3) CAD applications of analysis, synthesis, and design for packaging engineering. Automated drafting. Development of general-purpose functions, components. Hands-on experience on CAD workstations.
14:440:371 Packaging Evaluation Methods (3) Covers materials characteristics of the major materials and the strength assessment of those materials in connection with the packaging applications. The major packaging materials such as paper and paperboards, plastics, steel, and glass are evaluated in terms of strength properties. In evaluation of materials, the fundamental knowledge of those materials in terms of physical, chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties are discussed in relation to the packaging applications.
14:440:373 Packaging Manufacturing I (3) Covers the basic manufacturing technologies of major packaging materials such as paper and paperboards; conversion of paperboards; plastic containers, including films and bottles; aluminum and steel containers; glass containers; and wooden boxes. Students learn how different kinds of materials are converted into some types of containers and meet all the required packaging conditions and qualities.
14:440:378 Sustainable Packaging (3) The design and development of sustainable packaging based on quantitative and qualitative metrics. Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment processes and related impacts on packaging development for consumer goods industries.
14:440:403 Safety Packaging (3) Identification and measurement of hazards in physical distribution. Packaging hazardous materials. Product classes, use of regulations, exceptions, authorized packaging, and the performance testing program.
14:440:406 Packaging Printing/Decoration (3) Position and importance of package graphics and structure in consumer packaging and marketing. Printing and decoration methods and technologies for paper, plastic, and other materials. Preparation, production, application, and economics of package graphics operations.
14:440:408 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (3) The course covers manufacturing and packaging processes and practices in the pharmaceutical industry. The processes include blending, granulation, size reduction, drying, compressing, and coating of tablets, as well as capsule and liquid filling. Packaging discussions start with bottle feeding up to case packing and the operations in between. There is an emphasis on facility layout, safety, and maintenance issues related to cGMP of pharmaceutical manufacturing.
14:440:418 Packaging Development Process (3) Learn modern package development process through case studies; apply packaging engineering technologies, project management, team interactions, tool development, and commercial start-up technologies to the package development process.
14:440:419 Innovation and Design (3) A course devoted to the case study of recently launched new consumer packages. Students study the package development process using real commercial packages with mentors from the companies that introduced new packages. The process of innovating the application packaging technologies is included with this study.
14:440:420 Senior Project (3) Seniors are given the opportunity to conduct individual research on consumer packaging issues. Projects are proposed by students or submitted by partner companies.
14:440:468 Packaging Machinery (3) This course covers the fundamentals related to packing and packaging of all forms of products including such materials as gases, liquids, and solids. Emphasis placed on the characteristics of the products, the packaging materials and forms, the selections of packaging machines regarding the compatibilities with the contents and packaging materials, and packaging economy. Also emphasized are the functions of important parts involved with a specific packaging machine and a line of packaging system as a whole.
14:440:470 Packaging Lab I (2) Covers physical and mechanical tests of all major packaging materials including paper, paperboards, corrugated fibreboards, plastic films and bottles, metal containers, and glass containers using ASTM and TAPPI test methods. Packaging students learn how to operate moisture vapour and oxygen gas transmission rate testers and learn how to use the data to determine the materials' constants in terms of transmission rates of plastic materials. Students learn how to figure out the shelf-life of flexible and rigid plastic containers through permeation tests.
14:440:471 Distribution Packaging (3) Covers the right selection of containers to ship diversified articles in different material characteristics, shapes, and sizes and different fragility levels. All-weather protection of the packaging and packaged products from the distribution environment is the goal of this course. The study of the distribution environment for various packaged products in the world is an important part of this course.
14:440:473 Packaging Lab II (2) Covers the heavy and bulky packaging tests including major national and international test procedures, ASTM, TAPPI, and other packaging test procedures authorized by the government. Packaging students learn how to determine the fragility factors of articles, how to evaluate the protective materials for cushioning capability, and how to use the cushioning data to make a protective design.
14:440:477 Packaging Manufacturing II (3) Review of packaging materials and processes from a packaging manufacturing perspective.
14:440:489 Special Problems in Packaging (Fall 1-3) Presentations of detailed studies on specialized aspects of packaging.
14:440:490 Special Problems in Packaging (Spring 1-3) Selected topics of interest to graduate packaging students.
14:440:498 Packaging Engineering Co-op Internship (Spring 3-6) Supervised professional experience in the field of packaging offered through corporations and other businesses throughout the United States.
14:440:499 Packaging Engineering Co-op Internship (Fall 3-6) Supervised professional experience in the field of packaging offered through corporations and other businesses throughout the United States.
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