Jewish Society and Culture I: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages (3)
Examines the social, economic, religious, and political experiences of the Jewish people, from the Biblical world of the ancient Near East until the Middle Ages.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:506:271 or 01:685:208.
Jewish Society and Culture II: The Early Modern and Modern Experience (3)
Examines Jewish life from the breakdown of traditional society in Europe in the 1700s until the rise of the modern state of Israel in the 20th century.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:506:272.
Jewish Studies Seminar (3)
Explores a major theme in Jewish studies and allows students to pursue their own scholarship, culminating in a major research paper.
Prerequisite: 01:563:201 or 202 or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both this course and 01:506:464.