Elements of Meteorology (3)
Overview of current weather maps. Structure of the atmosphere and the role of moisture in the development of dew, clouds, and precipitation. Air masses, fronts, cyclones, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Elements of forecasting, instrumentation, and communication.
Elements of Climatology (3)
Major climatic controls. Climatic classifications and comparisons of major types. Overview of current climate issues, such as global warming and El Niño, and the global climate.
Meteorological Analysis (1,1)
Surface observation codes. Preparation of surface, upper air, and sounding charts. Forecast guidance, weather map interpretation, and preparation of weather forecasts. Map discussions.
One 55-min. lec. Pre- or corequisite: 11:670:201.
Weather, Climate, and Environmental Design (3)
Weather and climate impact on environmental engineering issues and design applications in agriculture, stormwater management, air pollution, coastal management, extreme weather, and global warming.
Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (3)
Thermodynamics of the atmosphere, energy conservation, ideal gas law, water and its transformations, moist air, aerosols, hydrostatic stability and convection, vertical motion, cloud formation, and precipitation.
Prerequisites: 01:640:152; 01:750:194 or equivalent.
Dynamics of the Atmosphere (3)
Hydrodynamics of the atmosphere. Equations of motion on rotating earth. Vorticity, potential vorticity, and divergence. Boundary layer dynamics.
Prerequisites: 01:640:251; 11:670:323.
Special Topics in Meteorology (BA)
Topics selected to meet specific needs.
Hydrologic Processes (3)
processes governing the occurrence and movement of water through the
atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Techniques for collecting and
analyzing hydrologic data and predicting the hydrologic states of
particular systems.
Prerequisites: 01:640:151; 01:750:194 or equivalent.
Weather Systems (3)
Applied dynamics of the atmosphere, including quasi-geostrophic theory. Development of cyclones, vertical motion, jet streams, and fronts. Synoptic-scale weather phenomena.
Prerequisites: 11:670:201 or 202; 11:670:324.
Physical Meteorology (3)
Atmospheric optics and acoustics; radio wave propagation; atmospheric radiation; radar; cloud and precipitation formation; atmospheric electricity; geomagnetic phenomena.
Prerequisites: 01:640:152; 01:640:251; 01:750:194 or equivalent.
Weather Analysis and Forecasting I: Synoptic Meteorology (4)
Dynamics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere applied to current weather situations and case studies. Cyclone and frontal theory, jet streams, and quasi-geostrophic diagnostics. Weather discussions, map analysis, and forecast preparation.
Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: 11:670:210 and 324.
Weather Analysis and Forecasting II: Mesoscale Meteorology (3)
Real-time analysis and nowcasting of mesoscale atmospheric phenomena, including heavy snow, cold-air damming, severe weather, and flash floods. Case studies and weather discussions.
Laboratory. Prerequisite: 11:670:433.
Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere (3)
Methods and instruments of observation of the ocean (temperature, salinity, currents, sea state, turbidity, and pollutants) and atmosphere (temperature, water vapor, ozone, clouds, and wind).
Prerequisites: 01:640:251; 01:750:194 or equivalent.
Research Problems in Meteorology (BA,BA)
Independent study on atmospheric projects. Topics and requirements to be determined with the supervising instructor.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.