Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Introduction to Human Ecology (3)
The study of complex and varied patterns of interaction between people and the environment, with special attention to concepts, concerns, and methods of human ecology.
Global Environmental Change (3)
Scientific and policy dimensions of international environmental affairs; problems, response mechanisms, regional and national activities, and alternative strategies.
Energy and Society (3)
Main sources, transfers, and losses of energy in the biosphere; how they relate to human resources and enter the immediate environments of humans and other organisms.
Research Methods in Human Ecology (3)
The basic research techniques used by social scientists, planners, and others in writing social impact statements, evaluating programs, and carrying out basic research on human problems.
Rural Communities (3)
Investigations of the patterns of social life that prevail in the rural communities of developed and developing countries.
Rural Development (3)
Analysis of private and public efforts to make fuller use of human and natural resources in impoverished rural areas of the developed and developing worlds.
Urban Society and Environment (3)
Growth of cities in industrial countries, with emphasis on their physical and social environments and on policies for improvement.
Population, Resources, and Environment (3)
The interaction between populations, resources, and the environment in the developed and developing worlds.
Politics of Environmental Issues (3)
The content and process of policymaking concerning air and water quality, toxic wastes, energy, and other environmental issues.
Careers in Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior (1)
Career making and job seeking related to the EPIB major in fields such
as law, communication, health, government, industry, advocacy, and
education. Résumé writing and the job interview process. Selection of major electives, internships, and internship experiences.
Environment and Development (3)
Conflicts between development objectives and conservation goals. Institutional, scientific, and political factors in international agency activities. Focus on variations in environment-development conflicts according to development sectors.
Prerequisites: 01:119:103 or equivalent; 11:374:101,102, 201; 11:704:351.
Human Ecology of Maritime Regions (3)
The study of sociocultural factors affecting marine resource use, management, and conservation.
Environmental Problems in Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)
Historical aspects of environmental use and change in relation to present-day problems in sustaining the productivity of physical and biological systems.
Prerequisites: 01:119:103 or equivalent; 11:374:101,102, 201; 11:704:351.
Environmental Policy and Institutions (3)
Political, scientific, and economic dimensions of international resource and environmental policy development. Emphasis on the U.S. experience.
Prerequisites: 01:119:103 or equivalent; 11:374:101, 201; 11:704:351.
Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (3)
Application of theory and methods of social science, particularly the study of common property theory, to problems in natural resource management. Focus on water use, forestry, rangelands, and fisheries.
Prerequisite: 11:374:101.
International Environmental Policy (3)
The creation of international institutions to deal with shared and global environmental problems, such as ocean use and population. Assessment of the effectiveness of existing/proposed regimes, using decision-making simulations.
Prerequisites: 01:119:103 or equivalent; 11:374:101,102, 201; 11:704:351.
Environmental Behavior (3)
Understanding human behavior and attitudes as they relate to environmental protection efforts. Field project conducted by the class to promote environmentally desirable behavior.
Prerequisites: 01:119:103 or equivalent; 11:374:101,102, 201; 11:704:351.
Environmental Communication (3)
Development of skills in various modes to encourage environmental change: fact sheets, letters to the editor, press releases. Identification of key audiences and development of effective communication plans. Analysis and evaluation of efforts by industry, government, and advocacy groups.
Culture and Environment (3)
The interrelationship between culture and the environment among a wide variety of human groups.
Social Responses to Environmental Problems I,II (3,3)
Analysis of people's responses to environmental stresses or
disturbances and the ways in which response patterns change. Second semester: individual or group field research.
Systems Approaches and Interventions in Human Ecology (3)
Systems thinking and social-scientific perspectives for intervention; problem solving; and planning in agricultural, urban, environmental, and related organizational contexts. Field research, group facilitation, simulation, planning, and mediation. Ethics and professional practice.
To be taken concurrently with 11:374:490 or 491. Pre- or corequisite: 11:374:101 or permission.
Social and Ecological Aspects of Health and Disease (3)
The sociocultural factors affecting health status and disease frequency in human populations.
Advanced Research Methods and Theory (3)
Analysis of modes of explanation in social and ecological sciences: causal and noncausal explanations; the relation of processes and events; their usefulness for understanding behavior in different cultures and time periods.
Prerequisite: 11:374:201.
11:374:420 through 429
Topics in Environmental and Resource Policy (3 each)
Policy issues associated with a selected environmental and/or resource problem, focusing on risk and risk communication, science and policy, institutions, comparative national approaches, and policy implications of environmental change.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
11:374:430 through 439
Topics in Health and Environment (3 each)
Policy issues associated with a selected problem in human health and disease, food and hunger, or environmental and occupational health. The social sources of disease and malnutrition, and interventions to improve health.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Qualitative Research Methods (3)
Fundamentals of qualitative research, including research design,
developing useful questions, in-depth interviewing, summarizing
information and data analysis, and their applications in various
settings. Team research projects applied to current environmental problems.
Prerequisite: 11:374:201 or permission.
Readings and Practicum in Human Ecology (3,3)
Advanced interdisciplinary reading and independent research in human ecology under the guidance of a faculty member.
Environmental Studies Internship (BA)
Internships involving environmental research and policy at Rutgers, other institutions, public agencies, nongovernmental organizations, or businesses.
Prerequisite: Permission.
Environmental Communication Clinic (3)
Practicum in developing and implementing communication strategies. Team projects for nonprofit or government organizations facing environmental problems that require effective communication.
Prerequisite: 01:355:202,203 or equivalent, or permission.