16:186:855 (S)
Introduction to College Teaching (0)
Testing and grading; assessment and learning outcomes; technology in the classroom; teaching large classes; motivating students; developing a teaching philosophy; the multiple roles of the faculty member; professional responsibility; teaching portfolios; and an overview of the organization and administration of higher education in the United States.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Intended for doctoral students.
16:186:856 (F)
College Teaching II (0)
Students design a course they might someday teach and develop materials for it, including a syllabus, assignments, and teaching methodologies. Topics include establishing goals for a course, content delivery (including lecturing, class discussions, and active learning), assignment and assessment design, and setting course policies.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Intended for doctoral students who have at least two semesters of college teaching experience or who have taken Introduction to College Teaching.