Deterministic Models in Industrial Engineering (3)
Deterministic models of operations research. Linear programming, the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, transportation, assignment, and minimum cost network flow problems.
Altiok, Baykal-Gürsoy, Chaovaliwongse, Coit. Prerequisite: Introduction to linear programming.
Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering (3)
Stochastic models of operations research applied to queuing, reliability, supply chain, and other problems; Poisson processes; Markov chains; Markov processes; and renewal processes.
Albin, Altiok, Baykal-Gürsoy, Coit, Jafari. Prerequisite: Calculus-based course in probability.
Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering (3)
Methods and techniques of analysis applied to the design of inventory and distribution systems. Topics include sales forecasting, single- and multiechelon inventory and distribution systems, and routing and scheduling of product delivery.
Boucher, Luxhoj. Prerequisites: Probability and linear programming.
Case Studies in Supply Chain Engineering (3)
Supply chain practices in industry. Case
studies from industrial participants. Customer segmentation; centralization/decentralization; transparency and key customer integration requirements; and process organization and technology models. Quantitative approaches introduced.
Altiok, Chaovalitwongse. Prerequisite: 16:540:520.
Applied Queuing Theory (3)
Markovian and non-Markovian queuing models; networks of queues; numerical solutions, approximations; statistical estimation of system parameters; cost models; emphasis on queuing applications in manufacturing, production, and logistics.
Albin, Altiok, Baykal-Gürsoy. Prerequisite: 16:540:515.
Forecasting and Time Series Analysis (3)
Stationary and nonstationary time-series models for purposes of prediction. Estimating trend and seasonality. Various estimation and forecasting techniques. Smoothing techniques.
Baykal-Gürsoy, Luxhoj. Prerequisites: Calculus, statistics.
Network Applications in Industrial and Systems Engineering (3)
Flow problems in networks. Topics include shortest-route problems, critical path, and graph theory.
Altiok. Prerequisite: 14:540:311 or 16:540:510.
Computational Methods for Industrial Engineering (3)
Computational methods in modeling, planning, and control of production systems; numerical methods; artificial intelligence techniques; exact and heuristic search methods; and computational strategies.
Altiok, Chaovaliwongse, Jafari. Prerequisites: 16:540:510, 515.
Enterprise Integration (3)
Building and integrating information systems into manufacturing, engineering, and business functions in an enterprise. Methodological and practical aspects including client-server models, internet-based three-tiered system architecture, legacy systems, data transfer, and distributed computing. Project involves prototyping of small enterprise information systems from design to implementation.
Jafari. Prerequisite: 14:540:485.
Application of Human Factors to Decision Systems Engineering (3)
Introduction of human factors to engineering techniques. Decision-aiding concepts considered include prompting, expert systems, and artificial intelligence. Use of psychological scaling techniques in the development of a knowledge base for expert systems. Basic concepts in decision theory used in an analysis of decision elements of the FAA Air Traffic Control System and in the design of a panel or a keyboard.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Special Problems in Industrial Engineering (BA)
Special investigations in selected areas of industrial and systems engineering.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Manufacturing Project (3)
Understanding of the state of technology in discrete, batch, and continuous manufacturing; hands-on experience.
Boucher, Elsayed, Jafari, Ozel. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Simulation of Production Systems (3)
Discrete event simulation applied to problems in production, transportation, computing, and health care systems. ARENA simulation tool is utilized. Input/output analysis, verification and validation are emphasized. Interval estimates, variance reduction techniques, and statistics. Case studies are discussed.
Altiok, Elsayed, Jafari. Prerequisites: 14:540:311; 01:640:477 or 01:960:379; 01:640:481 or 01:960:381, 382, or equivalent; and FORTRAN or C.
Production Analysis (3)
Analysis of production engineering, with emphasis on planning and control of manufacturing and service systems.
Boucher, Coit, Elsayed, Luxhoj. Prerequisites: Probability and linear programming.
Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering II (3)
Advanced methods and techniques of analysis applied to the design and operation of
supply chains under uncertainty. Topics
include inventory control of perishable items, multiechelon inventory systems,
transportation system planning and analysis, joint inventory and transportation
planning models, and supply chain contracts.
Baykal-Gürsoy. Prerequisite: 16:540:520.
Facilities Planning and Design (3)
Operations research methodologies applied to facilities planning and design problems. Facilities layout and location problems, assembly-line balancing, conveyor design, and automated warehousing problems.
Coit, Luxhoj, Pham. Prerequisite: Deterministic models in operations research.
Automation and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing I (3)
Design of automated and computer-integrated manufacturing systems using programmable automation. Modeling of discrete and continuous control systems, implementation of programmable controllers, and factory information systems.
Boucher. Prerequisite: Introductory course in computer control or permission of instructor.
Applications of Robotics in Manufacturing Systems (3)
Integration of robots in manufacturing systems, design of robot workstations, materials handling, and interactions among manufacturing cells. Machine vision with applications in manufacturing.
Boucher, Jafari. Prerequisites: 14:540:343, 453, or equivalent.
Manufacturing Processes and Control (3)
Overview of controlling manufacturing processes, machine tools, and machining operations. Continuous and discrete domain transfer functions and control systems. Feedback and feedforward control of machine tools. Sensor-based and other advanced monitoring and control technology and manufacturing automation.
Ozel. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of manufacturing processes.
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (3)
Introduction to unit manufacturing processes (mass-change, phase-change, structure-change, deformation, consolidation). Metal cutting and materials removal. Nontraditional manufacturing processes (laser, water jet, electrical discharge machining, electrochemical machining). Thin-film processing. Rapid prototyping. Process selection and planning. Emphasis on process physics and analytical and computational procedures to predict manufactured product quality and production rate.
Ozel. Prerequisite: 14:540:303 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Engineering Economics I (3)
Economic decision models for engineers involving allocation and scheduling of resources; evaluation of factual and strategic alternatives; advanced risk and uncertainty analysis; and weighing and evaluating nonmonetary factors.
Boucher, Luxhoj. Prerequisite: Introductory course in engineering economics or equivalent.
Quality Management (3)
Quality management philosophies, Deming, Juran; quality planning, control, and improvement; quality systems, management organizations for quality assurance. Role of operations research.
System Reliability Engineering I (3)
Methods of measuring the reliability and effectiveness of complex engineering systems, including optimization theory, preventive maintenance models, and statistical analysis.
Coit, Elsayed, Pham. Prerequisite: Advanced probability or 16:540:515.
Maintenance Modeling and Optimization (3)
Maintenance issues; technical foundations for modeling such large-scale systems; approaches for
condition maintenance; and optimization methodologies for optimum inspection, repair, and maintenance schedules.
Coit, Elsayed. Prerequisite: 16:540:585.
Design of Engineering Experiments (3)
The efficient design, analysis, and interpretation of engineering experiments using statistical methods. Analysis of variance and covariance. Designs commonly used in engineering experimentation. Analysis of response surface. Computer applications.
Albin, Boucher. Prerequisite: Statistics.
Software Reliability I (3)
Software-reliability issues; software errors, faults, and failures; software design for reliability; data collection; formal methods for reliability; software fault tolerance; modeling growth in software reliability; cost modeling and estimation; and software quality management.
Pham. Prerequisite: 16:540:515 or 16:960:580.
Nonlinear Programming (3)
Approximate methods; Kuhn-Tucker theory; quadratic programming; integer linear programming; gradient methods; stochastic programming and computer solutions.
Chaovaliwongse. Prerequisite: 14:540:311 or equivalent.
Advanced Stochastic Modeling in ISE (3)
Stochastic modeling and control fundamentals of complex systems; renewal theory, Markov decision processes, martingales, and Brownian motion. Applications in reliability, transportation, telecommunication, and supply chain management.
Baykal-Gürsoy. Prerequisite: 16:540:515.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (3)
Supervisory control of discrete event dynamic systems, process monitoring, Petri nets, functional analysis, performance analysis, control specification, control verification and validation.
Jafari. Prerequisite: 16:540:515.
Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (3)
Modeling of manufacturing systems such as flow shops, job shops, transfer lines, and production/inventory systems. Topics include problems of failures and repairs, the role of buffer inventories, capacity allocation, decomposition, approximations, pull-type systems, and the Kanban concept.
Altiok. Prerequisite: 16:540:515.
Inventory Control (3)
Modeling of pure inventory systems with stochastic demand and lead times. Characterization of optimal control policies and analysis of single as well as multi-item systems with simple and multiple echelons. Supply chain management under substitutable products and under correlated demand.
Altiok, Baykal-Gürsoy. Prerequisites: 16:540:515, 525.
Theory of Scheduling (3)
Advanced topics in sequencing and scheduling for manufacturing and service systems; flow shop, job shop-static and dynamic models; multiprocessor parallel machining; preempt-resume algorithms; optimal due-date problems; probabilistic sequencing; simulation and applied operations research models.
Elsayed, Luxhoj. Prerequisite: Production planning and control.
Automation and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing II (3)
Design of automated and computer-integrated manufacturing systems using programmable automation. Modeling, specification, and implementation of factory information systems. Reference models and control architecture for discrete parts manufacturing, batch process manufacturing, and semiconductor manufacturing industries.
Boucher, Jafari. Prerequisite: 16:540:568 or permission of instructor.
Laser-Based Micromanufacturing (3)
Introduction to laser materials processing, micromanufacturing, and MEMS. Advances and opportunities made possible by application of laser-based micromanufacturing processes. Applications of laser micromachining, laser thin-film processing, laser microheat treatment, laser microwelding, and laser microrapid prototyping. Process modeling, planning, and integration issues.
Ozel. Prerequisite: 16:540:573.
Advanced Engineering Economics II (3)
Focuses on engineering economic decision making. Application of analytical techniques to the evaluation of industrial projects, the relationship of project selection to long-range planning, and the relationship between the economics of technical choice and industrial productivity.
Boucher, Luxhoj. Prerequisite: 16:540:575 or permission of instructor.
Production and Quality Engineering (3)
Integration of research in quality and production. Topics include models that relate quality and inventory policies, scheduling, setup costs, lot sizing, production cycles, scrap, rework, repair, location of inspection stations, process control, and electronics testing and manufacturing.
Albin, Elsayed. Prerequisites: Production planning and control, operations research.
Process Modeling and Control (3)
Univariate and multivariate stationary (ARMA); nonstationary (ARIMA) time-series models for forcasting and process control; various automatic process control (APC) strategies; statistical process control (SPC) methods; and integration of APC and SPC.
Baykal-Gürsoy. Prerequisite: 16:540:515.
System Reliability Engineering II (3)
Advanced topics in reliability theory and engineering; reliability optimization; theory of preventive maintenance, replacement, and inspection; accelerated life reliability models; renewal processes; and maximum likelihood estimation.
Coit, Elsayed, Pham. Prerequisite: 16:540:585.
Component Reliability (3)
Emphasizes reliability estimation of components stressed through different types of stresses such as thermal, electric field, humidity, vibration, and fatigue. Burn-in testing, reliability estimation from degradation data, and relationships between accelerated stresses and normal operating conditions.
Coit, Elsayed, Pham. Prerequisite: 16:540:685.
Seminar in Industrial and Systems Engineering (0,0)
Lectures by graduate students, faculty, and invited speakers on current research topics in industrial and systems engineering.
Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering (3)
Seminar for doctoral students in a selected area of industrial engineering. Based on current literature.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Software Reliability II (3)
Advanced topics in software reliability modeling, calibrating models, software-related problems, software-hardware reliability modeling, and software cost modeling.
Pham. Prerequisite: 16:540:595 or permission of instructor.
Research in Industrial and Systems Engineering (BA,BA)