Animal Biotechnology (3)
The theory underlying current techniques used in animal biotechnology and their applications to animal agriculture and the biomedical field. Ethical and social issues associated with animal biotechnology.
Physiology of Reproduction (3)
Reproductive physiology of the higher vertebrates. The estrous, menstrual, and ovulation cycles; pregnancy; and parturition and lactation. Emphasis on growth areas in the field of reproductive physiology research.
Prerequisites: Organic chemistry, vertebrate physiology.
Principles of Integrative Physiology (3)
Organizing principles and design constraints of physiological processes, including homeostasis, size effects, temperature, water balance, energy balance, and functional trade-offs.
Prerequisite: Systems physiology or equivalent.
Ruminant Nutrition (4)
Nutritional adequacy of feedstuffs as related to nutrient requirements and utilization, and metabolism in the ruminant animal for product development. Experimental designs in ruminal nutrition; anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract; rumen fermentation; water, lipid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism; appetite; palatability; and control of feed intake.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: An introductory course in biochemistry or nutrition.
Equine Exercise Physiology (3)
Physiological and environmental factors associated with exercise in the horse.
Prerequisite: An introductory course in physiology.
Neuroendocrinology (3)
The role of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland in reproduction, stress, growth, biological rhythms, drug addiction, and immunity at the organismic, cellular, and molecular levels.
Special Problems in Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences (BA,BA)
Topics in Domestic Animal Nutrition (2)
Nutrient intake and metabolism and the partitioning of nutrients in pregnancy, lactation, and growth. Basic mechanisms and applications to production species.
Recent Advances in Endocrinology (2)
Survey and analysis of current literature pertaining to endocrinology.
Topics in Animal Growth (2)
Growth in animals considered from a mathematical, biochemical, nutritional, and endocrinological basis.
Current Topics in Metabolic Regulation (2)
Consideration of metabolic regulation discussed in reference to animals from a biochemical and molecular biological viewpoint. Discussions based on presentations by students and instructor using examples from current literature.
Prerequisites: Biochemistry and a course in physiology.
Topics in Animal Behavior (2)
Behavior of animals considered from endocrinological, evolutionary, and nutritional bases.
Animal Pharmaceuticals: From Discovery through Market (3)
The process of discovery, formulation, development (including safety and effectiveness), and registration of new animal drugs; overview of the worldwide animal health market.
Seminar in Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences (1,1)
Research in Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences (BA,BA)