Normally, candidates for graduate degrees are expected to earn a grade of B or better in all coursework.
Each student's program is monitored by the entire faculty, and their work is evaluated at the end of each semester. Only those students whose work meets approval by the faculty may proceed to the next year of the program.
Official notification of academic probation, academic warning, academic dismissal, or artistic dismissal is handled by the Mason Gross School of the Arts Scholastic Standing Committee. The committee acts on recommendations submitted by the departmental Scholastic Standing Committee.
Any student may be required to terminate their graduate studies and withdraw from the Mason Gross School of the Arts if they fail to maintain satisfactory academic or professional standards in any phase of the graduate program. Failure to maintain professional standards is regarded grounds for as artistic dismissal. Artistic dismissal is subject to review by the dean of the school.
Upholding Professional Standards
Mason Gross trains students to be professional artists. As such, students are expected to comport themselves with integrity according to the accepted standards of the profession both in their work at Mason Gross and in their outside performances and exhibitions. As has been the policy and practice of the Mason Gross School of the Arts for many years, failure to maintain professional standards is grounds for artistic dismissal whether the behavior occurs on or off campus.