A grade of B
or better is expected in all coursework. No grade below B is acceptable in the
student's performance specialty or major. Up to 3 credits of C-level work in courses outside of the student's performance specialty or major may be counted toward their degree. No more than 3 credits of C-level work will be permitted toward the master of music (M.M.) degree.
Students are considered to be in good standing in the program and to be making satisfactory progress toward their degree unless they are officially notified to the contrary by the graduate adviser under advice of the Graduate Oversight Committee. In performance areas, the committee regularly reviews a student's contribution to ensembles and other departmental activities. It also looks at any concerns that the faculty might have about the student's level of performance. The committee may recommend continuation, probational continuation with possible loss or reduction of any financial aid, or dismissal from the program for artistic or academic reasons. In performance areas, the student must perform before a jury at the end of every semester, except for those in which a degree recital has been presented satisfactorily.
A student may appeal a recommendation for probational continuation or dismissal to the dean of Mason Gross School of the Arts. If the dean upholds the judgement of the Graduate Oversight Committee, there is no further appeal.