Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering before 2010
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering in or subsequent to 2010
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs (Ed.M.)
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree State Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16:300)
Ph.D. in Higher Education Courses (16:507)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Design of Learning Environments (262)
Teacher Leadership (267)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Gifted Education (294)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology and School Counseling (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2019-2021 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)  

Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)

Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)

For the most recent, and often more detailed, course descriptions from most recent course offerings, please see
15:310:500 Curriculum and Instruction (3)

Integrated view of problems of curriculum and instruction at the elementary and secondary levels, including the various roles of the professional teacher, problems of curriculum design, and interrelationships between current issues and social forces.

15:310:502 History of American Education (3) This course examines the history of education in the United States from colonial times to the present, including critical analysis of the roles of race, class, gender, and religion. We construe education broadly, including elementary, secondary, and higher education, in institutional and noninstitutional settings. Emphasizes the skills of historical interpretation and argumentation, research, and primary source analysis, culminating in an independent research project.
15:310:503 Comparative Education (3) Contemporary educational theory and practice as reflected in the analysis of national educational systems. Focus on international reform policies, comparative assessments, and the influence of globalization.
15:310:505 Curriculum Development in the Secondary School (3) Augments through practical application various curriculum theories, determinants, principles, and trends. Each student has the opportunity to design a comprehensive curriculum with reference to an actual secondary school situation. Recommended: Secondary school teaching experience.
15:310:508 Society, Community, and Education (3) The community context of education, including the early socialization of the child, stratification of the population, political control of education, and the informal impact of community; the interpretative framework of society. Students may concentrate on specific community studies or dimensions of particular personal concern.
15:310:510 Curriculum of Middle and Junior High School (3) Analysis and evaluation of significant curriculum practices of the middle and junior high school with suggestions for new lines of development; consideration given to organizational patterns.
15:310:512 Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in Education (3) Explores the complex relationship between race, ethnicity, and inequality in U.S. education. Drawing on multiple disciplinary frameworks, the course examines schools as sites where racial/ethnic inequality is both produced and resisted. The course interrogates the idea of "race" from various theoretical perspectives. It examines the history of exclusionary treatment of racially oppressed groups, and the divergent conceptual frames that educational researchers have utilized to understand how race and ethnicity affect school experiences. It looks inside schools to explore the institutional structures and everyday practices of schooling that produce and sustain inequality. The course analyzes policies that aim to remedy educational inequities. Prerequisites: 15:310:520 or 531, or permission of instructor.
15:310:515 Philosophy of Education (3) Twentieth-century educational theorists. The public school movement, the school/education tension, and contemporary trends.
15:310:520 Sociological Foundations of Education (3) Leading principles of sociology and anthropology and exploration of their function in education; topics include the concepts of status and role in the school, role conflicts, the social system and culture of the school, social class difference in education, and functional analyses of educational problems.
15:310:521 Social Philosophies and Education (3) The meaning and purpose of public education in a democratic society. Ideology critique, conceptual analysis, and school study.
15:310:522 History of School Reform in America (3)

This course examines three key phases of K-12 school reform in America: the Progressive Era, the civil rights movement, and our current period of standards-based reform. For each reform period there will be an examination of the competing claims of historians and policy analysts over what happened, why, and how we know. The course will also examine primary sources used to make our own interpretations of historical change. Why do some reforms succeed while others fail? How does our understanding of the past inform our current prognosis of the problems and solutions for American education? Students will leave the course with a solid understanding of modern American educational history, historiography, and the process of school reform.

15:310:524 Education and Social Change (3) The sociological approach to social change; various definitions and sources of social change; the role of education as an aspect of planned change; and the historical role of education as a normative institution in light of society's need for radicals and radical thinking.
15:310:528 Contemporary Issues in American Education (3) Current criticism of education, its practices, and theory.
15:310:531 Anthropology of Education (3) Examines the relationship between individuals, culture, learning, and teaching from the perspectives of educational anthropology. Cultural anthropology as a field broadens our definition of education to include all forms of teaching and learning--within and outside of schooling. Education is constituted by the variable and dynamic processes through which humans teach and learn values, norms, ethics, skills, behaviors, knowledge, etc., of their cultures and societies. This course is organized around several key themes in the field of educational anthropology and is designed to orient students to some of the foundational concepts and debates in the discipline.
15:310:535 Problems in Secondary School Teaching (3) Analysis of teaching problems in classroom situations in light of research and practice. Prerequisite: 3 graduate credits in secondary education or secondary curriculum.
15:310:536 Methods of Educational Ethnography (3)

This course is an introduction to doing and thinking about educational ethnography. Ethnography is the study of culture and social organization through fieldwork. Participant observation and interviews are the primary tools of the ethnographic trade. Ethnographic research is descriptive and interpretive in nature. Ethnographic research represents the various ways that people live and make sense of their experiences, and it describes the types of social organizations (for example, gender relations, class relations, racial/ethnic formations, and local and national contexts) that, in part, structure social actions and meanings. Students will learn ethnographic methods by doing them. Applicable as a research course. Open to doctoral candidates.

Prerequisites: 15:310:520 or 531, an introductory course in qualitative methods, or permission of the instructor.
15:310:537 Ethics and Education (3) Examination of ethical theory and its relation to dilemmas of educational practice and policy. Focus on connections between various theoretical approaches to ethics, such as pragmatic, feminist, and metaethical, and a range of practical and policy questions in education, such as grading, discipline, and professionalism.
15:310:540 Gender and Education (3) This course is designed to provide an overview of the major discussions and debates in the area of gender and education. In addition, there will be an opportunity to pursue some topics in greater depth through reading and research projects. While the intersections of gender, race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality are emphasized throughout the course, the focus of the research read is on gender and education in English-speaking countries (e.g., the United States, Great Britain, and Australia). This course examines theoretical understandings of gender and uses these theoretical frameworks to read popular literature on gender and education. It focuses on key issues in relationship to gender, teaching, and learning and draws on varied disciplines to investigate gender in theory and educational practice.
15:310:542 Urban Education (3) This course is an introduction to urban education in the United States. It is designed to deepen students' knowledge of the complexity and challenge of providing quality education for students in urban schools. Examines historical, political, economic, and sociocultural frameworks for understanding urban education. Also considers various structural and pedagogical approaches to improving urban schooling. Prerequisite: Nonmatriculated students need consent of instructor.
15:310:551 Education and Society (3) Do schools disrupt or reproduce social and economical inequality? Is education a force for social change or for the maintenance of the status quo? What is the relationship between learning, identity, and society? This seminar brings together sociological and anthropological theory and forms of inquiry to analyze critical questions such as these, in the fields of learning, schooling, and education. We will consider a range of critical and interpretive theories and their relation to social practice in contemporary cultural-historical contexts. Students will read, discuss, and write about both classic and contemporary research and theory, engaging with the question of how education might come to constitute itself otherwise than in its current form.
15:310:561 History of African-American Education (3) Examines the history, theory, and current reality of African-American education in the United States. The course examines several key questions: Is there such a thing as African-American education, and if so why? How do we explain the origins and development of educational institutions created by or for Americans of African descent? What were the successes and failures of the civil rights movement in education? How have historians explained the history of African-American education and how have these explanations changed with time? And finally, what are the problems and promises of education for African Americans today? The course includes weekly reading responses, a research paper (done in groups or individually), and a final reflective essay.
15:310:562 Issues in African-American Studies II (3) Contemporary aspects of African-American studies: the relevance of African-American studies to current problems, the role such studies may play in public school curricula, and the impact of such studies on minority group members.
15:310:568 Migration, Globalization, and U.S. Education (3) Globalization and mass migration are reconfiguring the modern world and reshaping the contours of nation-states. This course focuses on the experiences of the youngest members of these global migration patterns--children and youth--and asks: What do these global flows mean for educating young people to be members of the multiple communities to which they belong? What is globalization and why is it leading to new patterns of migration? How do children and youth experience ruptures and continuities across contexts of migration? How do language policies affect young people's capacity to be educated in a new land? What does it mean to forge a sense of belonging and citizenship in a "glocalized" world, and how does this challenge our models of national citizenship? How are the processes by which young people are incorporated into their new country entwined with structures of race, class, and gender? Drawing on fiction, autobiography, and anthropological and sociological research this class will explore these questions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
15:310:569 Queer Issues in School (3) Introduces students to queer issues as they arise in and around U.S. public schools.  Draws on multiple disciplines (e.g. history, sociology, law) to examine the intersections of queer issues and queer theory, the experiences of queer students and queer educators historically and at the present, educational laws and policies, curricula and pedagogies, intersectionality and queer diversities, and queer activism. Using course readings, class discussions and activities, and written reflections, students will learn to apply queer theory to begin uncovering queer erasure, homophobia, and heterosexism in schooling contexts. In addition, students will collaborate toward designing more socially just formations of U.S. public schooling vis-a-vis queer issues.
15:310:578 Education for Global Citizenship: Theories, Models, and Practices (3) This online course addresses the historic and contemporary literature regarding conceptions of global citizenship, directly engaging the ongoing work of scholars, the United Nations, UNESCO, and other international and intergovernmental organizations in this field. Students will be introduced to theoretical foundations and diverse program models of global citizenship as well as educational practices across the globe designed to develop future global citizens. The strengths and limitations of global citizenship models will be analyzed, and the relationships of such models to initiatives and activities of the United Nations concerning human rights, peace and security, and global development will also be explored. Course assessments include essays, online discussions, and a culminating course project where students will design a model educational program focused on advancing global citizenship for a specific audience.
15:310:581 Special Issues in Higher Education (BA) Foundations course emphasizing sociological and philosophical dimensions of the college and its environment. Current issues are studied in depth and determined by mutual interest of staff and students.
15:310:599 Master's Thesis Research (BA) The library research, data gathering, and writing necessary to produce an acceptable thesis. Work is planned and carried out under the supervision of the thesis committee. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser. Required of students who plan to submit a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree.
15:310:601 Problems in the History of Education (3) Selected problems in the history of education; works of major figures as they relate to the history of education. Applicable as a research course. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:602 Directed Reading in the Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (BA) Extensive reading in the humanistic and sociological foundations of education. Careful consideration given to the interests and background of the individual students in devising the reading list. Reports and/or papers on the reading required. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser.
15:310:603 Seminar in Ethnography (3) Designed for students interested in conducting ethnographic pilot research in anticipation of writing dissertations. Enhances methodological skills required for such research designs, sustained data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. Provides support system for sustained peer review and collaboration in developing research designs and doing fieldwork.
15:310:605 Practicum in School Supervision and Curriculum Development (BA) Laboratory course for advanced students and in-service teachers, administrators, and supervisors. Analysis and treatment of problems relative to curriculum, teaching, and supervision. A problem topic must be selected by the student and approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:607 Seminar: Special Problems in Educational Theory (3) Theoretical aspects of education. Topics selected for study and particular approaches vary from semester to semester. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:610 Independent Study in Social and Philosophical Foundations (BA) Gives students an opportunity to pursue study in areas of their own interest. Students who have well-structured areas of interest will, in consultation with appropriate faculty, design a plan of study and execute it.
15:310:611 History of Higher Education I (3) Explores the history of American higher education from its origins to the present; aims of higher education and the forms taken by institutions are examined in the context of social and intellectual history.
15:310:612 Topics in Higher Education (3) A research seminar that provides the opportunity for intensive and extensive analysis of particular issues and problems in the history of American higher education.  
15:310:615 Seminar in Philosophy of Education (3) Technical problems in philosophy of education. Each student writes and defends at least one research paper on some problem in philosophy of education. Applicable as a research course. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:625 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum Theory and Development (3) Research and theories employed in developing various curricula and the means for testing curriculum theories. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:701 Research in Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (BA) For graduate students writing doctoral dissertations on topics in the social and philosophical foundations of education (anthropology, curriculum theory and development, economics of education, educational theory, history, philosophy, or sociology).
15:310:800 Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
15:310:866 Graduate Assistantship (E-BA) Students who hold graduate assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per semester in this course.
15:310:877 Teaching Assistantship (E-BA) Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per semester in this course.
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