Graduate Courses (Special Education 293)
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3)
an overview of the field of emotional and behavior disorders (EBD). The causes,
characteristics, assessment, and research-based interventions for students with
EBD will be the focus of the class.
School Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents (3)
Prepares teachers and school counselors to collaboratively implement school-based mental services. This course provides a foundation for school mental health services by exploring the history and future of best practices. Best practice interventions and strategies to: (a) increase child and adolescent school engagement, attention and organization, and self-regulation; (b) respond to school crises, disruptive behavior, chronic health concerns, and autism spectrum disorders; and (c) screen and monitor student progress, consult and collaborate with other professionals, and provide services in classrooms will be taught. Barriers and facilitators will be explored and methods of overcoming those barriers will be taught.
Open only to counseling and special education students.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3)
Examines definitions and characteristics of children and adults with severe intellectual disabilities and those with autism spectrum disorders. Research on the psychological and educational aspects of these conditions are related to human development over the life span.
Learning Disabilities (3)
Origins of the concept of learning disabilities (LD). Cognitive and neuropsychological test patterns as LD indicators. Emphasis on cognitive characteristics that distinguish students with disabilities in the areas of reading, mathematics, attentional processes, organization for learning, and executive functioning. Influence of emotional and sociocultural factors on self-image and academic performance.
Inclusive Teaching in Education (3)
The purpose of this course is to prepare general educators to be able to: 1) understand the nature of various disabilities and the laws that govern their education; 2) learn how to use accommodations, strategies, and techniques so that ALL students will benefit from instruction; 3) develop behavior management strategies to work with difficult students; and 4) learn how to work with other school professionals as part of the team effort that supports students who are at-risk.
The Family and the Disabled Person (3)
Interactional effects of the disabled person and the family; topics include the nature of intrafamily dynamics, life span development, parent educational programs, and the use of community resources by the family.
Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3)
The course develops foundational knowledge in the characteristics, identification, educational needs, and development of students with disabilities, as well as other youth and adults with exceptionalities. Examines multiple factors linked to and influences on the cognitive, educational, communication, motor, and social development of individuals with disabilities and other exceptionalities. The legal, research, and ethical bases for comprehensive programs for exceptional children and adults will be examined.
Identification and Assessment of Learning Disabilities (3)
Issues related to the psychoeducational assessment of learning disabilities; specific assessment instruments, both formal and informal; and guidelines for interpretation.
Prerequisites: 15:291:515, 16:960:531.
Remediation of Learning Disabilities (3)
Approaches to treating and managing learning disabilities; intervention approaches in special and regular educational settings; emphasis on developmental approaches.
Prerequisite: 15:293:526.
Systematic Instruction in Special Education (3)
Instructional performance analyses and intervention with exceptional learners conducted within several areas of academic and social functioning.
Prerequisites: 15:293:526, 529.
Instructional Decision-Making in Special Education (3)
Management, curricular and instructional variables, and techniques related to the education of exceptional learners; formulating instructional decisions from student performance data; and various means for data collection and instructional intervention.
Prerequisite: 15:293:526.
Instruction for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities (3)
Provides a practical overview of the field of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) for in-service and future educators planning on working with these populations of students. The course will emphasize learners with mild/moderate disabilities on the spectrum and mild intellectual disabilities. It serves a dual purpose in familiarizing students with the common characteristics of ASD and ID while also placing a particular emphasis on the importance of adopting empirically validated instructional strategies for these learners. Issues of equity and fairness in the classification and instruction of students with these disabilities will also be addressed.
Prerequisite: 05:300:383 or 15:295:525.
Assessment and Measurement for Special Education (3)
This course provides students with knowledge, skills, and understanding of assessment issues related to students in general and special education settings. Topical coverage includes the types and characteristics of assessments; an introduction to formal and informal (functional) assessment in special education; and the use of assessment information to determine special education eligibility, identify current academic and nonacademic performance, set instructional goals, monitor progress, and determine the effectiveness of instruction. Current legal and ethical issues in assessment are discussed including participation in state and local assessment programs, appropriate grading and testing accommodations, and assessment of students from diverse backgrounds.
Prerequisite: 05:300:306.
Classroom Organization for Inclusive and Special Classrooms (3)
Focuses on special education classroom and behavior management. This course is based on the premise that an effectively run classroom supports student engagement in learning; creates a caring, respectful environment; and facilitates self-discipline, independence, personal responsibility, and prosocial behavior. Course content moves along a continuum from functional assessment of behavioral difficulties to prevention of problem behavior through effective management and instruction to utilization of less intrusive strategies to the use of more intensive strategies, crisis deescalation, and intervention.
Seminar in Special Education (3)
Focuses on the process of doctoral-level preparation and helps students prepare for the integration of their internship experience with their professional goals; current developments and issues in special education; research, teaching, and service areas reviewed as they relate to the preparation of leadership personnel in special education.
Open only to students admitted to the Ed.D. program in special education.
Collaboration, Consultation, and Coteaching in Education (3)
Context, processes, and
content for collaboration and consultation; roles and responsibilities of
special education and general educators in collaborative and inclusion
settings; communication and partnership skills to become better collaborators,
team teachers, and consultants; effective communication with parent/legal
guardians and other professionals.
Research in Special Education (BA)
Under supervision of a faculty member, independent research study suitable for professional presentation and publication.
Prerequisites: 16:960:531,532; or equivalent.
New Jersey Special Education Law (3)
Critical analysis of the current New Jersey special education statute and regulations. The impact of New Jersey law on professional practice in the school emphasized.
Designing Interventions and Measuring Outcomes in Special Education (3)
Provides knowledge and experience in the process of designing academic and social-emotional interventions, determining appropriate methodologies for studying outcomes, developing specific measures, and analyzing results. While the course involves ongoing study of intervention design, measurement, and evaluation, it provides basic content during the first three weeks, followed by two five-week team projects, where students go through an entire process from conceptualization to design and data analysis. Teams engage in an academic and a social-emotional intervention project. The course provides students with data sets to analyze based on team intervention designs, specific variables, and related parameters, using data simulation software. Concludes with a synthesis session.
Etiology of Cognitive and Affective Disabilities (3)
Etiology of serious cognitive and affective disorders examined in reference to biogenic and sociogenic factors.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Cognitive Abilities and Education of Profoundly and Multiply Handicapped Children (3)
Identification of cognitive abilities and education of profoundly and multiply handicapped children; literature reviewed for the purpose of developing skills in formulating educational strategies for the severely disabled.
Prerequisite: Permission of adviser.
Current Topics in Special Education (BA)
Selected topics and issues affecting the education of atypical learners. Topics will vary. Consult instructor before registering.
Internship in Special Education (3)
Students spend one or two consecutive semesters in supervised field experiences at special education facilities consonant with program and individual goals. Possible internships include college or university teaching, administration of special education programs, research, or service with the New Jersey Department of Education. Periodic seminars with program faculty.
Prerequisite: Completion of core credits in the Ed.D. program.
Practicum in Special Education (3)
This practicum is designed to prepare students seeking New Jersey certification as a learning disability teacher consultant. Students will be mentored by a member of the child study team in a school setting. Conducting student assessments and preparing written reports will be required.
Prerequisites: 15:293:526 and 527. Students must be admitted into and currently enrolled in either the LDT-C master's or nondegree program and have completed all required program courses in order to be permitted to register for this course. Faculty may be able to waive the prerequisite when one course other than 15:293:522, 15:293:526, and 15:293:527 still needs to be completed after the practicum due to scheduling problems.