Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering before 2010
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering in or subsequent to 2010
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs (Ed.M.)
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree State Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16:300)
Ph.D. in Higher Education Courses (16:507)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Design of Learning Environments (262)
Teacher Leadership (267)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Gifted Education (294)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology and School Counseling (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2019-2021 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) Teacher Leadership (267)  

Teacher Leadership (267)

Graduate Courses (Teacher Leadership 267)

For the most recent, and often more detailed, course descriptions from most recent course offerings, please see
15:267:604 Models of Professional Development and Change (3) The purpose of this class is for practitioner-leaders to learn about the research on teacher learning and professional development and then to explore specific models of professional development. The class will have three components: exploring knowledge in the field about best practices; hands-on experiences to explore the learning potentialities of three models of professional development--each focusing on a different aspect of practice; and opportunities to try out, reflect on, and revise approaches to implementing these models through field experiences in students' work settings. By integrating interactive technology (e.g., blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc.) into course activities, the course will also explore the ways in which multimodal learning and technologies are changing the ways people think, perceive, and process knowledge. Prerequisite: Admission in the Ed.D. program.
15:267:610 Educating Teachers (3) This class is designed specifically for students who are currently working in, or seek to work in a teacher education institution (community college or university). Students will examine the research based on teacher education, routes to preparation, and what is known about effective curriculum and strategies used to educate teachers into the profession. Most importantly, students will explore the challenges facing teachers in the 21st century and how to use research-proven practices to develop teachers who are committed to social justice and improving the educational outcomes of all learners. Prerequisite: Admission in the Ed.D. program.
15:267:618 Teacher Leadership Inquiry (1.5) This course is based on the assumption that practitioner research is a significant and practical way to improve practice, solve problems, and stay energized as a teacher, administrator, professional developer, or other educational practitioner. The class emphasizes both the development of practice-based strategies for doing research and the importance and value of taking an "inquiry stance" on practice. It is assumed that some of the most important sources of learning for an educational practitioner emerge through self-reflection and questioning, and data collections and analysis from and with the "stakeholders" in the learning context. Prerequisite: Admission in the Ed.D. program.
15:267:620 Sustaining Practitioner Change (1.5) This class builds on the leadership, learning, and broad contexts experiences in the core courses and the models of professional development course in the concentration. It is designed to help students think strategically about ways to support and contribute to ongoing improvements in teaching through adult learning/professional development and school improvement efforts. At the end of this course, participants will be able to draw on a repertoire of tools and strategies to support teachers in making and sustaining significant changes in practice. This class will concentrate on working with participants to create workplaces for ongoing teacher learning and growth. Students will learn about and practice different ways to build capacity and support by accessing and using community resources, developing networks and relationships with key stakeholders, and building functional teams and communities of practice. Students will also learn how to develop effective evaluation tools and communicative strategies that help with building support for ongoing improvement and professional development initiatives. Additionally students will learn strategies to prevent burnout and stay current while also helping colleagues to learn and change. Prerequisite: Admission in the Ed.D. program.
15:267:622 Teacher Leadership: Theory and Practice (3) This graduate seminar explores the theoretical foundation and research that surround the practice of teacher leadership.
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