Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering before 2010
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering in or subsequent to 2010
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs (Ed.M.)
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree State Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16:300)
Ph.D. in Higher Education Courses (16:507)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Design of Learning Environments (262)
Teacher Leadership (267)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Gifted Education (294)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology and School Counseling (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2019-2021 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) Language Education (253)  

Language Education (253)

Graduate Courses (Language Education 253)

Language education includes bilingual-bicultural, English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a foreign language, and foreign language education.

For the most recent, and often more detailed, course descriptions from most recent course offerings, please see
15:253:509 Teaching Content Area Bilingually (3) Theories underlying bilingual teaching, using both the native and second languages as media of instruction; emphasis on bilingual techniques and materials in specific content areas. Content area announced each semester.
15:253:510 Academic English in Content Areas (3) This survey course provides pre-service teachers and current practitioners with a working understanding of the concept of "academic English" and how it can be taught across the grade levels and content areas. It provides students with the foundation for analyzing the language and content demands of academic English in the mainstream and English as a second language (ESL) classroom and the current research on the ways ESL students can best be taught academic English.
15:253:511 ESL in Secondary School Methods (3) This course will provide an introduction to teaching English to speakers of other languages in secondary schools within two contexts: English as a second language (ESL) and also as a foreign language (EFL).  Although the text addresses the teaching of a variety of domains such as listening, speaking, etc., students will learn about the latest trends that address the needs of learners of English (ELLs)--emerging bilinguals in a variety of contexts--starting from understanding English language learners to assessing their progress. Through required classroom observations, students will gain insight and knowledge about the type of students they will be or are teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to language education program.
15:253:519 The Bilingual Student in the Classroom (3) Policies and practices, such as racism, classism, and ethnocentrism, that impede the development of minority students in schools; program models and institutional changes that can increase access and equity for language minority students. Field-based research on bilingual and ESL programs in schools and colleges.
15:253:520 Principles of Language Learning: Second and World Language Acquisition (3) Introductory course that examines the research and theory on first and second language acquisition related to children, teens, and adults in the United States and abroad.
15:253:521 Introduction to ESL/Elementary Methods (3) Course provides an introduction to the field of English as a second language instruction and pedagogy for PK-5th grade learners.
Prerequisite: 15:253:520 or permission of instructor.
15:253:522 Bilingual-Bicultural Education (3) Bilingual education in the United States and abroad; basic assumptions underlying bilingualism-biculturalism in a multiethnic society.
15:253:523 Language and Culture (3) The relationship of linguistic, cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral patterns within each culture and how they affect cross-cultural communication and language education. Prerequisite: 15:253:520.
15:253:525 Cultural Contrasts in Language Education (3) Advanced study of cultural patterns in selected contemporary societies, and their reflection in language. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:253:527 Topics in Language Education (3) Current issues that affect foreign language, English as a second/foreign language, and bilingual-bicultural education. Topics differ each semester the course is offered. Consult instructor for description of topic. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:253:529 Field Experience in Bilingual-Bicultural Education (3) Field experience in bilingual education, which may consist of a supervised teaching experience, observation and critical analysis of model bilingual classes, development and field testing of an experimental instructional unit, or another special project approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:253:530 Foundations of Language I (3) Provides an introduction to the field of language and linguistics. It is primarily for graduate students who intend to teach a language, are current language teaching practitioners, doctoral students who wish to conduct research, and/or master of arts degree students who are matriculated in the master's certification programs listed under the GSE Language Education program and master's and doctoral programs in the School of Arts and Sciences Spanish Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition. It covers phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language processing, language variation, language contact, language change, among others. Its goal is to provide students with an overview of these areas as it situates and prepares students for further courses in the Language Education program or a degree in Spanish Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition. Formerly 16:300:535.
15:253:531 Foundations of Language II (3) Second of a two-semester general linguistics sequence. Topics include morphology; grammatical theory (a comparison of traditional grammar, American structuralism, generative grammar, and sign-based functionalism); historical linguistics; history of English; the Indo-European family of languages; and linguistic geography. Prerequisite: 05:300:434 or 16:300:535.
15:253:533 Topics in Linguistics (3) Current problems and issues in theoretical and applied linguistics. Topics differ each semester the course is offered, according to the needs and interests of the students taking it. Consult instructor for description of topics. Prerequisite: 16:300:535.
15:253:536 English Structure and Phonology (3)

Sign-based, communicative approach to English grammar. Students develop their own sign-based analyses of English and the teaching procedures needed to implement them in the classroom. Some attention to French, Spanish, German, and Latin grammar; contrastive analysis between English and another language.

Prerequisite: 16:300:535.
15:253:537 Language in Society (3)

Review of research on how language reflects and reinforces race, class, gender, and ethnicity in everyday interactions, educational settings, and other professional settings such as law and health; antibias/multicultural education with an orientation toward identifying and changing bias at the interpersonal as well as institutional level.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:253:538 Methods for Teaching and Assessing World Language Learners (3) An introduction to methods of teaching and assessing world language learners. Through course readings, seminar discussions, clinical experiences, and in-class presentations, students will develop expertise in two main areas: 1) methods for teaching students of world languages and 2) research-based best practices and policies for working in a variety of programs. The class includes a clinical experience with observations in a school in New Jersey. Prerequisite: Admission to language education initial teacher licensure program.
15:253:539 Methods for Teaching and Assessing English Language Learners (3) An introduction to methods of teaching and assessing English language learners. Through course readings, seminar discussions, clinical experiences, and in-class presentations, students will develop expertise in two main areas: 1) methods for teaching emergent bilinguals and 2) research-based best practices and policies for working in a variety of programs. The class includes a clinical experience with observations in a school in New Jersey. Prerequisite: Admission to language education initial teacher licensure program.
15:253:540 Teaching English Language Learners (3) This introductory course provides pre-service teachers and current practitioners with an understanding of how to teach English language learners or emerging bilinguals. Provides students with the foundations to guide them in constructing successful knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching students who are learning English and come from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. 
Note: This course is not for students who are seeking certification in English as a Second Language.
15:253:620 Seminar in Language Education Research (3) Study of current research in language education and culture studies. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Required of all doctoral students in language education.
15:253:621 Independent Study in Language Education (BA) Identification and study of a substantive problem or issue in foreign language, English as a second/foreign language, and bilingual-bicultural education. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:253:623,624 Practicum in Language Education I,II (BA,BA) Practicum course in language teaching (bilingual, foreign language, or English as a second/foreign language instruction). The second semester includes supervised field experiences in selected schools or education centers. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
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