About the School The School of
Education was organized in 1923 to bring together the capacity within the
university that contributes to the education of personnel in professional
education and to scholarship in the field of education. On April 8, 1960, the
Board of Governors of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, changed the
name of the school to the Graduate School of Education (GSE). This change recognized
the changing role of the school in the preparation of educational personnel as
a graduate institution offering the master of education and doctor of education
degrees. In 2012, the GSE faculty adopted the mission statement
embodied in the following paragraphs:
The Rutgers
University Graduate School of Education is dedicated to the study and
improvement of education. This creation of knowledge about teaching and learning is central to our mission. We seek to ensure that all children and adults have access to high-quality educational programs. As such, our work addresses the cognitive, social, organizational, cultural, linguistic, developmental, and policy dimensions of education.
Our faculty makes unique and
significant contributions to educational scholarship by conducting research and improving practice in relations to three pressing issues in education: (i) meeting the needs of diverse learners, (ii) using emerging digital pedagogical tools effectively, and (iii) addressing the equity and adequacy of financial, human, and social resources for PK-12 and higher education.
Our instructional programs are designed to produce graduates who become effective educational practitioners, transformative educational leaders, and accomplished educational researchers. Our partnerships and service contributions focus on New Jersey but extend to both national and global communities.
In summary, our
mission is to create new knowledge about educational processes and to
lead in the development of research-based instructional, professional, and
outreach programs.
For up-to-date
information about academic programs, alumni news, the dean's office, our mission,
research centers, and student services, visit the school's website at gse.rutgers.edu.