Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College-Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Notation Information
Availability of Majors
Accounting 010
Africana Studies 014
American History 512
American Literature 352
Anthropology 070
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biology 120
Biology, Computational and Integrative 121
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Digital Studies 209
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer 005
English and Communication (Communication 192, English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Rhetoric 842, Writing 989)
Finance 390
Forensic Science 412
French 420
Gender Studies 443
Geology 460
German 470
Global Studies 480
Health Sciences 499
History (Historical Methods and Research 509; European History 510; American History 512; African, Asian, Latin American, and Comparative History 516)
Honors College 525
Human Resource Management 533
Individualized Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Minor
Learning Abroad
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Management Science and Information Systems 623
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Museum Studies 698
Music 700, 701
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion 730, 840
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Social Work 910
Sociology (920), Anthropology (070), and Criminal Justice (202)
Sociology Major
Criminal Justice Major
Minor Requirements
Anthropology Minor
Criminal Justice Minor
Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Minor
Sociology Minor
B.A./M.A. Dual-Degree Program
Courses (Anthropology 070)
Courses (Criminal Justice 202)
Courses (Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Teacher Education 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Theater Arts 965)
World Languages and Cultures (French 420, German 470, Global Studies 480, Spanish 940)
Urban Studies 975
Visual, Media, and Performing Arts (Art 080; Art History 082; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Theater Arts 965)
Rutgers School of Business-Camden
School of Nursing-Camden
Academic Policies and Procedures
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2023 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses Sociology (920), Anthropology (070), and Criminal Justice (202) Courses (Criminal Justice 202)  

Courses (Criminal Justice 202)

50:202:101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (R) (3) American crime and criminal justice agencies, i.e., police, courts, and correctional agencies. Emphasis on criminal justice as a system and the processing of persons accused of a crime from the point of arrest to postconviction and release. Formerly 50:202:201.
50:202:178 Mountainview Seminar: Issues in Reentry and Retention (3) Postsecondary education among the incarcerated is a recognized factor in improved quality of life and reduced recidivism rates. Access to higher education as a reentry strategy has proven successful, although it is a new approach and an evolving practice. This course examines the factors affecting successful reentry as well as those that overlap with retention and graduation rates of nontraditional college students.  Students will use current research, white papers, existing program evaluations, suggested guidelines, and the best practices of colleges and correctional institutions as tools in a problem-based curriculum, designing a proposal of support structures for reentering college students. 
Open only to students in the Mountainview Communities Program.
50:202:195 Lab in Diversity (0) Lab associated with specific courses so that students receive credit for meeting the general education diversity requirement. Students are not required to attend a lab in addition to the associated course unless otherwise noted.
50:202:196 Lab in Engaged Civic Learning (0) Lab associated with specific courses so that students receive credit for meeting the general education engaged civic learning requirement. Students are not required to attend a lab in addition to the associated course unless otherwise noted.
50:020:197 Lab in Experiential Learning (0) Lab associated with specific courses so that students receive credit for meeting the general education experiential learning requirement. Students are not required to attend a lab in addition to the associated course unless otherwise noted.
50:202:198 Lab in Writing (0) Lab associated with specific courses so that students receive credit for meeting the general education writing requirement. Students are not required to attend a lab in addition to the associated course unless otherwise noted.
50:202:202 Police and Policing (3) Explores the role of the police officer in the criminal justice system as well as the function of law enforcement in the United States. Includes historical foundations, trends, organizational structures, strategies, and issues concerning American police and policing. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:203 Confinement and Corrections (3) History and organization of American corrections. Emphasis on sentencing, custodial institutions, intermediate sanctions, community corrections, and mechanisms for release. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:204 Courts and Criminal Law (3) Structures and functions of American courts and law. Courtroom work group; roles of attorneys, judges, and other court personnel; trial, trial outcomes, and appellate courts. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:217 Criminology (3) Introduction to crime and criminal behavior, including theoretical explanations and types of crimes.
50:202:302 Statistics for Criminal Justice (LQR) (3) A course in statistical methods with emphasis on criminal justice applications. Covers descriptive statistics, including levels of measurement, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability. Introduces the student to inferential statistics, including correlation, chi-square, the normal curve, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201. Recommended for students considering graduate study.
50:202:303 Gender, Crime, and Justice (D) (DIV) (3) Explores women's experiences as victims, offenders, and criminal justice professionals; includes emerging legal doctrines on gender rights. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201 or permission of instructor.
50:202:304 Death Penalty (3) History of capital punishment and contemporary use of the death penalty, including trends and statistics. Problems and issues pertaining to capital punishment, constitutional challenges to the death penalty, and the current state of capital jurisprudence. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:305 Critical Issues in Criminal Justice (EAV) (3) This course will focus on the relationships that exist between ethics and justice as it is manifested in the contemporary criminal justice system. The topics to be discussed include punishment and sentencing, rights of those who are traditionally oppressed, the so-called "blue wall of silence" among police, privatization of criminal justice components, and the death penalty. 
50:202:310 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Examines the nature, extent, causes, and correlates of youth crime. Topics include the legal status of youth; the measurement of delinquency; the types of offenses youth commonly commit; gender and delinquency; and the role of education, families, peers, and gangs in delinquency. The course will also examine the philosophy and development of preventive and rehabilitative programs.
50:202:312 Constitutional Issues in Law Enforcement (3) Legal study of constitutional issues related to the administration of criminal justice as well as due process protections in the Bill of Rights. Basic constitutional principles of law enforcement as applied to issues such as search and seizure, interrogation, and arrest procedures.
50:202:314 Technology and Criminal Justice (3) Discussion of how criminal justice has affected and been affected by the advent of technology and computers. Emphasis on innovations in policing, courts, corrections, and computer crime. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:315 Cybercrime (3) Overview of modern trends in crime involving computers and the internet. Topics include types of computer-based offenses, legal issues relating to cybercrime, topics in cyber criminology, and contemporary issues involving computer hacking and internet-related crime.
50:202:316 Violence in Prisons and Jails (3) Examines violence in correctional institutions with a focus on causes and control. Topics include prison and jail rape, gang violence, prison riots, the social world of jails and prisons, and methods to prevent and control violence.
50:202:317 Serial Killers (3) Explores the topic of serial murder, including motivations, methods, and types of killers; serial killer victims; as well as prosecution and social impact of serial homicide. Topics also include gender, race, myths, and the media. Case analysis of serial killers. Course incorporates academic and popular literature as well as film and official statistics.
50:202:318 Cyber Terrorism (3) This course will examine the impact of technology, computers, and the internet on state and global terrorism, as well as with international conflicts. Among the topics to be discussed will be the roles that computers and the internet play in terrorist organizations regarding recruiting and communications; state-sponsored cyber warfare; the role of technology in the way that terrorist organizations relate to the world; and the technology mechanisms that terrorists could employ to attack the infrastructure and physical safety of Americans and the citizens of other Western nations.
50:202:319 Narcoterrorism (3) Examines the intersection between narcotics and terrorism, paying special attention to the fiscal basis of terrorism, threats to national and international security, and related crimes including trafficking in drugs and arms. Assesses profiles and ideologies of narcoterrorists with an additional emphasis on policing global narcoterrorism.
50:202:320 National Security Risk Assessment and Analysis (3) Explores the various risks posed by threats to national and global security, including threats from terrorist organizations, and what plans and strategies have been put in place to mitigate these risks and protect various infrastructures, such as transportation, energy, nuclear facilities, and information systems. The course will also examine risk assessment methodology and its application to national security policy.
50:202:322 Juvenile Justice (3) Juvenile offenders and the changing perception of juvenile crime; the legal status of juvenile offenders and the role of the family court in preventing delinquency. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:323 Varieties of Crime (3) Discussion of the many types of crime, ranging from victimless/morals offenses to property offenses to interpersonal crime. Emphasis on reduction policies. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:324 Organized Crime (3) Historical development of national and international criminal organizations and organized crime core groups/syndicates. Also presents tactics to combat organized crime. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:325 Violent Crime (W) (3) Discussion of gangs, homicide, serial crimes of violence, interpersonal violence, and rape. Emphasis on crimes involving weapon use. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:326 White-Collar Crime (3) History and development of corporate crime, white-collar crime, political corruption, and other "upper-world" crimes. Emphasis on effective strategies for combating this phenomenon. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:330 Social Justice in Film (DIV) (3) Focus on how films and literature craft images and concepts of social justice by analyzing movies and written work depicting crime and the legal system. Explore how these portrayals of justice relate to gender, ethnicity, race, sexuality, and social class. Contrast relevant empirical evidence with the images and narratives of social justice portrayed in film.
50:202:335 Human Rights and Criminal Justice (3) Examines human rights and means by which groups and individuals can seek justice when mass human rights violations, including human trafficking, sexual slavery, arbitrary detention, and torture are committed. Focuses on basic human rights of the accused during the criminal justice process and international human rights treaties intended to protect individuals from being victimized by their own states.
50:202:337 Inequality in Criminal Justice (D) (DIV) (3) Examines the disproportionate representation of poor and racial minorities in the United States criminal justice system. Includes trends, policies, and issues concerning the effects of class and race on justice outcomes. Formerly 50:202:337. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:340 Victimology (3) Study of the role and treatment of victims in the criminal justice system. Emphasis on risk factors in victimization and impacts of crime on victims. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:341 Children and the Justice System (3) Explores topics related to the way the justice system addresses issues that have an impact on children, including victimization of children, treatment of juvenile offenders, and the ways in which children are affected when their parents are imprisoned. Topics may include the legal response to child abuse, children in juvenile court, the treatment of children in confinement, and the impact of parental incarceration on children.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
50:202:342 Domestic Violence (3) Comprehensive overview of all forms of domestic violence and some of the variables such as race, gender, class, and sexual orientation that impact the criminal justice system's response to these crimes. Specific topics may include intimate partner violence, elder abuse, sexual victimization, and battering.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
50:202:345 Comparative Criminal Justice (USW) (3) Examination of the criminal justice systems of other nations. Emphasis on police, court, and corrections systems. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:346 Children and Families of the Incarcerated (3) Connects research on the impact of parental incarceration, brain development, trauma, toxic stress, attachment, and resilience theories to the experiences of children of incarcerated parents and their families. Examines emerging best practices in serving children with incarcerated parents in education, health/mental health, child welfare, and corrections.
50:202:347 Families and the Criminal Justice System (3) Overview of current knowledge on the effects of mass incarceration on families, including trends in research, policies, and practices. Examines impact of arrest, incarceration, and reentry on child development and family dynamics. Critical examination of current strategies, effective interventions, and philosophical controversies surrounding the field of services to families involved in the criminal justice system.
50:202:348 Practicum: Creating Resources on Children and Families of the Incarcerated at the National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated at Rutgers-Camden (3) Provides students with an opportunity to be part of a program that spans three decades in providing resources on children and families of the incarcerated. Opportunities for students include gathering and disseminating current research and resources, identifying policy and practice initiatives across the country, tracking the needs of programs and systems, requesting information, participating in public awareness campaigns, and collaboration in planning for NRCCFI events and activities.
50:202:350 Punishment and Sentencing (3) Historical overview of punishment and punishment theory, with an emphasis on community corrections. Discussion of sentencing as a process, rights of offenders at sentencing, and factors involved in sentencing by judges and juries. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:351 Contemporary Issues in Policing (3) Evaluation of new trends in policing plus police unionism, discrimination, and affirmative action, as well as explanations for misconduct and evaluation of its remedies, e.g., civilian review boards. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:352 Community Corrections (3) Historical and philosophical overview of the theories behind alternatives to incarceration and their implementation in corrections. Emphasis on their impact and future. Prerequisite: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201.
50:202:354,355,356 Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3,3,3) Courses may be offered under this general title, dealing with special topics intended to involve students in topics not currently represented in the curriculum.
50:202:360 Topics in Police (3) Perspectives of leading law enforcement practitioners on criminal justice topics. Emphasis on law enforcement as a career. Prerequisites: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201, and 50:202:202.
50:202:361 Topics in Criminal Law (3) Perspectives of leading attorneys or judges on criminal justice topics. Emphasis on criminal law as a career. Prerequisites: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201, and 50:202:204.
50:202:362 Topics in Corrections (3) Perspectives of correctional practitioners on criminal justice topics. Emphasis on corrections as a career. Prerequisites: 50:202:201 and 50:202:203.
50:202:363 Topics in Juvenile Justice (3) Perspectives of leading practitioners in the juvenile system. Emphasis on juvenile justice as a career. Prerequisites: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201, and 50:202:322.
50:202:365 Queer Crime (DIV) (3) Queer crime and punishment in America. Nonfictional accounts of queer--lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender--criminality as well as policing and punishment of these queer identities. Examines myth, misunderstanding, and prejudices of queer identities, criminalization of queer behavior, and marginalization of queer offenders by the criminal justice system.
50:202:370 Mass Incarceration, Reentry, and Justice (ECL) (3) This course examines three components related to mass incarceration in the United States: 1) the social, political, and economic forces behind the rise in mass imprisonment; 2) the processes of incarceration and returning home--or "prisoner reentry"--with a focus on the collateral health and social consequences for former prisoners, their families, and communities; and 3) the promising multilevel reform initiatives geared toward addressing the issue of mass incarceration and the difficulties faced by prisoners when reentering their communities. As this is an Engaged Civic Learning course, students will be equipped with practical training and will participate in a community outreach effort to educate Camden residents about the process of getting their criminal records expunged.
50:202:371 Gender Advocacy and Juvenile Justice I (3) Examines the juvenile justice system and the role of gender, including examination of effective evidence-based programs for girls. Students will learn concepts and techniques designed to provide services to girls in detention or on probation in Camden County. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
50:202:372 Gender Advocacy and Juvenile Justice II (ECL) (3) This course continues the study of the juvenile justice system and the role of gender in it. Students will have the opportunity to implement the concepts covered in Gender Advocacy and Juvenile Justice I by working with girls in the justice system themselves. Prerequisites: 50:202:371 and permission of instructor.
50:202:375 Criminal Justice Learning Abroad (G) (3) A course focusing on crime and justice of a foreign country. Includes regular class meetings, required readings, and written assignments, as well as a short-term learning/service experience in a foreign country.
50:202:404 Service/Internship in Criminal Justice (BA) Supervised service/internship in a criminal justice agency. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. No more than 3 credits to be counted toward the major.
50:202:405 Criminal Investigation Practicum (3) Under instructor supervision, students provide investigative services for actual legal cases. Through seminars and field experience, students learn investigative techniques such as reviewing discovery, locating and interviewing witnesses, obtaining records, and testifying and writing detailed reports. Course may be repeated for 6 credits (only 3 credits can be counted toward electives for criminal justice majors). Open to juniors and seniors. Prerequisites: 50:202:101 or 50:202:201 and instructor permission.
50:202:410 Research Seminar in Criminal Justice (3) Independent research or special project under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
50:202:420 International Criminal Law and Justice (3) Examines subject of international criminal justice, which includes the prosecution and punishment of crimes that shock the conscience of the international community, namely genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. History and development of international criminal justice, crimes established under international law, mechanisms of prosecuting perpetrators of international crimes, and general principles of international criminal law.
50:202:449 Ethics and Policy in Criminal Justice (3) The development, implementation, and evaluation of criminal justice policy. Ethics of law enforcement, court processes, and corrections. Evaluation of research on topics such as race, class, and gender disparities; capital punishment; gun control; drug policy; pornography; and gambling. Prerequisites: Senior status. 50:202:101 or 50:202:201, and 50:920:301.
50:202:454,455,456,457 Special Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3,1-3,1-3,1-3) Courses may be offered under this general title, dealing with special topics intended to involve students in intensive study and investigation of topics related to crime and justice. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
50:202:470 Prisoner Reentry: Legal Solutions (3) Course provides students with opportunities to develop practical and community engagement skills while assisting individuals with expungement and related legal issues. Students will design and conduct community education sessions about prisoner reentry legal issues. Students will also hold "speed screening sessions" to assist community members with determining expungement eligibility. Students will also have an opportunity to advocate for clients seeking expungement of criminal convictions. Course is taught at Rutgers Law School.
50:202:491 Independent Study in Criminal Justice (BA) Prerequisites: Permission of department and agreement by a department member to supervise the work. No more than 3 credits can be counted toward the minor in criminal justice. No more than 6 credits can be counted toward the major in criminal justice or sociology.
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