Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Engineering Transfer 005
Accounting 010
African-American Studies 014
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
American History 512
American Literature 352
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Art (Art 080, Art History 082)
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biological Sciences (Biology 120, Botany 130, Microbiology 680, Physiology 760, Plant Physiology 780, Zoology 990)
Biomedical Technology 124
Botany 130
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer Program 005
English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989)
Film Studies 387
Finance 390
Fine Arts (Art 080, Art History 082; Dance 203; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Speech 950; Theater Arts 965)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (French 420, German 470, Russian 860, Spanish 940)
Geology 460
History (History 510, American History 512)
Home Economics 520
Honors College
International Studies Program 549
Student-Proposed Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Justice and Society 572
Latin American Studies Minor
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Microbiology 680
Museum Studies 690
Music 700, 701
Nursing 705
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion
Physics 750
Major Requirements
Traditional Physics Option
Computational Physics Option
Minor Requirements
Departmental Honors Program
Physiology 760
Plant Physiology 780
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Russian 860
General Science 890
Social Work 910
Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Statistics 960
Teacher Preparation 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Speech 950, Theater Arts 965)
Urban Studies and Metropolitan Planning 975
Walt Whitman Program in American Studies
Women's Studies 988
Zoology 990
School of Business - Camden
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses Physics 750 Courses  


50:750:103Physics for Poets (R) (3) Illustrations from areas such as sports, music, and archaeology used to show the physicist`s way of looking at things. The major principles of physics applied in a descriptive way to the understanding of societal problems such as the "energy crisis." Recent discoveries in the different areas of physics, including particle physics and astrophysics, discussed. No prerequisite. Designed for nonscience majors.
50:750:131-132Elements of Physics I,II (R) (3,3) A calculus-based introduction to classical physics: mechanics, heat, wave motion, sound, electricity, and light. Corequisites: 50:640:121, 122; 50:750:133-134. Intended for physics majors and engineering students, but open to other qualified students.
50:750:133-134Elements of Physics Laboratory I,II (R) (1,1) The laboratory illustrates phenomena and concepts studied in 50:750:131-132. Corequisites: 50:750:131-132.
50:750:171,172Topics in Physics (2,2) The subject matter changes depending on the interests of the instructor and the students. Sample topics: the energy crisis and sources of energy or the physics of the atmosphere and weather forecasting.
50:750:203-204General Physics I,II (R) (3,3) An introduction to mechanics, heat, wave motion, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, and selected topics from modern physics. Corequisites: 50:750:205-206. For biology, chemistry, premedicine, predentistry, and preveterinary medicine students, but may be taken by others.
50:750:205-206General Physics Laboratory I,II (R) (1,1) Illustrates phenomena and concepts studied in 50:750: 203-204. Corequisites: 50:750:203-204.
50:750:223Principles of Physics for Pharmacy (4) A survey of physics with special reference to applications in pharmacy. Topics chosen from mechanics, thermodynamics, wave motion, electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves (including light), and modern (atomic and nuclear) physics. Prerequisite: 50:640:121 or 122.
50:750:232Elements of Modern Physics (3) Topics from special relativity, quantum theory, atomic physics, molecules, statistical physics, solid-state physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particles. Prerequisite: 50:750:132. Corequisite: 50:640:314.
50:750:233-234Electric Circuits I,II (3,3) DC and steady-state AC circuit analysis, network theorems, matrix methods, two ports, controlled sources, nonlinear elements, transients, step and impulse response, and computer methods. Prerequisites: 50:640:121, 122. Corequisites: 50:750: 235-236 and 50:640:221.
50:750:235-236Electric Circuits Laboratory I,II (1,1) Laboratory exercises to accompany and illustrate 50: 750:233-234. Corequisites: 50:750:233-234.
50:750:237Computer Organization and Logic Design (3) Number systems, Boolean algebra, medium scale integration circuits, logic minimization, state machines, clocked circuits; the Von Neumann model of a computer. Prerequisite: 50:198:111.
50:750:253-254Mechanics I,II (3,3) Equilibrium of planar and spatial systems, analysis of structures, friction, centroids and moments of inertia, virtual work, dynamics of particles, and rigid bodies. Prerequisites: 50:750:132 and 50:640:122.
50:750:291Mechanics of Materials (3) Stress and strain in elastic solids such as shafts and beams. Combined stresses; statically indeterminate beams. Prerequisite: 50:750:253.
50:750:301Electromagnetic Theory (3) Electrostatic field, dielectrics, steady currents, magnetic fields and materials, and electromagnetic induction. Prerequisites: 50:750:232 and 50:640:314.
50:750:302Electromagnetic Waves and Optics (3) Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation, guided waves, dispersion, reflection, refraction, interference, polarization, and optics of solids. Prerequisite: 50:750:301.
50:750:304Introduction to Astrophysics (3) Presents, at a calculus-based level, a survey of such topics from current astronomy as planetary atmospheres, the greenhouse effect, solar wind and its interaction with the earth`s magnetic field, Van Allen radiation belts, some aspects of cosmology (the red shift, models of the evolving universe, tests of relativistic cosmological models), the interstellar medium, and an introduction to the theory of stellar atmospheres and stellar evolution. The present theories of pulsars, quasars, supernovae, neutron stars, Seyfert galaxies, and black holes analyzed. Prerequisites: 50:640:122 and 50:100:306.
50:750:307Electronics (3) DC and AC networks, signal characteristics and acquisition, transistors, feedback, operational amplifiers, power supplies, noise, digital circuits, instrumentation, computer interfacing, and optimization of measurements. Prerequisite: 50:750:132 or 204 or permission of instructor. Corequisite: 50:750:311.
50:750:308Computer Hardware and Interfacing (3) Introduction to digital logic, combinational circuits, sequential circuits. Introduction to microprocessor architecture and organization, operation and programming, interfacing and application of microprocessors. Prerequisites: 50:198:111 or 151, 50:198:231 and 50: 640:237. Corequisite: 50:750:312.
50:750:309,310Analytical Mechanics (3,3) Particle dynamics, simple harmonic motion, central forces, statics and dynamics of rigid bodies, waves, and Lagrange`s and Hamilton`s equations. Prerequisites: 50:750:132 and 50:640:314.
50:750:311Electronics Laboratory (1) Laboratory exercises to accompany and illustrate 50: 750:307. Corequisite: 50:750:307.
50:750:312Computer Hardware and Interfacing Laboratory (1) Laboratory exercises to accompany and illustrate 50: 750:308. Corequisite: 50:750:308.
50:750:317-318Digital Systems and Microprocessors I,II (3,3) Digital electronic systems, introduction to microsystems, microprocessor architecture and organization, and operation and programming. Configuring microprocessor systems, interfacing, and applications of microprocessors. Prerequisite: 50:750:307. Corequisites: 50:750: 319-320.
50:750:319-320Digital Systems and Microprocessors Laboratory I,II (1,1) Laboratory exercises to accompany and illustrate 50: 750:317-318. Corequisites: 50:750:317-318.
50:750:351-352Thermal Physics I,II (3,3) Temperature-dependent properties of gases, liquids, and solids, such as specific heat, vapor pressure, dielectric constant, internal energy, entropy, compressibility, and conductivity. Presents classical thermodynamics, which derives relations between various quantities, and statistical methods used to derive classical thermodynamics from the atomic point of view. Covers Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics. Prerequisites: 50:750:232 and 50:640:221.
50:750:354Physics Computer Laboratory (3) Use of the computer to solve problems in many areas of physics, including numerical integration of Newton`s Laws and Gauss`s Law, electric circuit analysis, and mechanics. Prerequisites: 50:640:314 and 50:750:232.
50:750:374Energy and Environment (G) (3) The physics, economics, and polluting properties of the three conventional power sources: coal, oil, and natural gas (including gasification of coal and oil shale). Studies solar power and discusses conservation of energy in home and industry. Considers the more important advantages and shortcomings and the environmental impacts of aspects of wind, tidal, geothermal, and magneto- hydrodynamic power; the hydrogen economy; and nuclear power, including fusion. Where appropriate, considers the possible use of these in transportation systems. Gives causes of energy crises and proposes various suggestions for a national energy policy.
50:750:406Introduction to Solid-State Physics (3) Classifications of solids, ionic crystals, dielectric properties, modern electron theory of metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Topics include band theory, cohesion, specific heats, electrical and thermal conductivities, the hall effect, semiconductor physics, magnetic phenomena, electronic processes in ionic crystals, dislocation theory and electron spin resonance, imperfections, and superconductivity. Prerequisites: 50:750:232 and 50:640:314.
50:750:408-409Advanced Physics Laboratory (2,2) Students develop good experimental techniques and become familiar with the capabilities and limitations of modern laboratory equipment. Experiments performed in all fields of physics including electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Lab. 6 hrs. Prerequisite: 50:750:232.
50:750:413-414Elements of Quantum Mechanics I,II (3,3) Probability waves, Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, wave packets, unitary and hermitean operators, matrix elements, commutation relations, perturbation theory, radiative transitions, and scattering theory. Prerequisites: 50:750:232 and 50:640:314.
50:750:417Computational Physics I (3) Applications of the computer to the solution of large-scale problems in physics including the numerical solution of the differential equations of electromagnetic theory, integration of the Schrödinger equation for realistic problems, and applications of matrix methods to problems in mechanics and engineering. Prerequisite: 50:750:354.
50:750:418Computational Physics II (3) Emphasis placed on the application of computer simulation techniques, including the Monte Carlo method, to problems in statistical physics (especially the subject of phase transitions) and other areas of interest. Prerequisite: 50:750:354, Continuation of 50:750:417.
50:750:420Advanced Experimental Physics (2) Experiments in electricity, optics, heat, and atomic phenomena, with particular emphasis on the effect of the instruments or the experimental method on the results. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
50:750:453Physics Seminar (2) Members prepare and present papers on topics of interest in physics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
50:750:463-464Mathematical Physics (3,3) Mathematical techniques used in advanced work in the physical sciences. Covers determinants, matrices, ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary and eigenvalue problems, Fourier-series and integrals, transform theory, orthogonal functions, complex variables. Extensive problem work. Prerequisites: 50:750:232 and 50:640:314.
50:750:489,490Independent Studies (BA,BA) Prerequisites: Senior status and permission of instructor.
50:750:495,496Honors Program in Physics (3,3)
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