The physics department offers a minor, subject to the general rules
on minors. Course 50:100:306 Descriptive Astronomy may be counted
toward the minor, but may not be used as a 300-level course in
satisfaction of the requirements for the minor.
Physics Minor for B.S. Computer Science Majors
Since Elements of Physics and Computer Hardware and Interfacing
are requirements for the B.S. in computer science, these contribute 12
credits toward the 18 credit minor in physics. It is therefore
relatively easy to complete a minor in physics. The additional credits
may be fulfilled by taking two of the following courses, one of which
must be a laboratory course.
50:750:232 Elements of Modern Physics (3)
50:750:233 Electric Circuits I (3)
50:750:234 Electric Circuits II (3)
50:750:235 Electric Circuits I Lab (Corequisite 50:750:233)
50:750:236 Electric Circuits Laboratory II (1) (Corequisite 50:750:234)
50:750:253 Mechanics I (Engineering Statics) (3)
50:750:291 Mechanics of Materials (3)
50:750:307 Electronics (3)
50:750:311 Electronics Laboratory (1) (Corequisite 50:750:307)
50:750:354 Physics Computer Laboratory (3)
Notes: Elements of Modern Physics provides the physics background
needed for an understanding of quantum computing. Physics Computer
Laboratory (50:750:354) involves the use of computers to solve physics
and engineering problems. It is not a laboratory course in the usual