Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Engineering Transfer 005
Accounting 010
African-American Studies 014
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
American History 512
American Literature 352
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Art (Art 080, Art History 082)
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biological Sciences (Biology 120, Botany 130, Microbiology 680, Physiology 760, Plant Physiology 780, Zoology 990)
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Transfer Credit
Departmental Honors Program
Teacher Certification in Biology
Courses (Biology 120)
Courses (Botany 130)
Courses (Microbiology 680)
Courses (Physiology 760)
Courses (Zoology 990)
Areas of Concentration
Biomedical Technology 124
Botany 130
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer Program 005
English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989)
Film Studies 387
Finance 390
Fine Arts (Art 080, Art History 082; Dance 203; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Speech 950; Theater Arts 965)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (French 420, German 470, Russian 860, Spanish 940)
Geology 460
History (History 510, American History 512)
Home Economics 520
Honors College
International Studies Program 549
Student-Proposed Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Justice and Society 572
Latin American Studies Minor
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Microbiology 680
Museum Studies 690
Music 700, 701
Nursing 705
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion
Physics 750
Physiology 760
Plant Physiology 780
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Russian 860
General Science 890
Social Work 910
Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Statistics 960
Teacher Preparation 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Speech 950, Theater Arts 965)
Urban Studies and Metropolitan Planning 975
Walt Whitman Program in American Studies
Women's Studies 988
Zoology 990
School of Business - Camden
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses Biological Sciences (Biology 120, Botany 130, Microbiology 680, Physiology 760, Plant Physiology 780, Zoology 990) Courses (Zoology 990)  

Courses (Zoology 990)

50:990:253-254Anatomy and Physiology (4,4) A survey of the human body in light of basic biological principles. The mechanisms and interactions of its systems contributing to its adaptive behavior studied and integrated with gross and microscopic anatomy. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Pre- or corequisites: (For 253) 50:120:101, 50:160:107, 50:990:255, or permission of instructor. (For 254) 50:990:253, 50:990:255,256, or permission of instructor. Designed primarily for nursing students; will not satisfy biology or biomedical technology requirements.
50:990:301Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4) A comparative study of representative chordates with emphasis on mammalian and human anatomy. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or permission of instructor. Corequisite: 50:990:302.
50:990:304Vertebrate Embryology (4) Introductory course that emphasizes cellular and molecular aspects of development. Both vertebrates and invertebrates considered. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 50:120: 101,102, one term of organic chemistry, or permission of instructor.
50:990:306Invertebrate Zoology (3) A guided tour of protists and animals without backbones comprising 95 percent of the animal kingdom. Emphasis placed on evolutionary and ecological relationships that make an understanding and appreciation of this diverse group of animals possible. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or permission of instructor.
50:990:307Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (1) Laboratory exercises designed to introduce students to the 95 percent of all animals without a backbone. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:990:306.
50:990:308Vertebrate Zoology (3) A study of the vertebrates with regard to their systematics, ecology, and behavior. Emphasizes field studies of freshwater and terrestrial vertebrates, and identification of New Jersey`s terrestrial vertebrate species, through laboratory examination of specimens and field labs to explore New Jersey habitats. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or permission of instructor.
50:990:309Vertebrate Zoology Laboratory (1) Identification of representative vertebrates through examination of specimens and field studies of New Jersey`s vertebrates. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:990:308.
50:990:311Animal Histology (4) Covers the basic structure and function of animal tissues and the organs derived from them. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or permission of instructor. Corequisite: 50:990:312.
50:990:317Animal Parasites (3) Deals with the parasites of man and other animals. The biology, morphology, taxonomy, distribution, economic importance, prevention, control, pathogenesis, and treatment of parasites responsible for diseases such as amoebiasis, trypanosomiasis, coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, malaria, schistosomiasis, hookworm, trichinosis, and hydatid disease, among others. Arthropod parasites such as mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, lice, and biting flies also considered. Prerequisites: 50:120:101 and 102 or 105 or permission of instructor.
50:990:318Animal Parasites Laboratory (1) The study of selected protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasites of various animals, including humans. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:990:317.
50:990:331Animal Behavior (3)  Ecological and evolutionary bases and contexts of animal behavior, emphasizing interactions with the physical and biological environments. Focuses on the principles and adaptive significance of animal design, territoriality, communication, migration, and individual and social behavior in a variety of species spanning the animal kingdom. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or 50:830:381.
50:990:357Pathophysiology (3) An introduction to the physiological basis of disease in humans. Topics covered include inflammation, wound healing, immune responses, neoplasia, and metabolic disorders. Prerequisites: 50:990:253-254 or permission of instructor. Designed primarily for students in the nursing program; will not satisfy the biology major elective requirement.
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