50:130:307Comparative Morphology of Plants (3) An evolutionary survey of the plant kingdom: development, adaptations for survival, and representative types and life cycles from the simplest to the most advanced groups. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102 or permission of instructor. |
50:130:308Comparative Morphology of Plants Laboratory (1) Field and laboratory exercises to study plants, ranging from the simplest to the most advanced groups. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:130:307. |
50:130:310Developmental Botany (4) A study of the hormonal, physiological, and environmental control mechanisms underlying morphological changes in the life cycles of angiosperms. Topics include embryogenesis, seed dormancy and germination, seedling growth, flowering, fruiting, and senescence. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 50:120: 101,102. |
50:130:322Systematics and Ecology (3) Designed to integrate principles of taxonomy, ecological inter- actions, and morphology. Field trips are taken to representative New Jersey plant communities to provide practical experience in collecting and identifying botanical materials. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102. |
50:130:323Systematics and Ecology Laboratory (1) Field and laboratory exercises designed to integrate principles of taxonomy, ecological interactions, and morphology. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:130:322. |
50:130:401Mycology (3) An examination of the major groups of fungi emphasizing morphology, modes of growth and development, mechanisms of spore dispersal, and the role of fungi as pathogens. Prerequisites: 50:120:101,102. |
50:130:402Mycology Laboratory (1) Introduction to the techniques involved in growing fungi in culture and studying their morphology, physiology, and development. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 50:130:401. |
50:130:430Field Ecology (2) A field study of major plant communities in the general area of Everglades National Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, or the mid-Atlantic states. Prerequisites: 50:130:322 or 331, 50:120:351, and/or permission of instructor. Registration limited. Covers 5 to 10 days during spring recess; outdoor camping and cooking for longer trips. |