50:120:302 Computers in Biology (3)
50:120:310 Evolution (3)
50:120:334 Cell Biology (3)
50:120:401-402 Microtechnique and Its Applications (3) and Laboratory (1)
56:120:510 Cell Ultrastructure and Function (3)
56:120:521 Cell and Tissue Culture (4)
56:120:534 Advanced Cell and Developmental Biology (3)
*50:130:310 Developmental Botany (4)
*50:990:304 Vertebrate Embryology (4)
50:990:311 Animal Histology (4)
Ecology/Organismal Biology
50:120:302 Computers in Biology (3)
50:120:310 Evolution (3)
*50:120:351,353 General Ecology (3) and Laboratory (1)
*50:120:422 Ecology of Soil Organisms (4)
56:120:503 Estuarine Biology (3)
56:120:505 Marine Biology (4)
56:120:507 Plant Geography (4)
56:120:511 Ichthyology (4)
56:120:523 Topics in Quantitative Biology (3)
56:120:525 Advanced Aquatic Ecology (3)
56:120:570 Global Climate Change (3)
56:120:580 Fungi in Ecosystems (3)
56:120:590 Population Ecology (3)
50:130:307-308 Comparative Morphology of Plants (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:130:322,323 Systematics and Ecology (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:130:401-402 Mycology (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:680:301,303 General Microbiology (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:990:301 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4)
50:990:306-307 Invertebrate Zoology (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:990:308-309 Vertebrate Zoology (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:990:311 Animal Histology (4)
50:990:331 Animal Behavior (3)
An individual pursuing the ecology/organismal concentration may
substitute 50:160:325 Analytical Chemistry (4) in place of
50:120:305-306 Molecular Biology (3) and Laboratory (1) in the required
course section.
50:120:491Special Problems in Biology (1-4)
50:120:492Special Problems in Biology (1-4)
Students should note that some courses are listed in more than one
area. They should also be aware that some courses are offered annually,
some are offered every other year, some are offered periodically, and
some are offered infrequently. On occasions the department offers
special topics courses. The area(s) that each course falls within will
be indicated when the course is advertised/offered.