The major in biology is designed to meet the minimum requirements
for students interested in biology, premedicine, predentistry, and
preveterinary medicine. The major permits a traditional degree or
a specialization in one of four areas of concentration. Those students
planning a career in the biological sciences are advised to take more
than the core program, and they should consult with their advisers
concerning the selection of additional courses. Students interested in
biomedical technology should see information regarding that program in
this chapter.
First Year
The following core program totaling 29 or 30 credits is required of all majors.
50:120:101,102 General Biology (4,4)
50:160:115-116, 125-126 Chemical Principles I,II (3,3) and Laboratory (1,1)
50:350:101-102 English Composition I,II (3,3) *
50:640:130 Calculus for Business, Economics, and Life Sciences (3) or 50:640:121 Unified Calculus I (4) **
Elective (3-4)
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Years
The following additional courses must be completed by all majors.
50:120:307-308 Genetics (3) and Laboratory (1)
50:160:335-336, 339-340 Organic Chemistry I, II (3,3) and Laboratory (1,1)
50:750:203-204, 205-206 General Physics I, II (3,3) and Laboratory (1,1)
The remaining courses for the major must be selected according to one of the plans described below.
1. Traditional biology degree
a. one starred course and its attendant laboratory from each of the four areas
b. three elective courses (and their attendant
laboratories if required or desired), each individually taken from a
separate area
c. a fourth elective course of 3 or more credits from any area
2. Biology degree with a special emphasis in one of the four areas below
a. one starred course and its attendant laboratory from each of the four areas
b. three elective courses (and their attendant
laboratories if required or desired), taken from the area of choice
c. a fourth elective course of 3 or more credits from any area
Some graduate courses (500 level) may be taken as electives by advanced
undergraduate students provided they have a grade-point average of 3.0,
have completed the necessary prerequisites, and have the permission of
the instructor.