Students whose work is incomplete at
the end of the semester may be assigned a regular grade or, at the
discretion of the instructor if there is reason to believe that an
extension of time is warranted, a grade of IN. Incomplete work may be made up, and a change of grade may be authorized by the instructor, within 12 months from the time the incomplete was assigned.
Upon completion, the instructor must submit an Electronic Change of Grade to change the IN to an appropriate letter grade. Instructors must use the Incomplete Grade Extension Form, found on the Graduate School Forms page, to extend the IN grade beyond the normal deadline. Students who fail to complete the course or complete an extension form after the 12-month deadline will receive a PIN - Permanent Incomplete grade. Students with two or more incompletes are not permitted to register for additional courses without permission of the graduate director.
In exceptional cases, where more than one year
is required, the student, in conjunction with the instructor, must
complete the Graduate Incomplete Grade Extension Form, which must be
approved by the program director and the Graduate Dean.
P/NC-Pass/No Credit. A
grade of P/NC, which has no numerical equivalent, is assigned to any
student who has registered for a course on that basis when such
registration is in accord with the regulations of the faculty governing
the student and the faculty governing the course. P (pass) is
equivalent to an A, B, or C, while NC (no credit) is equivalent to a D
or F.
Assigned to 700-level courses of research carrying credit or to regular courses taken on a noncredit basis.
TZ-Temporarily Not Graded.
TZ grades
are an administrative option for pending disciplinary cases involving academic integrity. If not resolved, TZ grades remaining on records automatically convert to failures,
without notification to students, for fall semester courses on May 1 and
for the spring and summer semesters on December 1.
Officially withdrew.