Fulfilling the Designation
56:645:549 Linear Algebra and Applications
56:645:556 Data Visualization
56:645:558 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
56:645:563 Statistical Reasoning
56:645:567 Statistical Models
56:645:565 Time Series and Forecasting
The student needs to enroll in at least one of the statistics courses:
Statistical Reasoning and/or Statistical Models (course numbers above)
At most any two from the following list:
56:120:582 Special Topics in Biology: Evolutionary Sequence Analysis
56:120:590 Population Ecology
56:121:520 Essentials of Biomathematics I
56:121:555 Cheminformatics
56:121:552 Genome Informatics
56:163:661 Quantitative Methods
56:198:501 Data Structures and Algorithmic Problem Solving in Python
56:198:562 Big Data Algorithms
56:198:567 Applied Probability
56:202:600 Research Methods in Criminal Justice
56:202:601 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice
56:824:702 Quantitative Methods I
56:824:709 Quantitative Methods II
56:830:580 Research Methods
56:830:650 Statistics and Research Design
56:830:xxx Special Topics: Data-Motivated Storytelling