A. Complete 30 credits (10 courses, with an
opportunity to substitute a thesis for one course). With the approval of the graduate
program director, courses from one track may be used to meet the requirements
of another.
A student may transfer up to 9 credits from graduate courses taken at other institutions in which a grade of B or better was obtained.
No more than 6 credits with grades of C+ or lower may be used in meeting the requirements of the master's degree.
The program is designed to be completed in two and a half years of part-time study but also may be pursued at a slower pace. A
full-time student can complete the program in three semesters plus one summer.
Any grade of IN (incomplete) must be resolved before a student will be scheduled for the comprehensive examination.
B. Written requirement. It can be satisfied with
a long paper/project from one of the courses, or with a thesis.