Matriculation Continued 27:202:800 (For SCJ MA Students Only!)
Students who are obliged to interrupt their studies may, with the
approval of their graduate director and the Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs and Enrollment Services, register for Matriculation Continued. The tuition/fees
for Matriculation Continued can be found on the Newark Business Office
This category of registration is available only to students not present
on campus and not using faculty time and university research
facilities. Students may enroll for this option for up to two
consecutive semesters. Permission for registration for additional
semesters will be given on a case by case basis in extreme
Matriculation Continued 26:001:800 (For SCJ Doctoral Students Only!)
Students who are obliged to interrupt their studies may, with the approval of their graduate director and the dean of the Graduate School-Newark, register for Matriculation Continued. The tuition/fees for Matriculation Continued can be found on the Newark Business Office website: This category of registration is available only to students not present on campus and not using faculty time and university research facilities. Students may enroll for this option for up to two consecutive semesters. Permission for registration for additional semesters will be given on a case by case basis in extreme circumstances.
There are the various forms of Matriculation Continued in which doctoral candidate may enroll.
Please Note: Extended enrollment in Matriculation Continued may impact your ability to secure financial aid, more specifically federal and/or private loans. Please read the descriptions below with great care, being sure to consult with your program director to select the course that is most appropriate for your circumstances.
For those students that have been enrolled in Matriculation Continued for several semesters and receive financial aid in the form of loans please consult with your financial aid counselor in the Office of Financial Aid to ensure that your ability to continue to secure loans will not be impacted in future semesters.
Full-Time Matriculation Continued 26:001:899 (For SCJ Doctoral Students Only!)
Full-Time Matriculation Continued is available for doctoral students only. Students who are away from campus but working on their theses or dissertations and are in contact with their committees should register either for Full-Time Matriculation Continued or Full-Time Study Off Campus. In some cases, doctoral students who are working full time on their dissertation can, with the approval from the Graduate School-Newark dean's office, register for Full-Time Study On Campus. All of the above, however, requires special approval from the dean of the Graduate School-Newark. The federal student aid regulations permit students who are actively working on their doctoral dissertation to be considered for financial aid eligibility or federal student loan deferment if the following conditions are met and adhered to. All required coursework must be reviewed and approved by the Ph.D. program director.- Student must be classified as postqualifying doctoral candidates.
- Students must be actively working on their dissertation and be in contact with his or her dissertation committee.
- Students cannot be categorized as Matriculation Continued-- this status indicates students are taking a break in their studies.
- Students must be registered for a minimum of 1 credit per semester.
- Students can defer loans, but are not eligible for financial aid and cannot register for an additional courses.
Students may enroll in Matriculation Continued for two consecutive semesters and will have to return to the Graduate School-Newark program for reassessment.
Full-Time Study On Campus 26:001:897 (For SCJ Doctoral Students Only!)
Full-Time Matriculation Continued is available for doctoral students only. Graduate students registered for 9.0 credits or more are considered full time and pay full-time student fees. They are charged the per credit rate for the number of credits enrolled in addition to all full-time fees. Email accounts stay current and so does online access to library resources. These students pay full-time fees and may be eligible for student health benefits, however, questions regarding student health for the above must be referred to the Student Health Services or the Office of Risk Management and Insurance: Students are working on their research/research work.
- Students are eligible for financial aid.
- Students can defer loans.
- Must register for 1.0 research credit.
- Full-Time Study On/Off campus cannot be used by itself.
- Students must be classified as postqualifying doctoral candidates.
Students may enroll in Matriculation Continued for two consecutive semesters and will have to return to Graduate School-Newark program for reassessment.
Full-Time Study Off Campus 26:001:898 (For SCJ Doctoral Students Only!)
Full-Time Matriculation Continued is available for doctoral students only. Graduate students registered for 9.0 credits or more are considered full time and pay part-time student fees. Part-time students may register for less than 9.0 credits. Students registered for this course are charged the per credit rate for the number of credits enrolled in addition to computer fees. Email accounts stay current and so does online access to library resources, but no health benefits.
All required coursework must be reviewed and approved by the Ph.D. program director.- Students must be classified as postqualifying doctoral candidates.
- Students must be actively working on their dissertation and be in contact with his or her dissertation committee.
- Students cannot be categorized as Matriculation Continued--this status indicates students are taking a break in their studies.
- Students must be registered for a minimum of 1 credit per semester.
- Students can defer loans, but are not eligible for financial aid and cannot register for any additional courses.
Students may enroll in Matriculation Continued for two consecutive semesters and will have to return to Graduate School-Newark program for reassessment.