Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Newark
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Availablity of Courses, Majors, and Minor Programs
Course Notation Information
Academic Foundations 003
African American and African Studies 014
American Studies 050
Ancient and Medieval Civilizations 060
Anthropology 070
Arabic 074
Art, Design, and Art History (080, 081, 082, 083, 085)
Asian Studies 098
Biological Sciences 120
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 191
Computer Science 198
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology 460)
Economics 220
English (350 and 352)
English: Composition and Writing 355
Environmental Sciences 375
Film Studies 380
French 420
Geoscience Engineering 465
Global Politics 487
Health Information Management 504
Health Sciences: Aging 499J
Health Sciences: Health Advocacy 499K
History (History 510, American 512)
Honors 525
Honors Living-Learning Community 526
Information Systems 548
International Affairs 551
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Journalism and Media Studies 086
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Legal Studies 603
Linguistics 615
Mathematics 640
Medical Imaging Sciences 658
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 686
Music 087
Neuroscience 112
Peace and Conflict Studies 735
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies 812
Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Psychology 819
Psychology 830
Religious Studies 840
Russian 860
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Theater 088
Urban Education 300
Video Production 089
Learning Goals
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Courses (Arts, Culture, and Media Core Courses 083)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Writing 989
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
School of Criminal Justice
School of Public Affairs and Administration
Academic Foundations Center
Honors College
Honors Living-Learning Community
Academic Policies and Procedures
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2016–2018 Liberal Arts Colleges Academic Programs and Courses Video Production 089 Courses  


21:089:104 Introduction to Video Production (4) Basics of video production: preproduction planning, shooting (including framing, camera angles, and the role of lenses), lighting, sound, and digital editing. By combining lectures, screenings, and a diverse variety of video production assignments, the course will provide students with a strong grasp of all key concepts and skills needed to produce high-quality videos.
21:089:204 Intermediate Video Production (4) Areas of study include the stages of dramatic and documentary preproduction, production, and postproduction, as well as more technically advanced lessons on cameras, video formats, lenses, lighting, sound recording, and more sophisticated approaches to editing and postproduction. Prerequisite: 21:089:104.
21:089:256,257 Art and History of Film (3,3) Development of the film as an art form; its origins in stage techniques; the emergence of a film aesthetic through the contributions of various international artists.
21:089:263,264 Modern Film (3,3) Examines a variety of topics relating to modern film.
21:089:280 The Music Video: Mirror to Contemporary Society (3) Music video is a significant and compelling form of contemporary popular culture, one that is widely circulated and complex. This course engages questions such as: How can we engage critically with music video and its role in popular culture? What do contemporary music videos have to tell us about patterns of cultural identity today? How are the constructions of race, gender, ethnicity and privilege put on display, reinforced and sometimes challenged?
21:089:304 Convergence (3) Examines early experiments with converging technologies, as well as how digitization, electronic commerce, and new forms of information delivery are changing the nature of television. Prerequisites: 21:086:201 or 202, or by permission of instructor.
21:089:309 Imagery and Culture (3) Examines multiple approaches to understanding media and culture, including ways in which imagery affects perceptions of race, gender, consumer behavior, politics, and social roles; explores imagery in popular culture, new media, film, and art. Prerequisites: 21:086:201 or 202, or by permission of instructor.
21:089:310 Introduction to Mass Multimedia and the Internet (3) Introduction to contemporary multimedia tools, such as webcasting and creating DVDs, as well as writing and publishing on the internet.
21:089:319 Narrative Production (4) Builds on skills developed in Intermediate Video Production; students develop a shooting script and direct an original television drama. Scripts may include those from 21:089:445 Drama Writing for Television. Prerequisite: 21:089:204.
21:089:333 Documentary Production (4) Builds on skills developed in Intermediate Video Production. Students research, shoot, and edit a documentary video. Prerequisite: 21:089:204.
21:089:351,352 Topics in American Film (3,3) Drawing upon the history of American film from the silent era through the studio-dominated 1940s to the present day, the instructor chooses a particular topic to focus upon each semester.
21:089:393,394 Internship in Video Production (3,3) Open to video production majors in junior or senior year. Prerequisites: Permission of program coordinator and instructor directing the study.
21:089:402 TV News and Documentary Writing (3) Introduction to how broadcast journalists and documentary makers research and write scripts; explores a variety of journalistic formats, standards of publication, as well as related ethical, legal, and social issues.
21:089:405 International Cinema and Media (3) Current cinema is not limited to the United States and Western Europe. Great films are being produced in Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, and many other countries. Class will focus on specific films and directors who are producing films with global impact.
21:089:406 Expanded Media (3) An advanced class in which students with considerable technical production skills will create original videos, which will begin to develop unique personal styles and approaches. Theoretical preparation includes: discussion of film genres, screening, and critiques of film excerpts in order to understand the directorial approaches and aesthetic choices used in advanced production. Prerequisite: 21:089:204.
21:089:407 Community Video (3) An advanced class in which students will develop video projects with organizations in the Newark area. Theoretical approaches, research, collaboration techniques, and screening of related documentaries and videos will also be part of the class.
21:089:410 Video Art (3) Introduction to contemporary theory and practice of video as an art form. Emphasis on the production of individual art works incorporating video technology and critical literature about video. Prerequisite: 21:089:104.
21:089:440,441 Topics in Video Production (3,3) Class focuses on a particular topic that is not usually covered in general coursework. Topics may include specialization in certain areas such as lighting, location audio, postproduction audio, creative approaches, or advanced production theory. Prerequisites: 21:089:104 and 204.
21:089:443,444 Dramatic Film Production (3,3) Builds on skills learned in introductory production classes; students develop a shooting script and direct an original television drama. Scripts may include those from 21:089:445 Drama Writing for Television. Prerequisite: 21:089:319 or 333.
21:089:445 Screenwriting (3) Basics of writing drama scripts for television, including how to develop characters, situation, and plot in short, one-act teleplays.
21:089:487 Independent Study in Video Production (3) Advanced, mainly self-directed production of a video program with scheduled instructor overview sessions. Prerequisites: 21:089:319 or 333 with permission of program coordinator and instructor directing the study.
21:089:490, 491 Video Production Capstone (3,3) This is the culminating class of the video production major. The student demonstrates all that has been learned by producing a long-form video. Prerequisite: 21:089:319 or 333.
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