Design Fundamentals (3)
Basic studio course to develop visual literacy and skill; basic vocabulary of art and experience in manipulating this vocabulary through actual projects; principles of composition, color theory, and concepts of space; training in use of pencil, pen, paint, and collage techniques.
Open to nonmajors. No previous art experience needed.
3-D Design Fundamentals (3)
Basic course to develop an awareness of three-dimensional space through plane, volume, form, light, and rhythm; variety of tools and procedures used to manipulate space; analysis of a problem through materials, processes, and concepts; basic skills involved in structuring space.
Open to nonmajors. No previous art experience required.
Graphic Design I (3)
Fundamental design problems emphasizing the use of typography while exploring problem solving in a variety of visual forms, conceptual and analytical approaches, and technical processes. The use of pictographic image-making, symbol design, semantics, visual sequencing, and transformation in developing a visual language. One research paper.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisites: 21:085:102, 21:080:121, and sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
Corequisite: 21:085:370.
Graphic Design II (3)
Further practice and exploration of typography and typographic processes. Emphasis on various historical and contemporary typographic models. The use of the grid system to explore verbal and visual relationships, typographic hierarchies, and semiotics in expressive compositions. Introduction of type specification, typesetting, copyfitting, and graphic production procedures from traditional methods to digital technology. One research paper.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:231 or permission of instructor.
Illustration I (3)
Basic media and techniques with emphasis placed on conceptual and analytical thinking; projects include using the concept of transformation to develop solutions derived from real-life information; the purpose and history of illustration. One research paper; field trips.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisites: 21:085:102, 21:080:121, or permission of instructor.
Graphic Design III (3)
Advanced design problems emphasizing visual communication as a basis for experimental work. Further study of various typographic grid systems in single page, multiple page, and dimensional formats to include booklets, folders, posters, cover design, and packaging. Various design strategies and processes are applied in organizing complex verbal and pictorial information. One research paper.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:232 or permission of instructor.
Graphic Design IV (3)
Projects investigate the integration of design into a broad scope of communication formats and printing material and the formulation of a variety of information systems applied to environmental, institutional, and industrial communication problems. Projects include promotional and multidimensional design, public service, visual systems, corporate identity, editorial, and advertising.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:331 or permission of instructor.
Motion Design (3)
Focuses on the exploration of the principles of motion as they apply to typography and other graphic design elements. The emphasis is on the conceptual, visual, and technical aspects of "imaging language" in reference to time-based media. Students will develop a working knowledge of Adobe After Effects appropriate to introductory level.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:370 or permission of instructor.
Interactive Design (3)
This course is an introduction to basic concepts, methods,
and procedures on managing information complexity toward accessibility and
understanding by targeted audience. The course addresses the methods and
media of the visualization of information. Through assignment, lecture, and
discussion, this course will explore the aspects of selecting, editing,
organizing, and visually representing complex information in the context of
static, temporal, and interactive media. Students will gain experience in
content planning, design, and basic prototyping using web authoring tools.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:370 or permission of instructor.
Motion Design II (3)
This advanced class provides students with the opportunity to further refine and explore the role of structures and sequencing in leading an audience through both narrative and nonnarrative time-based projects. By the end of this course, students will be adept at developing ideas from storyboards to finished motion design pieces with type, imagery, audio, and video components. Students will gain fluency with Adobe After Effects.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:333 or permission of instructor.
Interactive Design II (3)
This advanced class challenges students to become more sensitive to the
relationship of form and content in complex and dynamic systems of
information. Students will gain the conceptual knowledge and production
skills necessary to prototype screen-based interactions. Students will
further explore content planning, site map and wireframe design, and
usability testing. Students will gain intermediate-level knowledge on
Adobe web authoring tools.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21:085:334 or permission of instructor.
Computers in Graphic Design (3)
Advanced typographic workshop using Macintosh computers. Stresses design and typographic principles while exploring the language of signs in compositional exercises. Typesetting, image-making, scanning software, electronic page makeup, prepress, and printing production procedures.
Open to nonmajors. Prerequisites: 21:085:102, 21:080:121, and sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
Corequisite: 21:085:231.
21:085:391, 392
Individual Study in Design (3,3)
Special problems in original creative work. Independent studio work in any of the disciplines offered.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair and instructor.
21:085:393, 394
Internship in Design (3,3)
Opportunity to explore career experience in art and design; limited to students with highly developed skills. Placements, designed to ensure maximum benefit to the student, may be in graphic design studios, as apprentices to artists, or in arts management positions. Under departmental supervision.
Prerequisite: Permission of department chair or adviser.
Seminar in Contemporary Design (3)
Focus on contemporary topics and issues in design theory, history, criticism, and practice.
Prerequisites: 21:085:232; 21:082:101,102, 202; or permission of instructor.
Senior Studio Seminar I (3)
Focuses on the completion of a portfolio in area of graphic design specialization. Conducted under the direction of individual advisers.
Open only to majors. Prerequisite: 21:085:332 or permission of instructor.
Senior Studio Seminar II (3)
Under the supervision of advisers, students produce, for an exhibition, a body of work in their individual areas of specialization. One research paper and slide documentation of work required.
Open only to majors. Prerequisite: 21:085:497 or permission of instructor.