Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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Undergraduate Education in Newark
College of Nursing
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Course Listing
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  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008 College of Nursing Course Listing Newark College of Arts and Science Courses  

Newark College of Arts and Sciences Courses

College of Nursing students should note that many of the required and elective courses are taken at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, and that school's catalog section should be reviewed before selecting courses. NCAS courses required for nursing students follow:

21&62:120:235Microbiology (3) Fundamentals of microbiology, including the distinguishing characteristics of the various groups of microbial cells; microbial control, including physical and chemical agents and chemotherapeutic agents; applications in personal and public health and in industry; mechanisms of disease production and host resistance; prevention and control of disease. Pre- or corequisites: 21&62:160:110 and 113 or 21&62:120:241-242. May not be used for credit toward the biology, botany, or zoology major.
21&62:120:241-242Anatomy and Physiology I,II (4,4) Examination of human body in which structure and function are integrated; the major organ systems (circulation, respiration, digestion); microscopic anatomy and biochemical aspects of physiology. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Open to College of Nursing students. Also open to NCAS students who have completed 21&62:120:101-102 with a grade of C or better. May not be used for credit toward the biology or zoology major.
21:120:245Pathophysiology (3) Focuses on the pathophysiology of common conditions affecting humans across the life span. Prerequisites: 21:120:241-242 or 01:119:127-128.
21&62:160:108Organic Biochemistry (3) Basic organic chemistry with emphasis on the molecules and reactions encountered in biochemistry; proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes; some discussion of metabolic cycles.
21&62:160:110World of Chemistry Laboratory (1) A basic laboratory in chemistry, which may be elected to accompany 21&62:160:102 or 108. Lab. 3 hrs. For laboratory science requirement.
21&62:350:101-102English Composition (3,3) Training in acceptable reading, writing, speaking, and listening; analysis of reading in various fields; constant practice in writing and discussion; frequent conferences with the instructor. Open to students on the basis of placement test only.
21&62:920:201Introduction to Sociology (3) Study of society: social structure, culture, and social interaction; the nature and historical developments of modern forms of social organization and social relationships.
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