At course midterm, students in jeopardy of unsatisfactory performance in
a nursing course must receive a written or electronic notification from the
course faculty or course leader/coordinator.
A midterm academic warning is assigned to any student for reasons
including, but not limited to, an average nursing
course grade of less than C+ (75%); unsatisfactory, unsafe, unethical
clinical performance; and/or poor attendance. Following a midterm academic
warning, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the faculty who
issued the warning and develop an action plan. In the event the warning is for
unsatisfactory clinical performance, the course leader/coordinator will be
notified and review the action plan. EOF
students must also contact their EOF adviser.
Absence of a midterm warning does not guarantee a student will pass the
clinical and/or didactic portion of a course.
Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress in the course
to ensure they are performing at a satisfactory level.