Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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Duplication of Courses
Repeated Courses
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Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Academic Policies and Procedures Registration and Course Information Repeated Courses  

Repeated Courses

Grades of F or D

The below policy applies to Ds earned in the fall 2014 semester or later, and to Fs earned in any semester.

In general, when a course is repeated in which the student previously earned a grade of F or D, both the original grade and the new grade remain on the transcript and in the cumulative grade-point average. However, for up to four courses (no more than 16 credits), the grade of F or D will be removed from the cumulative grade-point average if the student repeats the course. The original grade of F or D will remain on the transcript with an E prefix attached (no degree credit earned and grade does not compute in the GPA); the repeated grade will have an R prefix (degree credit is earned and grade computes in the GPA). For further explanation of these and other grade prefixes, see the section on grading under University Policies and Procedures.

This policy may be applied anytime during the undergraduate years, but only once for a given course. The course must be repeated at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. If the student earns an F or D a second time, only the second grade will enter the cumulative grade-point average. This policy may not be applied to punitive grades of F given for reasons such as academic dishonesty. Use of this policy to remove a grade of F or D from the cumulative grade-point average does not qualify a student for retroactive nomination to the Dean's List nor does it rescind unsatisfactory scholastic standing status.

The addition of appropriate prefixing to repeated courses will occur within several weeks after the end of the semester during which the repeated course has been taken. This revised policy is not retroactive to previous semesters (before fall 2014). If a student feels that they repeated a course and the appropriate prefixing was not applied based on the policy above, the student may contact the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Office of Academic Programs, Martin Hall.

Grades of D Earned PRIOR to the Fall 2014 Semester

The below policy applies to Ds earned prior to the fall 2014 semester.

When students have earned a grade of D prior to the fall 2014 semester and choose to repeat the course, credits and grades are computed in the cumulative grade-point average for both courses, but credit is subtracted from the degree-credit total for the repeated course. The repeated grade is denoted by the addition of a K prefix (no degree credit and grade computes in the GPA). If the student earns a grade of D when taking a course for a second time and chooses to repeat the course yet again, all three grades are computed into the cumulative grade-point average, but the student receives degree credit only once because credit can be earned only once for a given course.

Grades of C and Above

When students earn a grade of C or better and choose to repeat the course, it must be repeated for E credit. Courses with E prefixes do not lead to graduation credit and the grades are not computed in the cumulative grade-point average.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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