Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Scholastic Standing
Academic Credit
Academic Advising and Support Services
Registration and Course Information
Disciplinary Hearing Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Academic Policies and Procedures Student Responsibility to Keep Informed  

Student Responsibility to Keep Informed

Students are responsible to keep informed about all academic policies and procedures. In addition to the contents of this online catalog, important information about the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) can be found at the school's website ( Updated information about course schedules and final exam schedules can be found at Students are responsible for maintaining contact with their academic adviser and keeping themselves informed of policies, procedures, and changes via announcements posted electronically or sent to Rutgers email addresses.
For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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