Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Animal Science 067
Anthropology 070
Archaeology 075
Architectural Studies 076
Armenian 078
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrobiology 101
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Biotechnology 126
Business Analytics and Information Technolgy 136
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Dance 203
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Economics 220
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Certificates
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Environmental Studies 381
European Studies 360
Exercise Science 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
French 420
Gender and Media 438
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Health Administration 501
Health and Society 502
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Holocaust Studies 564
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
International and Global Studies 558
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Caribbean Studies 595
Leadership and Management 605
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Management and Global Business 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Military Science Minor (Military Science 691N, Naval Science 692N, Aerospace Science 693N, Non-Commissioning 695N)
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 776
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Learning Goals
Major Requirements
Minor in Political Science
Minor in Critical Intelligence Studies 205
Minor in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 792
Departmental Honors Program
Certificate Programs
Minor in Government and Business 793
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Sexualities Studies 888
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Sport Management 955
Statistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management 799
Theater 965
Ukrainian 967
Urban Planning and Design 971
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 988
World Language Proficiency Certificates
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses Political Science 790 Courses  


01:790:101 Nature of Politics (3) Crucial issues in politics: individual and community; political obligation and civil disobedience; stability, revolution, and change; legitimacy and justice; freedom and power.
01:790:102 Introduction to International Relations (3) Explanations of patterns of behavior in international systems. Topics include the state, sovereignty, war, power, nationalism, imperialism, security dilemmas, interdependence, international regimes, and ethical issues.
01:790:103 Comparative Politics (3) Selected political systems considered in a comparative framework. Cases taken from among both more and less economically developed countries. Focuses on governmental processes and institutions.
01:790:104 American Government (3) Comprehensive analysis of American political institutions. Issues and problems faced by federal, state, and local governments under the impact of modern conditions. The leading political, economic, and social influences affecting democratic government.  
10:790:106 Law and Politics (3) Inquiry into role of law and politics in the federal court system. Focus on interaction between Supreme Court, Congress, and president. Assessment of role of courts in the United States.
01:790:120 Inequality (4) Economic and political explanations for the growth in U.S. income inequality since the 1970s; measurement of inequality; comparisons with other countries and with earlier eras in the U.S.; explanatory roles of discrimination, immigration, globalization, superstar and winner-take-all markets, party politics, and differences between rich and poor in voting power, political voice, and political participation; perspectives from other social and behavioral science disciplines. Lower-level elective. Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:120.
01:790:204 Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (3) Genesis and development of democracies and dictatorships in advanced industrial societies and in the third world. Role of capitalism; revolutionary, conservative, and liberal movements; contemporary forms of imperialism and dependency.
01:790:220 The Civic Community as Theory and Practice (3) Critical examination of issues of civil community, citizenship, democracy, and civic responsibility. Includes special activities and discussion of community service performed in conjunction with course.
Corequisite: 01:790:400 Independent Study: Civic Engagement and Service Education Partnerships (CESEP) program Community Service Placement (1).
01:790:237 Political Economy and Society (3) Introduction to issues raised by the changing role of government toward business and the economy; survey of major policies; introduction to competing schools of political economic thought.
01:790:250,251,252,253 Topics in Political Science (1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5)  Special topics that vary with the instructor.
01:790:254 Intro to The Research Process: The Literature Review (1.5) Intensive examination of social science literature with an eye to understanding the structure of published research and writing a literature review. Topics vary by instructor.
01:790:264 Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences (3) Exploration of the intersection of religion and reproduction the United States and Israel in shaping reproductive practices, norms, and policies. Ethnographic case studies of reproduction among Jews and Christians with some attention to historical analyses and philosophical commentaries. Gender and religion will form the two primary modes of analysis for the study of reproduction. Credit not given for this course and 01:563:264, 01:840:263, or 01:988:220.
01:790:280 Politics of Disability (3) Examines the politics behind the creation and implementation of public policy related to disability and the allocation of resources to support such policies.  Teaches some basics of political activism.
01:790:292 Introduction to Critical Intelligence Studies (3) Provides an intellectual foundation for the study of intelligence, both as it has been practiced through history and as it is currently practiced by different nations and other entities today. Offers critical assessment of primary American efforts.
01:790:300 Introduction to Political Science Methods (3) Logic and techniques of social science research. Topics may include survey research, experiments, content analysis, data processing, and elementary statistics. No special math skills required.
01:790:301 Political Campaigning (3) Development of campaign strategy, planning campaign activities, campaign organization, financing, public relations and media use, voter contact, polling, campaign ethics, the impact of campaigns on the American system.
01:790:302 American Party Politics (3) Nature and functioning of the two-party system, its causes and effects. Particular attention devoted to the electoral role of parties, including political leadership and organization, nominations, campaigns, finance, and party programs.
01:790:303 Elections and Participation (3) Mass political participation in the United States as reflected in voting, electoral politics, and other forms of political participation.
01:790:304 Congressional Politics (3) Functions of legislatures; their structure, organization, and procedure; the problems and principles of lawmaking; and the process by which law is created.
01:790:305 Public Policy Formation (3) Origin and impact of public policy decisions on society. How specific decisions are made. How these decisions affect the structure of society. Individual cases analyzed.
01:790:306 American Presidency (3) Historical and legal evolution of the office of the presidency. Role of the president as party leader, chief legislator, executive, and public spokesman.
01:790:307 Survey Research (3) Theory and practice of mass opinion surveys and their use in political science. Sampling theory, questionnaire format, question framing, interviewing, coding, and interpretation of results.
01:790:308 New Jersey Politics (3) Examination of various aspects of politics in New Jersey, including elections, governmental institutions, and public policies and the policy making process.
01:790:309 The Politics of Puerto Rican Development (3) Analysis of relationship between political and economic development in the 20th century, changing nature of U.S./Puerto Rican relations, formation of the colonial state, and the statehood and independence movements. Credit not given for both this course and 01:595:309.
01:790:310 UK Politics (3) Institutions and political practices in the United Kingdom. Emphasis on the functioning of democracy in the changing social, economic, and psychological conditions of the contemporary world.
01:790:311 European Politics (3) Analysis of national governments in western Europe and of the European Union (EU). Focus on contemporary issues including economic liberalization, welfare state reform, European law, foreign policy, and enlargement to eastern Europe.
01:790:312 Change in Latin America (3) Emerging political and social issues in Latin America: development, democratization, sovereignty, religion, gender, race, migration.
01:790:313 Political Economy of East Asia (3) Exploration of the principal states of eastern Asia and the western Pacific through the lens of political economy. Focus on internal politics, trade, and economic development.
01:790:314 Sub-Sahara African Policies (3) Patterns of political change and political development in Africa south of the Sahara. Credit not given for both this course and 01:016:314.
01:790:315 Politics and Culture (3) Relationship among various aspects of culture, e.g., the role of symbol, myth, ritual, and religion and its relationship to politics.
01:790:316 Politics, Literature, and the Arts (3) Discussion and analysis of political elements in selected aesthetic works that vary with the instructor
01:790:317 Globalization and the Non-Western World (3) Theoretical understanding of the political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of globalization. Study of these theories within the context of selected non-Western countries using social science texts, literature, and films. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:317.
01:790:318 Comparative Public Policy (3) Inquiry into a current major area of public policy drawn from the field of comparative politics or international relations. Policy area varies from year to year.
01:790:319 Issues of American Foreign Policy (3) Analysis of the major substantive questions facing U.S. foreign policy.
01:790:320 Politics and Social Policy: Lessons from Europe (3) European approaches to 21st-century policy challenges in common with the United States, such as health care, climate change, education, a fractured social safety net, an aging population, high unemployment, and growing deficits. Credit not given for both this course and 01:790:290 or 01:360:290 or 01:360:320.
01:790:321 Theories of World Politics (3) Alternative theories of world politics with emphasis on basic causal factors affecting global behavior.
01:790:322 Strategy in International Relations (3) Examination of the dynamics of contemporary international politics, including strategic and bargaining theory.
01:790:323 Defense Policy (3) Formulation of defense policy and doctrine, weapons development, the role of threats. Critical review of current U.S. military decisions.
01:790:324 Causes of War (3) Recent scientific research on the emergence of serious disputes, escalation, conflict spirals, arms races, the outbreak of war, consequences of war, and conditions of peace.
01:790:327 International Political Economy (3) Interdependence of political and economic structures and processes in the development and management of the modern world economy.
01:790:328 Caribbean Politics and Development (3) Politics and development of Caribbean nation-states with special emphasis on internal and regional politics and their relationship with social questions. Party politics, ideologies, economic development, leadership, and political/social movements. Credit not given for both this course and 01:595:328. Not open to first-year students.
01:790:329 Latino Politics in the United States (3) Political organization of Latino communities in the Northeast since World War II. Role of Latinos in shaping U.S. domestic and foreign policy; the impact of immigration and language policies on political organization. Credit not given for both this course and 01:595:329.
01:790:330 Interest Groups (3) Role interest groups play in the representation of constituent interests, formulation of public policy, and implementation of governmental programs.
01:790:331 Urban Politics (3) City politics and public policy. Urban government and major urban problems such as finance, poverty, housing and economic development, education, crime, transportation, and the environment.
01:790:332 Money and Modern America (3) Cultures of materialism and ostentatious displays of consumption; the ethics of money, from the meaning of an "honest day's work" to the gray areas of bribery, insider dealing, and profiting from the misery of others; recent financial crises and their impact on American life. Credit not given for both this course and 01:050:318.
01:790:333 Race, Ethnicity, and Politics (3) Development of race relations in the United States beginning with slavery. Relationship between the politics of race and the politics of class.
01:790:334 Politics of Black America (3) Political perspectives and strategies of black Americans and the responsiveness of the American political system to the interests and demands of the black community. Credit not given for both this course and 01:014:381.
01:790:335 Women and American Politics (3) Women's participation in American politics, with emphasis on the attitudes and behavior of women as voters, activists, and officeholders. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:336.
01:790:336 American Political Movements (3) Origins and development of political and social movements in America; theories of their decay, reform, or absorption into the mainstream of American political life.
01:790:337 US Immigration Politics and Policy (3) Overview of the major immigration policies in the United States and exploration of relationship between immigration and national identity.  Historical and contemporary policies examined, along with their cultural, economic, and political implications.
01:790:338 Government and Business (3) Relations between business and government. Assessment of impact of governmental action on business. Analysis of lobbying, business participation in electoral process, public service and public image activities, and legal relations with government.
01:790:340 Law and Society (3) Examination of different ways of understanding law and its social, cultural, and political significance. Topics may include the nature of law, crime and punishment, the "adversary ethic," law and morality, law's role in structuring social relationships, civil disputes, and feminism and the law.
01:790:341 Public Administration: American Bureaucracy (3) Institutional setting and political relationships in administration; leadership, decision-making, personnel and budgeting functions; administrative law and regulation; the problem of responsibility.
01:790:342 Politics of Authoritarian Regimes (3) Exploration of non-democratic government types, their foundations, politics, and policy processes.
01:790:343 Counterterrorism and Democracy (3) Explores the problem of developing a long-term strategy to address terrorism through the competing lenses of security and democracy.
01:790:344 Public Opinion (3) Theory and research on public opinion in the United States, including uses and abuses of polls, recent trends in political and social opinions, and relationship between public opinion and public policy.
01:790:345 Mass Media and U.S. Democracy (3) Theoretical and actual role of mass media in the United States, including the structure of mass media industry, news production, effects on political and social views, and how the media are regulated.
01:790:346 Political Socialization (3) Theory and process of the development of political attitudes. The influence of the family, school, media, occupation, personality, and social background.
01:790:347 Political Representation (3) Explores dynamics of political representation from multiple angles. Discusses classic concepts and theories, new directions in research, and empirical studies.  Draws on work from diverse identity groups, world regions, and time periods.
01:790:348 Psychology and Politics (3) Political behavior of individuals and groups. Themes selected from personality and politics, attitude change, leadership, cognitive development, identity, ideology, psychology of oppression, and role theory.
01:790:349 Topics in American Politics (3) Special topics in American politics that vary with the instructor. Credit not given for both this course and 01:014:349.
01:790:350 Environmental Politics-United States and International (3) Environmental politics and policy from American, comparative, and international perspectives. National styles of regulation, trade-environment conflicts, role of international institutions.
01:790:351 Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (3) Contemporary politics of the Middle East through scholarly literature and through documentary-type films dealing with socioeconomic and cultural influences on politics. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:351 or 01:685:351.
01:790:352 Israeli Politics (3) Basic understanding of the historical background of the establishment of the state of Israel; major characteristics of the political culture and institutions and how they have responded to the dynamic sociocultural and political changes that have shaped the society. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:352 or 01:685:352.
01:790:353 Ending Civil War and Building Peace (3) Exploration of contemporary civil wars and international efforts to end civil wars using international relations theory and case studies. Peacebuilding through conflict resolution, institutional design, transitional justice, development aid and other methods.
01:790:354 East Asia in World Affairs (3) Examination of the major states of East Asia in world affairs with specific reference to big-power diplomacy, the United Nations, regionalism, neutralism, and war.
01:790:355 Women and Public Policy (3) Examination of major public policy questions affecting women. Topics, drawn from the United States and other societies, may include reproduction issues, economic equality, violence against women, and political rights. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:355.
01:790:356 Organizing for Social Change (3) Theory and practice of community organizing for social change for labor and community groups; membership building; leadership development; strategy development; community power analysis; campaign planning.  Credit not given for both this course and 37:575:359
01:790:357 Comparative Political Economy (3) Analysis of different approaches to political economy and the interaction of political, social, and economic forces in historical perspective.
01:790:358 Globalization, Democracy, and Contemporary Capitalism (3) Comparison of contemporary market economies in developed and developing countries, how they are affected by integration into global markets, and the implications for democracy.
01:790:359 Women and Politics in the Middle East (3 Gender in the Middle East. How social, political, and cultural construction of sexual difference influence the nature and practice of political life in the Middle East Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:359.
01:790:360 Gender and Politics in Global Perspective (3) Central topics in the study of gender and politics, covering such issues as women's participation in political parties and social movements, women as voters and candidates in political elections, feminism and the state, and gender and international politics. Draws on examples from various world regions and time periods to analyze similarities and differences across cases around the globe.
01:790:361 International Organizations (3) Review of League of Nations, United Nations, World Court, and specialized agencies.
01:790:362 International Law (3) Fundamental rules of international law in its relation to the state and the individual. Discussion of cases, status, treaties.
01:790:363 Conflict Resolution in World Politics (3) Nature and management of conflict in world politics, with emphasis on the instruments and limits of national power; sources of international conflict; changing patterns of alliance and alignment; and approaches to peace, reconciliation, and stability.
01:790:364 Global Order (3) Considers alternative perspectives on the nature of order in post-Cold War world politics and examines the major developments in international relations since 1989.
01:790:365 Gender and Political Theory (3) Role and place of gender in political thought. Readings drawn from major historical theorists and modern feminists. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:365.
01:790:366 Politics of National Security (3) The role of intelligence in National Security Policy since World War II with focus on constitutional and legal issues
01:790:367 Islam and Democracy in the Middle East (3) The evolving relationship of Islamist political parties and movements to democracy in the Middle East. Cases drawn from regions of the Middle East such as Turkey, Arab countries, and Iran among others. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:357.
01:790:369 Topics in World Politics (3) Intensive examination of a number of significant questions related to world politics. Questions vary with instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
01:790:370 Topics in Political Theory (3) Examination of major issues in political theory. Topics vary by instructor.
01:790:371 Western Tradition: Plato to Machiavelli (3) Relationship of man to society and the political order and the ethical foundations of politics as seen by the major Western political philosophers: Plato to Machiavelli.
01:790:372 Western Tradition: Hobbes to Mill (3) Relationship of man to society and the political order and the ethical foundations of politics as seen by the major Western political philosophers: Hobbes and Rousseau to Mill and Marx.
01:790:373 Legal Philosophy, Rights, and Justice (3) Place of law in the democratic state. The nature of law, its role in regulating behavior, legal reasoning, rival legal theories; the conflict between positivism and the theory of law; punishment and responsibility; various standards of justice.
01:790:374 Democratic Political Philosophy (3) Analysis of the relationship between ethics and politics in contemporary democracy and current challenges to traditional democratic theory. Political obligation, the justification of authority, disobedience and the right of resistance, freedom, social justice, and equality.
01:790:375 American Political Thought to 1865 (3) Philosophical and theoretical foundations of the American republic with attention to themes and conflicts in American thought and culture. European background and political thought of the colonial period to the Civil War
01:790:376 American Political Thought from 1865 (3) American political thought and philosophy in the era of industrialism, world power, and mass society. The political thought of political movements since the Civil War.
01:790:377 Marx and Marxist Theory (3 Development of Marxist thought from Hegel to the 20th century. Alienation, class consciousness and class struggle, universal human emancipation, the labor theory of value, historical materialism, and the dialectic.
01:790:378 Theories of the Labor Movement (3) Explores the various democratic, socialist, and Marxist ideas that influenced the labor movements of the 20th century. Particular emphasis on Karl Marx, Edward Bernstein, Lenin, Eugene Debs, Rosa Luxemburg.
01:790:379 Writing with Revision in Political Science (3 Promotes development of competence in reading, critical thinking, and writing, with emphasis on the intellectual and practical skills required for the research paper.
Prerequisite: 01:355:101. Open to majors only.
01:790:380 Russian and Central European Political Thought (3) Russian and central European Marxism; its origins in the 19th-century political thought of the region; Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and their intellectual opponents. Intellectual roots of the 1989-1991 revolutions.
01:790:381 Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe (3) Examination of the politics of Russia, Eastern Europe, and the post-Soviet states. Focus on the interaction between legacies of communism and new institutional designs in Russia and eastern Europe. Major patterns of postcommunist politics identified, compared, and analyzed. Democratic transition theories explored.
01:790:382 Foreign Policy of Russia and the East European States (3) Foreign policies of Russia, other Soviet "successor" states, and East European countries since 1989. Includes discussion of main features of foreign policy of former Soviet Union, relations between the Soviet Union and its satellite states, and international ramifications of the collapse of the Soviet bloc.
01:790:383 Politics of Postcommunist Economic Reforms (3) Specific patterns of interaction between postcommunist politics and economic reforms examined. Brief introduction to political economy of communism and its collapse. Politics of economic reforms. Discussion of neoliberalism, mechanisms of accountability, corruption, and clientelism.
01:790:384 Jewish Politics, Jewish Power (3) Political relationship of the Jewish community to the Gentile authorities among whom they lived, from Rome in 70 CE to the contemporary period. Continuities and discontinuities of traditional conceptions of Jewish political behavior and rebellion and accommodation to structures of power in varying historical contexts. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:389 or 01:510:389.
01:790:385 Arab Politics and Society (3 Study of Arab nationalism, civil-military relations, radical Islam, women in politics, and ethnic relations through social science readings and literature in translation. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:385.
01:790:386 Political Change in China (3) Changes taking place in China in the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the People's Republic of China. The utility of various types of comparative analysis.
01:790:387 Politics and Culture in Greece and the Balkans (3) Patterns of political, social, and cultural developments in forming and developing statecraft in Greece, and comparatively in other key Balkan countries (e.g., Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey). Credit not given for both this course and 01:489:385
01:790:388 Ideologies of the Right (3) Centers upon the sociopolitical experience of conservative and often reactionary movements in selected countries. Leading theorists discussed.
01:790:389 Topics in Comparative Politics (3) Selected topics in comparative politics that vary with the instructor.
01:790:390 Choice and Strategy in Politics (3) Rational-choice approaches to understanding political behavior and institutions. Spatial models of direct and representative democracy; strategic behavior of political actors; ideal voting systems; selected applications in U.S. and other political systems. Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:390.
Prerequisites: 01:220:102, 01:220:103.
01:790:391 Data Science for Political Science (3 Explores different ways to use data to understand social science phenomena. Teaches statistical analysis software, research question development, and hypothesis testing.
Prerequisite: 01:640:026 or placement above Intermediate Algebra.
01:790:392 Qualitative Research Methods (3) Principles of research design and to the collection and analysis of qualitative data in the social sciences.
01:790:393 New Jersey State Legislature Internship (3) Internship with a New Jersey state legislator or in an office of the New Jersey state legislature, arranged through and supervised by the Rutgers Civic Engagement and Service Education Partnerships (CESEP) program. In addition to work in the internship placement, includes regular meetings in seminar or classroom setting and an appropriately designed academic project resulting in a paper. 
Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Open to majors and nonmajors.
01:790:394 Rutgers-Japan Exchange (3) Exchange program with Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto Japan focusing on a topic of interest to American and Japanese relations. Sample topics include world politics, collective memory, leadership, social movements, and culture. Spring semester includes visit from Japanese students.
01:790:395,396 Political Science Seminar (3,3) Seminars involving analysis, discussion, and research of topics in political science. Open to political science majors only.
01:790:397 Washington Internship (9) Internship in a government or public service agency in Washington, D.C. Prerequisites: 12 credits in political science, including 3 credits of advanced American government, or equivalent with permission of department; and junior or senior standing. Corequisite: 01:790:494. Graded Pass/No Credit. Field experience: 35 hours per week plus speaker series and group sessions. Residence in Washington, D.C., required.
01:790:398 Washington Summer Internship and Research (9 Internship in a government or public policy-related agency/office in Washington, D.C; internship-related classroom activities; and research paper submitted to the department.
Prerequisites: 12 credits completed in political science, including 3 credits of introductory American government and 3 credits of advanced American government at the 300 level or above; 60 or more total credits completed toward graduation; and permission of the department. Residence in Washington, D.C., required.
01:790:399 Independent Study (1) Prerequisite: Permission of department before registration. Must be taken in conjunction with a 3-credit political science course specified in course list.
01:790:400 Independent Study (1.5) Prerequisite: Permission of department before registration. Must be taken in conjunction with a 3-credit political science course specified in course list.
01:790:401 American Constitutional Law I (3) Exploration of forms of legal reasoning and argumentation through close analysis of U.S. Supreme Court cases. Focus on economic policy, property rights, and substantive due process cases.
01:790:404 Politics of Criminal Justice (3 Systematic examination of the relationship between political variables, crime rates, police behavior, court dynamics and sentences, and prison practices and functions.
Prerequisite: 01:790:201 or 247 or permission of instructor.
01:790:406 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (3) Political and civil rights and duties, such as freedom of the person; elementary freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and religion; freedom against arbitrary action; discrimination; free interchange of ideas.
Prerequisite: 01:790:201 or 247 or permission of instructor.
01:790:409 Courts and Public Policy (3) Examines the legitimacy, capacity, and effectiveness of policy making by the judicial branch.
01:790:410 Advanced Studies in Law I (3) Intensive seminar on selected public law issues. 
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
01:790:411 Advanced Studies in Law II (3)  Intensive seminar on selected public law issues. 
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
01:790:412 Advanced Studies in Law III (3) Intensive seminar on selected public law issues Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
01:790:418 Democracy and Markets in Latin America (3) Transitions from authoritarian to democratic regimes in Latin America; economic policy challenges faced by new democratic governments; and prospects for the consolidation of democratic regimes.
01:790:419 Research Seminar on Causes of War (3) Survey of the leading theories of the causes of war; student research projects on the causes of individual wars; comparison of the causes of different wars.
Prerequisites: At least one course in international relations or foreign policy and permission of instructor.
01:790:423 Contemporary Feminist Theory (3) Survey of both classic and contemporary texts in feminist theory emphasizing their relevance for modern political thought and social praxis. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:423.
01:790:424 Gender and Political Economy (3) Feminist theories of political economy. Effects of economic change on women, political responses of women's movements in the United States and internationally; differences of race, class, sexuality, and nation in shaping such effects and responses. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:424.
01:790:426 Gender, Public Policy, and Law (3) Advanced topics in gender, public policy, and law, focusing on a selected cluster of current issues. Topics may include regulation of sexuality and reproduction, labor organizing and labor politics, politics of welfare and poverty, and issues in health policy and politics. Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:428.
01:790:428 The Practice of Politics (3) Emphasizes the interaction of political science theory and literature with the realities of political experience. Required of, and limited to, participants in the Eagleton Undergraduate Associates Certificate Program.
01:790:429 Processes of Politics (3) Exploration of significant aspects of the American political system, including representation, leadership, bargaining, advocacy, participation, and achievement. Open only to participants of the Eagleton Undergraduate Associates Certificate Program. Permission of instructor required.
01:790:430 Advanced Studies in Public Policy (3) Special topics in public policy that vary with the instructor.
01:790:437 Politics of American Capitalism (3) Impact of continuing industrial and technological development on politics in Western society. Impact of multinational corporations on national sovereignty, stagflation, alienation, feminism, race relations, trade unionism, and youth culture.
01:790:439 Advanced Studies in Political Economy (3) Selected topics in political economy that vary with the instructor.
01:790:440 Advanced Studies in American Politics (3) Selected topics in American politics that vary with the instructor.
01:790:441 Data Science for Political Science Capstone (1) Capstone course required of all students pursuing the Data Science minor. Semi-independent, supervised research Pre- or corequisite: 01:790:391.
01:790:450 Advanced Studies in Comparative Politics (3) Selected topics in comparative politics that vary with the instructor.
01:790:451 Critical Perspectives on the Middle East (3) Promotes critical thinking about the Middle East by analyzing how stereotypes and Western political theories hinder intercultural understanding, and encourages students to think more dynamically about the relationship between the United States and the third world.
Prerequisite: 01:790:102 or 103 or 351 or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:451 or 01:685:451.
01:790:452 Advanced Topics in Middle Eastern Politics (3) Detailed analysis of selected topics including religious radicalism, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, gender politics, the authoritarian state, nationalism, politics of authenticity, and political economy of development.
Prerequisite: 01:790:102 or 103 or 351 or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:452.
01:790:453 Comparative Political Anthropology (3) Development of political anthropology and its relationship to political science. Major approaches and trends in the field; kinship, patron/client relations, social networks, political symbols, myths, rituals, ideology, and their roles in political change.
01:790:454 Political Development of Asia (3) Roots of modern nationalism in various Asian nations; emphasis on leaders and ideas.
01:790:455 Culture and Revolution in the Middle East (3) Middle Eastern culture and its relationships with revolutionary movements and radical Islam. Major perspectives on current discourses regarding revolution and Middle Eastern culture. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:455.
01:790:457 Islamic Law and Jurisprudence (3) Introduction to Islamic legal theory in its historical and modern political contexts. Contrasts Islamic law and legal theory with Western legal theory and constitutional thought. Credit not given for both this course and 01:685:457.
01:790:470 Advanced Studies in Political Philosophy (3) Selected topics in political philosophy that vary with the instructor.
01:790:471 Machiavelli and the Renaissance (3) The Prince and other political works of Machiavelli in the context of the Renaissance.
01:790:472 Religion and Politics (3) Relationship between religion and political life. Emphasis on the work of religious and political theorists. The place of religion in American political life and discussion of religion in contemporary politics.
01:790:473 Critics of Modernity (3) Writings of Alexis de Tocqueville, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, and Max Weber and their impact on 20th-century social and political thought.
01:790:477 Critical Theory and Society (3) Course emphasizes the development of dialectical thought in the 20th century. Emphasis placed on "Frankfurt School" and its major representatives such as Max Horkhiemer, Theodore Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and Herbert Marcuse.
01:790:481,482 Internship in Political Science (3,3) Work in a designated agency; an appropriately designed academic project resulting in a paper.
Prerequisite: Permission of department before registration.
01:790:483 Critical Thinking and Analytic Writing for the Intelligence Community (3 Offers principles of and skills necessary for writing and briefing for the intelligence community in a seminar format.
Prerequisites: 01:790:292 and declared minor in critical intelligence studies.
01:790:484 Research in Critical Intelligence Studies (3) One-semester research project dealing with some aspect of intelligence studies under supervision of a faculty member participating in intelligence studies program. Open to juniors and seniors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 minoring in intelligence studies. May not be used toward the 790 Political Science major.
01:790:485 Intelligence Studies Internship (3) Professional, supervised work for a government agency or corporate entity with an emphasis on public safety, acquisition, analysis, and deployment of intelligence, and/or security, and completion of a course paper or project Prerequisites: 01:790:292 and a minimum of 6 other credits fulfilling intelligence studies minor requirements. Open only to juniors and seniors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 in the minor.
01:790:488 Field Internships in Political Science (3 or 6) Internship in a government or public affairs office working 10 to 25 hours per week according to the number of credits elected. Graded on a pass/fail basis. Pre- or corequisites: Junior or senior status and permission of department.
01:790:491,492 Advanced Independent Study and Research (3,3) Supervised individual study of selected topics of interest with extensive reading and/or independent research project.
Prerequisite: Permission of department before registration.
01:790:494 Washington Research (6) Internship-related seminar and research paper submitted to the department.
Corequisite: 01:790:397. Graded credits.
01:790:495-496 Honors in Political Science (3,3) Independent readings on a specialized topic of interest; completion of research paper and an oral defense. Open only to senior majors with 15 credits in political science and a 3.4 grade-point average or better in political science and a 3.0 or better cumulative grade-point average. Both 01:790:495 and 496 must be completed to receive credit.
01:790:497-498 Thesis in Political Science (6,6) Prerequisite: Permission of department. Both semesters must be completed in order to receive credit. For students writing an honors thesis.
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