Although there are a variety of different policies
governing academic standing requirements at the university, there are some general Bloustein School
undergraduate program requirements that must
be met prior to graduation from the school and completion of the major.
Students whose cumulative grade-point average is less than 2.000 at the end of an academic semester may be placed on probation and may continue under limitations specified by the Committee on Scholastic Standing.
The student will receive written notification of probationary status within four weeks of the semester grade report. Students on probation who have not raised their cumulative grade-point average to 2.000 at the end of the academic semester will ordinarily be dismissed. Students whose cumulative grade-point average is less than 1.200 at the end of any academic semester will be dismissed without necessarily being placed on academic probation first.
A student dismissed from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy is not considered for readmission to the school unless the former student has completed at least 12 credits at another accredited college or university and/or the Rutgers University Summer Session with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.500 or better and at least one semester, not including summer session, has elapsed since the date of the student's dismissal.