Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
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School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
General Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Academic Credit
Transfer Credit from Outside of Rutgers-New Brunswick
Transfer Credit from Other Rutgers Schools (School to School Transfers)
Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, & Reenrollment
Academic Standing Policy
Academic Integrity & Code of Conduct
Additional Resources
Degree Requirements
Course Listing
Administration and Faculty
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick Academic Policies and Procedures Registration  


Registration for matriculated Rutgers Business School-New Brunswick (RBS-NB) students is held in November for the following spring semester and April for the following fall semester. Students are responsible for monitoring the accuracy of their registration each semester, for completing the degree requirements as outlined in their program of study, and for avoiding scheduling courses for which credit already has been granted, either at Rutgers University or by transfer. Details about registration and changing of courses may be found under the registration and add/drop policy sections of the University Policies and Procedures chapter of the University Course Catalog. The university reserves the right to restrict registration in all courses offered and, when necessary, to cancel courses previously announced. 


Registering for Courses at Another Institutions. Matriculated students must fill out a Transfer Credit Preapproval form to receive prior approval for courses they intend to take for credit at another college or university.

Students are not permitted to be enrolled simultaneously at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and another institution during the fall or spring semester.

Students may take up to a maximum of 12 summer session credits at institutions outside of RBS-NB. 

No more than 2 pre-business eligibility courses per summer may be taken outside of RBS-NB.

If you are repeating a course in which you received a grade of D, F, or NC, that course must be repeated at RBS-NB, with no exceptions.

Due to suspected fraudulent activity, RBS-NB will no longer preapprove summer or winter session courses offered by overseas institutions, outside of participation in a Rutgers-sponsored study abroad program.

Avoid third-party agents that advertise summer or winter session courses purportedly offered by a U.S. college or university. Often, these agents are not authorized to act on these schools' behalf and the course offerings either no longer exist or are outright fraudulent. RBS-NB will not pre-approve courses offered through such third-party agents.

If you are going to be overseas in the summer, consider instead a RBS-NB or a N.J. community college online summer course.  Please fill out a Transfer Credit Preapproval form to receive prior approval for courses before you register.

Dropping Courses.  Students may drop courses with a W during the withdrawal period between the third and eighth week of the semester.

Full-time students may not drop courses below 12 credits.

Nonattendance in a course does not constitute formal withdrawal from the course.

Students should seek academic advising when contemplating dropping a course.

See the University Policies and Procedures section of the University Course Catalog for details of the add/drop policy.

Credit Load. RBS-NB students may register for a maximum of 19 credits per semester and must register for a minimum of 12 credits to be considered full-time students under university regulations and federal law.

Students generally average 15 credits a semester for a total of 120 degree credits upon graduation with a bachelor of science degree. 

Part-time Status for Seniors. Seniors in their final semester who need less than 12 credits to graduate are eligible to register for only the credits that they need to complete their degree.

Students must fill out the Last Semester Senior Part-time Status Request form, obtained through their Senior Advisor. This form will be automatically emailed to all eligible seniors prior to the beginning of the semester.

If an eligible senior student requests to drop to part-time status after the add/drop period they will receive a W in the dropped course.

Students registered for fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time students under university regulations and federal law. Therefore, the decision to register for less than 12 credits and become a part-time student often has significant implications for the student's financial aid, health insurance coverage, housing, and scholarship eligibility.

Part-time Status for Independent Students. Students not going into their final semester who would like to be part-time must fill out the Part-time Status Request form, obtained through their student counselor.

Students must provide a brief written statement explaining their reason for this request, and attach the appropriate documentation:

  • Financial Aid statement indicating independent status or
  • Copy of a lease with their name on it and a current 1040 tax statement indicating they claim themselves.

Without this documentation, a student cannot qualify for part-time status.

Students registered for fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time students under university regulations and federal law. Therefore, the decision to register for less than 12 credits and become a part-time student often has significant implications for the student's financial aid, health insurance coverage, housing, and scholarship eligibility.

Requests for part-time attendance must be made before the beginning of the semester. Any request made after the semester has commenced will be considered for the following semester. Freshmen are not permitted to go part-time.

Part-time status is granted on an individual basis and will be decided based on each situation and the validity of the request.

Students with Non-traditional Status. Students with nontraditional status normally schedule two or three courses per semester, but may register for up to 19 credits per semester. Nontraditional status students who have demanding nonacademic commitments are advised not to schedule more than two courses per semester. Nontraditional and part-time students are subject to standard registration policies regarding adding and withdrawal and refund deadlines.

In order to obtain nontraditional student status, applicants for admission to Rutgers-New Brunswick should check the nontraditional student box during the online application process. Requests for nontraditional status will be reviewed and admitted students will be notified that they are approved. Significant nonacademic commitments may include: being self-supporting or having financial dependents.  

Matriculated students whose circumstances change and wish to obtain nontraditional status should contact the Office of Undergraduate Programs to initiate the application process.

Pass/No Credit Courses. RBS-NB students who have completed 90 or more credits may take up to two non-business elective courses on a Pass/No Credit basis.

Grades of A, B, and C correspond to Pass; grades of D and F to No Credit.

Only general elective courses can be taken on a pass/no credit basis.

Students cannot select this option for a course being used to satisfy major, minor, liberal arts distribution requirements, or ANY other graduation credentials.

Courses that could potentially satisfy an unfulfilled requirement cannot be taken as pass/no credit.

Students cannot take any school 33 business courses even if they are for elective credit.

The Senior Pass/No Credit Option form submission deadlines are:
  • Fall Semester: Fourth Friday of the semester
  • Spring Semester: Fourth Friday of the semester
  • Six-week Summer Session: 10th calendar day after class begins
  • Winter session courses can not be taken on a pass/no credit basis
  • There are no exceptions to the above deadlines
Once the Pass/No Credit option is in place, it may not be reversed.

The above restrictions do not apply to courses that are only offered on a pass/no credit basis.

Repeating Non-business Courses.
The repeated course policy was revised in the Fall 2015 term. The following policy applies to D grades earned in the fall 2015 semester or later, and to grades of F earned in any semester in non-business courses.

When students receive a grade of D or F in a non-business course, and said course is repeated, the D or F may come out of the cumulative grade point average for a maximum of two courses. The original grade of D or F will remain on the transcript with an E prefix attached and the repeated grade will have an R prefix attached.

This policy may be applied anytime during the undergraduate years, but only once for a given course. The course must be repeated at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. If the student earns a D or F a second time, only the second grade will enter the cumulative grade-point average. This repeat policy may not be applied to punitive grades of F given for reasons such as academic integrity violations.

The following policy applies to D's earned prior to the fall 2015 semester: When students have earned a grade of D prior to the fall 2015 semester and choose to repeat the course, credits, and grades are computed in the cumulative grade-point average for both courses, but credit is subtracted from the degree-credit total for the repeated course. The repeated grade is denoted by the addition of a K prefix. If the student earns a grade of D when taking a course for a second time and chooses to repeat the course yet again, all three grades are computed into the cumulative grade-point average, but the student receives degree credit only once because credit can be earned only once for a given course.

The addition of appropriate prefixing to repeated courses will normally occur by the start of the following semester in which the repeated course has been taken. If a student completes a course repeat and does not see the appropriate prefixing applied by the following semester, based on the policy above, the student may email his or her academic adviser for follow-up. Please include full name, RUID, and the course that was repeated.

For information regarding prefixes see the General Information section of the University Course Catalog.

Repeating Business Courses. When students repeat a business course in which an F has been earned, both the F and the new grade are included in the cumulative grade-point average. Students may repeat a maximum of two business courses in which an F grade has been earned. Business courses in which a grade of D is earned must also be repeated, with both the original and new grades included in the cumulative grade-point average. Credit is subtracted from the degree credit total for the repeated course and is denoted by a K prefix. Note: Three D or F grades in business courses constitute academic dismissal from the RBS-NB. See Academic Standing Policy page.

Courses in which a grade of C or higher is earned may not be repeated for inclusion in the cumulative grade-point average. If such courses are repeated, the second grade is E credited and students will not receive degree credit. Students may not receive degree credit for repeated courses bearing the same or equivalent course numbers. All business courses in which grades of D or F are earned and which are required to complete the business major must be repeated at Rutgers-New Brunswick and a minimum grade of C is earned.

For information regarding prefixes see the General Information section of the University Course Catalog.

Change of Grades. Students are responsible for obtaining prompt information about their grades each semester--the requirements for a change of grade, and the requirements for the removal of a temporary grade.

Under normal circumstances, the original grade cannot be changed after the end of the next full semester.

In special situations, such as continued illness, this requirement may be waived with the consent of the faculty member.

Summer and Winter Session Courses at Rutgers.
Students in good academic standing may register for the Rutgers University Summer Session and Winter Session via WebReg. Students may earn no more than 3 credits during the Winter Session and no more than 12 credits during the Summer Sessions. First-year students may not take Winter Session courses.

Attendance and Cancellation of Classes.
In accordance with Rutgers University regulations, attendance is expected at all regularly scheduled meetings of a course and individual courses may set policies for maximum absences.

Students should obtain a note from the Office of the Dean of Students to authenticate an absence that is supported by appropriate documentation. Faculty notified of authenticated absences should make reasonable accommodations to allow students to make up work that counts toward their semester grade.

Absences due to religious observance, participation in university-sponsored events or activities such as intercollegiate athletics, or documented chronic illness are treated as authenticated absences. Authenticated absences do not waive the overall policy for attendance. Students who must miss more than an occasional class should consult with their instructors and an academic adviser.

It is the policy of Rutgers University not to cancel classes on religious holidays. For information on the cancellation of classes due to inclement weather, see the University Policies and Procedures section of University Course Catalog.

World Language Courses. Students with two or more years of a foreign language in high school or whose native language is other than English may not receive degree credit for elementary courses (typically numbered 101-102) or courses numbered below their placement in that language. Degree credit in that language begins with an intermediate or review course even if the Rutgers placement test indicates elementary-level placement or if there has been an interruption in language study.

Declaration and Change of Major. Only students admitted to the RBS-NB may declare majors in Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics and Information Technology, Leadership and Management, Marketing, or Supply Chain Management on the New Brunswick Campus.

In addition, all six pre-business eligibility courses must be completed with minimum grades of C, and a 2.500 cumulative grade-point average is required to declare a major.

RBS-NB students may declare their major(s) by completing a Declaration of Major form.

Students may declare up to three majors.

Declaration and Change of Minor . RBS-NB students may declare a minor in a non-RBS subject area.

RBS-NB are not permitted to declare an RBS minor (Business Administration or Entrepreneurship).

RBS-NB students may declare or change their minor(s) by completing a Declaration of Minor form.

Students may declare up to three minors.

Declaration and Change of Concentration. RBS-NB students may declare a concentration in Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Global Business, Leadership Skills, Management Information Systems, Real Estate, or Sales.

You may declare a concentration if you have successfully completed all six pre-business eligibility courses and have declared your major.

Sophomores may declare a concentration beginning June 1st if they successfully completed all 6 pre-business eligibility requirements courses and have declared their major by the end of the spring semester.

If you have a Business Analytics and Information Technology major, you may not declare a Business Analytics or Management Information Systems concentration. If you have a Finance major, you may not declare a Finance concentration. If you have a Leadership and Management major you may not declare an Entrepreneurship, Global Business or Leadership Skills concentration. If you have a Marketing major, you may not declare a Sales concentration.

Concentrations are programs that are not recognized in the Web Registration system. You may be restricted from registering yourself for some concentration courses that are restricted by major. In this instance, you will need to fill out a Concentration Registration Request form. Request forms are processed in the order they are received, and it will not be guaranteed that requested courses will remain open awaiting processing.

RBS-NB students may declare or change their concentration by completing a Declaration of Concentration form.

Students may declare only one concentration.

Freshmen and rising Sophomores are not eligible to declare a concentration.

Dean's List. At the conclusion of each semester, RBS-NB recognizes outstanding students by inclusion on the Dean's List.

All full-time students are eligible and qualification for the Dean's List is determined by a semester grade-point average of 3.500* or better based on no fewer than 12.0 letter graded credits with no letter grades of D or F and Pass/No Credit. E credits are excluded.

Filing of a change of grade after the end of the next full semester does not qualify a student for retroactive nomination to the Dean's List. Repeating a course option does not qualify a student for retroactive nomination to the Dean's List.

All courses for which a student is enrolled must be completed and grades must be recorded at the time the Dean's List is prepared. Students on the Dean's List receive an email from the Dean and a special designation on their university transcript.

Dean's List letters are generated online and are available about three weeks following each semester. Log in to to print a letter certifying your Dean's List status. Please note that only letters from the most recent semester are available for retrieval.

Leave of Absence. Please visit the Leave of Absence and Reenrollment page for more information.

Withdrawals. Please visit the Leave of Absence and Reenrollment page for more information.

Tuition Refund Information. Please visit the Leave of Absence and Reenrollment page for more information.

Reenrollment. Please visit the Leave of Absence and Reenrollment page for more information.

Degree Credit Requirements. All students must earn at least 120 degree credits, with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.000. Most students should be able to complete their baccalaureate requirements in four years of full-time study. Students must complete the required program of study in their business major, in addition to the liberal arts  core curriculum requirements

RBS-NB students must complete 45 business credits at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Students matriculated in RBS-NB must receive written prior approval to take courses outside of Rutgers-New Brunswick.

Graduation. Degrees are conferred by Rutgers University on the recommendation of the faculty of the Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick in May, January, and August.

Students file for their diploma through the online diploma application.

Diplomas will be withheld from all students whose financial accounts are delinquent.

The bachelor's degree is conferred with the distinction summa cum laude for graduates with a Rutgers cumulative grade-point average of 3.850 or higher, magna cum laude for those with an average of 3.700 or higher, and cum laude for those with an average of 3.500 or higher. Averages are not rounded to the next higher number in the calculation of honors.

Academic departments may recommend students for departmental honors based on a combination of cumulative grade-point average and academic excellence within the major.

More information about RBS graduation can be found here:

"Double Count" Course Policy - Multiple RBS Majors. If you are a double or triple major in RBS-NB departments and are utilizing a particular course to count for a requirement in each of two majors, you are only permitted to do this 'double count' one time.

Degree navigator will not remove the double counted courses and it is the student's responsibility to monitor this manually.

"Double Count" Course Policy - RBS Concentrations. You cannot  'double count' or overlap any courses between RBS-NB majors and RBS-NB concentrations.

All concentration courses must be fulfilled by courses not required by an RBS-NB major.

Degree Navigator will not remove the double counted courses and it is the student's responsibility to monitor this manually.

Covid-19 Policy Expectations. Courses taken during the spring 2020, summer 2020, fall 2020, winter 2021, spring 2021 and summer 2022 semesters may be successfully completed with a grade of C or Pass.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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