Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanatory Note
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
Agriculture and Natural Resource Management 035
Animal Science 067
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biotechnology 126
Community Health Outreach 193
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Education 300
Educational Opportunity Fund 364
Entomology 370
Environmental and Biological Sciences 015
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Planning and Design 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Food Science 400
Interdisciplinary Studies 554
Landscape Architecture 550
Leadership Skills 607
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Biology 776
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) 902
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2019 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Course Listing Environmental Sciences 375  

Environmental Sciences 375
11:375:101 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3) The impact of physical, chemical, and biological assaults on man and environment in air, water, wastewater, streams, noise, occupational health, and solid wastes.
11:375:103 Introduction to Environmental Health (3)

Effects of environment on public health: disease causation by chemical, physical, and biological agents; agent sources/reservoirs, modes of transmission, and methods of control; chemical/biological warfare agents and preparedness; disease surveillance and disease-causing agent monitoring systems.   

11:375:197 Environmental Science Literacy (3) Major environmental issues of the day are examined, with focus on their impacts on women. The course provides a grounding in the history of environmental regulations and basic computer literacy in the tools and software needed in environmental studies.
11:375:201 Biological Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Hazardous agents, pollution, population interactions and dynamics; biogeochemical cycles in damaged and remediated ecosystems; environmental risk, management, and remediation; human health impacts. Prerequisites: 01:119:115-116 or 01:119:103, 01:160:161.
11:375:202 Chemical Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Biogeochemical cycles: mass balances within and among environmental reservoirs; importance of water; chemical properties of water and aquatic chemistry. Prerequisite: 01:160:162.
11:375:203 Physical Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Physical properties of water, air, and soils; energy and water in the earth system; kinetic and potential energy; and soil/plant/atmosphere relations. Prerequisites: 01:750:193 or 01:750:203 or 01:750:123 and 124. Corequisite: 01:750:194 or 01:750:204 or 01:750:227.
11:375:296 Honors Seminar (3) The topic for each semester addresses current issues from the perspectives of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Open only to honors students (SEBS Honors Program, SAS Honors Program, and Honors College) or by permission of instructor. 
11:375:302 Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3) Introduction to unit operations that constitute the state-of-the-art of water and wastewater treatment. Prerequisites: 01:160:161 and one semester of calculus.
11:375:303 Numerical Methods in Environmental Science (3) Formulation and solution of environmental science problems by applying analytical and numerical techniques. Principles of data analysis. Generation and solution of mass and energy balances. (Formerly 11:375:437) Prerequisite: 01:640:135 or 151.
11:375:307 Elements of Solid Waste Management and Treatment (3) The generation, storage, transport, processing, ultimate disposal, and regulation of municipal solid wastes, including discussion of agricultural and hazardous wastes and recovery of resources. Prerequisite: 11:375:203.
11:375:310 Analytical Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3) Analysis of environmental samples; environmental sampling procedures; experimental ethics; data analysis; HPLC; GC; and atomic adsorption spectroscopic analysis of organic and inorganic substances. Prerequisite: 11:375:202.
11:375:312 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (2) Hands-on introduction to microbiological techniques related to environmental issues. Bacterial growth and nutrition, nutrient cycles, waste treatment, and water quality testing. Pre- or corequisites: 11:375:201,202.
11:375:322 Energy Technology and Environment (3) Critical consideration of energy technology acceptable in a world faced with global warming, environmental pollution, and declining supplies of oil. Examines traditional (oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear), renewable (solar, wind, biomass), and reduced carbon emission sources (co-generation, fuel cells). Prerequisite: 01:640:135 or 137 or 151.
11:375:340 Environmental Applications of Organic Chemistry (3) Concepts from organic chemistry applied to environmental systems: physico-chemical properties; acid-base, nucleophilic substitution, and redox reactions; prediction of lifetimes of organic chemicals in the environment; whether chiral compounds (PCBs, pesticides) have undergone biotransformation. Prerequisite: 01:160:209 or 01:160:308.
11:375:346 Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (3) Principles of atmospheric chemistry. Issues include the Antarctic ozone hole, ozone smog, acid rain, air toxics, greenhouse gases, and aerosols. Environmental implications of changing atmospheric composition. Prerequisites: 01:160:161, Calculus I, and two semesters of physics.
11:375:360 Soils and Water (4) Physical and chemical properties of soils, soil-water interactions, erosion, etc. Soil properties important to environmental planning. Soil survey interpretation and use. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101 or 01:160:161 or equivalent.
11:375:406 Public Health Practice and Administration (3) Identification and control of community health problems. Organization and functions of public health agencies discussed in conjunction with utilization of law in implementing health programs.
11:375:407 Environmental Toxicology (3) Basic principles and applications of toxicology to environmental problems. Prerequisite: An organic chemistry course.
11:375:411 Environmental Microbiology (3) Microorganisms in carbon, nitrogen, sulfur cycling, biogeochemical processes, and water and wastewater treatment systems; biodegradation strategies and pathways; and bioremediation of toxic contaminants in the environment. Prerequisite: One semester of introductory microbiology or bacteriology.
11:375:421 Principles of Air Pollution (3) Fundamental factors of atmospheric contamination; effect of pollution on man and environment; principles of measurement and survey; methods of control; air cleaning; legal aspects.
11:375:423 Environmental Fate and Transport (3) The fate and transport of chemicals to determine chemical exposures in aquatic systems and predict future conditions. Emphasis on water quality problems introduced by addition of nutrients, metals, and toxic organic chemicals to water, soil, and air. Pre- or corequisites: 11:375:444 and 451.
11:375:424 Air Sampling and Analysis Techniques (3) Theory and laboratory experience in ambient and indoor air sampling. Calibration, classical air sampling, direct-reading instrumentation. Measurement and analysis of airborne nanoparticles and biological agents. Prerequisite: 11:375:421 or equivalent or permission.
11:375:430 Hazardous Wastes (3) Hazardous waste management: case studies, RCRA and other legislation and regulations, treatment and disposal technology, sampling and analysis, fate in the environment, site cleanup. Pre- or corequisite: 11:375:307.
11:375:431,432 Special Problems in Environmental Science/Studies (BA,BA) Conferences; library and laboratory work on assigned topics. Prerequisites: Permission of adviser and program director of environmental sciences.
11:375:434 Principles of Industrial Hygiene (3) Identification, evaluation, and control of chemical and physical stresses of industrial environment. Gases, aerosols, nonionizing radiation, noise, lighting, ergonomics, industrial ventilation, heat, and health standards. Prerequisites: 01:119:115 and 116, or 01:119:103.
11:375:444 Water Chemistry (3) Chemistry of natural and polluted waters; water quality; equilibrium models for several chemical systems in natural waters; stability of organic compounds. Prerequisites: 01:160:161-162, 01:160:305, and 01:640:135, 138; or equivalent.
11:375:453 Soil Ecology (3) Soil microbial contribution to ecosystem function, microbial diversity, nutrient cycling, soil enzymes, fate of soil amendments, soil flora and fauna, energy cycling, quantification of soil biological processes. Prerequisites: 01:119:115-116 or 01:119:103 and 01:160:159, 161, 163, or 165 are acceptable.
11:375:487,488 Internship Experience (BA,BA) Supervised internship in environmental science. Prerequisites: Permission of adviser and program director of environmental sciences.
11:375:497,498 Research in Environmental Science (BA,BA) Supervised research experience in environmental science. Prerequisites: Permission of adviser and program director of environmental sciences.
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