Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanatory Note
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
Agriculture and Natural Resource Management 035
Animal Science 067
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biotechnology 126
Community Health Outreach 193
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Education 300
Educational Opportunity Fund 364
Entomology 370
Environmental and Biological Sciences 015
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Planning and Design 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Food Science 400
Interdisciplinary Studies 554
Landscape Architecture 550
Leadership Skills 607
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Biology 776
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) 902
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2019 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Course Listing Bioenvironmental Engineering 117  

Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
11:117:100 Introduction to Bioenvironmental Engineering (1) Overview of specializations within bioenvironmental engineering. Expanding role of biological and environmental sciences in engineering. Analysis of selected problems. Review of professional opportunities.
11:117:331 Environmental Engineering Analysis Tools (3) This course applies state-of-the-art environmental engineering tools in analyzing problems and creating solutions and designs. Tools include, as examples, measurement tools and techniques, programming languages and software for graphics, statistical analysis and modeling. Tools may vary with current engineering practice.
Prerequisites: 14:440:127; 14:180:215 or 14:180:216.
11:117:413 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering I (3) Physical and chemical processes and operations commonly applied for water and wastewater treatment, including coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane separation, precipitation, oxidation, and disinfection; principles of chemical reaction kinetics, modeling of ideal and non-ideal batch and flow-through reactors. Prerequisites: 11:375:203, 01:640:152.
11:117:414 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering II (3) Biological principles and operations for wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and energy production including: microbial ecology; energetics, stoichiometry, and kinetics of microbial growth; kinetics of pollution degradation; modeling of ideal bioreactors; design criteria for specific wastewater treatment processes; and new developments in use of microorganisms in bioenvironmental engineering. Prerequisites: 11:375:201, 11:117:413; or permission of instructor.
11:117:423 Bioenvironmental Engineering Unit Processes Laboratory I (1) Demonstration of physicochemical operations used in drinking water and wastewater treatment, including reactor design and residence time distribution, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, carbon adsorption, chemical oxidation. and oxygen transfer. Corequisite: 11:117:413.
11:117:424 Bioenvironmental Engineering Unit Processes Laboratory II (1) Demonstration and investigation of biological processes used in the treatment of wastewater, including: natural biological processes in biotreatment ponds; biodegradability and biodegradation kinetics; activated sludge reactors; anaerobic digestion for bioenergy production; use of laboratory methods and analytical equipment to assess biological processes; and introduction to activated sludge simulation software.
Corequisites: 01:160:171, 01:160:211, and 11:117:414.
11:117:450 Applied Instrumentation and Control (4) Development of field sampling protocols and procedures, statistical analysis of field measurements, computation of sampling and instrumentation errors, design and use of environmental sensors, and development of field sampling systems to collect environmental data. Prerequisite: 11:375:203.
11:117:462 Design of Solid Waste Treatment Systems (3) Analysis and design of integrated solid waste management systems, including waste minimization, quantity estimates, waste characteristics, life-cycle thinking in waste management, collection, composting, materials recovery, recycling, incineration, and landfilling. Prerequisites: 01:640:152, 11:375:201, and 14:180:215.
11:117:468 Hazardous Waste Treatment Engineering (3) Engineering and process design aspects of hazardous waste management and remediation of hazardous waste sites, waste reduction and recovery, regulatory process, case studies and engineering solutions to model hazardous waste problems. Prerequisite: 11:117:413 or permission of instructor.
11:117:474 Air Pollution Engineering (3) Engineering design techniques for air quality control. Control of particulate and gas emissions from stationary sources. Control of mobile source emissions. Design for indoor air quality and regional air quality control. Prerequisite: 14:180:387 or 14:650:312.
11:117:488 Bioenvironmental Engineering Design I (2) Design morphology. Case studies and special design problems. Solutions developed using creative design processes that include analysis, synthesis, and iterative decision making. Safety and professional ethics. Open only to seniors in bioenvironmental engineering.
11:117:489 Bioenvironmental Engineering Design II (2) Completion of bioenvironmental engineering senior design project. Evaluation. Presentation of final report. Prerequisite: 11:117:488.
11:117:492 Energy Conversion for Biological Systems (3) Principles of energy conversion techniques and their application to various biomechanical systems including solar energy systems, composting, methane and alcohol production, and the internal combustion engine. Prerequisite: 14:650:351.
11:117:493 Unit Processes for Biological Materials (3) Theory and application of unit operations for handling and processing of biological materials, with emphasis on particulate solids separation, comminution, mixing, heat transfer, and dehydration. Pre- or corequisite: 14:155:308 or 14:650:351.
11:117:494 Land and Water Resources Engineering (3) Engineering aspects of land and water conservation: basic hydrology, soil-water-plant relationships, erosion control, surface and subsurface drainage, flood control, irrigation, nonpoint source pollution. Prerequisite: 11:375:423.
11:117:495 Environmental Systems Analysis for Engineers (3) Principles of procedural and heuristic systems analysis. Overview of engineering economics. Techniques of simulation and optimization. Topics of applied intelligence. Solutions for environmental engineering problems by systems analysis methods. Prerequisite: 11:375:423.
11:117:496 Planning and Design of Land Treatment Systems (3) Engineering design of land treatment systems for municipal and industrial wastewater, including spray irrigation, overland flow, infiltration/percolation, and subsurface soil adsorption systems. Facilities planning. Prerequisite: 14:180:387.
11:117:497,498 Special Problems in Bioenvironmental Engineering (BA,BA) Studies of special interest in some selected area of bioenvironmental engineering. Prerequisite: Permission of undergraduate program director.
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