Careers in Nutrition (1)
Introduction to career opportunities in nutritional sciences.
Introduction to Foods and Nutrition (3)
Nutritional needs of the family. Consumer aspects of food selection and meal preparation.
Laboratory for Introduction to Foods (1)
Application of knowledge of food composition and nutritive values to food preparation.
Pre- or corequisite: 11:709:201.
Nutrition for the Developing Child (3)
Concepts of food and nutrition as applied to the growth and development of the young child.
Laboratory included.
Nutrition and Health (3)
Introductory nutrition. Nutrients and their functions in the human body throughout the life cycle.
Nutrition for the Child in the Family and Community (3)
Nutrition as applied to the young child, in the context of family dynamics, community resources, and government programs.
Laboratory included.
Quantity Food Production (4)
Planning and organization of work, menus, preparation, and service of food for mass feeding. Evaluation of supervisory techniques, equipment, and cost control.
Lec./lab. Prerequisites: 11:709:201,202. White lab coat required.
Nutrition and Development through the Life Span (3)
Human nutrition across the life span, from both biological and psychosocial perspectives.
Prerequisite: 11:709:255.
Management of Food Service Systems (3)
Purchasing policies as related to food equipment in the food service industry. Study of quantity kitchen layout; systems approach to resource management and financial control. Field trip fee.
Prerequisite: 11:709:344.
Nutrition and Behavior (3)
The bidirectional relationship between nutrition and behavior, with emphasis on behavioral and social sciences research strategies.
Prerequisite: 11:709:255.
World Food Customs and Nutrition (3)
Food patterns, food customs, and nutritional status of peoples from various racial, regional, and religious backgrounds of the world.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries (3)
of nutritional problems in the world, such as undernutrition, vitamin
deficiencies, and obesity, with an emphasis on developing countries.
Prerequisite: 11:709:255 or by permission.
Advanced Nutrition I: Regulation of Macronutrient Metabolism (3)
Comprehensive study of regulation of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism at cellular and organismal levels. Integration of metabolism by hormones, diet, and pathophysiological states.
Prerequisites: 01:694:301 or 11:115:403,404 or 01:694:407,408. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Advanced Nutrition II: Energy and Micronutrient Metabolism (3)
Intensive study of body composition and energy expenditure. Biological function, requirements, and pathological aspects of vitamins and minerals.
Prerequisites: 01:694:301 or 11:115:403,404 or 01:694:407,408. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Readings in Advanced Nutrition I (1)
Discussion of problems set by instructors of Advanced Nutrition I to develop understanding of the topics covered.
Corequisite: 11:709:400.
Readings in Advanced Nutrition II (1)
Discussion of problems set by instructors of Advanced Nutrition II to develop understanding of the topics covered.
Corequisite: 11:709:401.
Professional Issues in Dietetics (P/NC)
Trends in the field of dietetics and the effects of legislative, health care, marketing, and entrepreneurial issues on the profession.
Open only to seniors.
Obesity: Biology, Behavior, and Management (3)
The causes of human obesity, trends in its prevalence, and how it is influenced by biology, society, and public policy.
Prerequisite: 11:709:255. Only open to juniors and seniors.
Contemporary Issues in Nutritional Sciences (3)
Investigations of recent trends and issues in nutrition and development.
Open only to junior and senior majors; others by permission of instructor.
Life Span Nutrition in the Community (4)
The teaching, science, and philosophy of community nutrition and the programs and agencies designed to improve the nutritional status of various populations through the life span.
Two 80-min. lecs., one 3-hr. rec.
Nutrition Communication (3)
Assessing client needs; identifying relevant nutrition concepts; application of educational principles, techniques, and evaluation strategies for nutrition educators operating in a variety of settings. Applied nutrition education experience.
Prerequisites: 11:709:201, 202, 255, 441; or permission of instructor.
Methods in Sensory Analysis (3)
The psychology, nutritional physiology, and molecular biology of taste and smell,
emphasizing methods used by food industry to measure and modify sensory properties of foods.
Prerequisites: 11:709:201 and 255.
Problem Solving with Food, Nutrition, and Business Information (3)
Teamwork is used to solve actual problems encountered by industry partners using information resources.
Prerequisite: Either 11:709:255, 11:400:201, or 11:373:121. Cross-listed as junior/senior colloquium.
Seminar in Nutrition (1.5)
Review of nutrition journals, critical reading in topics in the history of nutrition, and specific nutrition problems of current interest.
Experimental Foods (3)
Physical and chemical properties of foods; laboratory investigation of effects of alteration in preparation, storage, and preservation on quality and acceptability.
Lec./lab. Prerequisites: 01:160:209, 211; 11:709:201,202; 01:960:401.
Problems in Nutrition (BA,BA)
Special problems in the field of nutrition.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Nutrition and Disease (3)
Nutritional aspects and dietary treatments of diseases in which nutrition plays a major role.
Prerequisite: 11:709:400 or 401.
Nutrition Counseling (1)
Application of scientific knowledge to actual case studies. Techniques for effective nutrition counseling.
Pre- or corequisite: 11:709:498.