The World of Insects (3)
The nature and importance of insects that affect our personal and professional lives through competition for food, nuisance, and the transmission of disease.
Apiculture (3)
Management, honey and wax production, bee language, social behavior, and pollination ecology.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. For students with or without a background in science who are interested in keeping bees or pollinating crops.
Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management (3)
Recognition and ecology of plant pest species; sampling and survey techniques; pest management methods and the environmental impact of control procedures; integrated control.
Toxicology of Pesticides (3)
Effects, side effects, history, hazards, and usefulness of synthetic pesticides essential for the long-term production of food and fiber.
Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102, one term of organic chemistry, or permission of instructor.
Insect Biology (4)
A survey of insects; their structure, function, behavior, evolution, diversity, and effect on agricultural production, as well as on people and animals.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Field trip. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102.
Case Studies in Vector-borne Diseases (3)
Exposure to basic ecological and evolutionary principles underlying the current upsurge of infectious diseases, especially those transmitted by insect vectors.
Aquatic Entomology (3)
Identification, classification, morphology, and natural history of aquatic insects. Fieldwork emphasizing aquatic insects of New Jersey.
Prerequisite: 11:370:381 or one course in aquatic ecosystems or permission of instructor.
Insect Structure and Function I (4)
Functional morphology and physiology of insects, with emphasis on evolution and adaptation to the environment.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 11:370:381.
Insect Structure and Function II (4)
Functional morphology and physiology of insects, with emphasis on evolution and adaptation to the environment.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 11:370:381.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology (3)
Insects and other arthropods in relation to human and animal annoyance and disease.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102.
Insect Classification (4)
For students interested in insect diversity and evolution. Life histories and sight recognition of major families, especially those of economic or medical importance.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Field trips. Prerequisite: 11:370:381 or permission of instructor.
Forensic Entomology (3)
Exposes students to forensically important insects by discussing their biology, collection and preservation techniques, and how the information they provide relates to criminal investigations and
legal proceedings.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 11:370:381 or permission of the instructor.
Decomposition Ecology (3)
Two-week field course designed to teach students how to collect and interpret arthropod crime scene evidence found in conjunction with carcasses from in variety of different environments.
Two-week course. Prerequisite: 11:370:381 or permission of the instructor.
Urban Entomology (3)
Learn about common insects and other arthropods in urban environments. This course will introduce their biology, ecology, health risks, and management strategies.
Lec. 3 hrs.
11:370:490, 491
Special Topics in Entomology (1-3, 1-3)
Each semester, faulty members arrange a series of topics in specialized fields of entomology.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Research Problems in Entomology (1-4,1-4)
Research projects in entomology under the guidance of faculty members.
Prerequisite: Permission of adviser.