Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts Students
Faculties Offering the Programs
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Aging 018
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Armenian 078
Art 081
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Business Analytics and Information Technology 623
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Chinese Studies 170
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Dance 203, 206
Design 208
Digital Filmmaking 211
East Asian Languages and Area Studies 214
Economics 220
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental Certificates
European Studies 360
Exercise Science and Sport Studies 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
Foreign Language Proficiency Certificates
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Health Administration 501
Health and Society 502
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies 595
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medical Technology 660
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Molecular Biology
Major Requirements: B.A. Program
Minor Requirements
Departmental Honors Program
Courses (700)
Applied Music (701): Ensembles and Performance
Courses for Nonmajors
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 776
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Science, Technology, and Society 880
Sexualities Studies 888
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Statistics and Biostatistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management and Marketing Science 799
Theater 965, 966
Ukrainian 967
Urban Planning and Design 971
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's and Gender Studies 988
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University–New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2015–2017 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses Music Courses (700)  

Courses (700)

Attendance at certain music events may be required in any of the following courses.

07:700:100 Rudiments of Music Notation (1.5) Intended for first-year Mason Gross music majors who did not placed into Music Theory I and/or Aural Skills I. The course covers fundamentals of written music theory and ear training skills including note reading, key signatures, major and minor scales, intervals, solfege, and melodic and rhythmic dictation. Corequisite: 07:700:121.
07:700:101 Introduction to Music (3) For students with little or no background in music. Basic concepts for intelligent listening to all kinds of music. Emphasis on aspects of sonority, rhythm, melody, harmony, and structure.
07:700:102 Introduction to Music History (3) Introductory historical survey of styles, genres, forms, and composers in music from antiquity to the present. Prerequisite: 07:700:101 or 103 or equivalent.
07:700:103 Introduction to Music Theory (3) Rudiments of music: intervals, scales, key signatures, modes, chords, rhythm, and meter. Development of aural skills. No previous musical experience required. Intended for nonmajors.
07:700:104 Introduction to Music Analysis (3) Exploration of basic analytical techniques that reveal principles of musical structure; examples drawn from the medieval period through the 20th century; introduction to various types of music notation and score reading; further development of aural skills. Prerequisite: 07:700:103 or equivalent. Intended for nonmajors.
07:700:105 Making Music with Computers: Introduction to Digital Audio (3) An introduction to computer music technology with a focus on creative composition projects integrating studies in electronic music theory and history, digital signal processing (DSP), performance practice, and aesthetics.
07:700:121 Theory I (3) Model counterpoint and introduction to tonal harmony. For students intending to major in music. Prerequisite: Demonstrated understanding by entrance examination of rhythmic/pitch notation, intervals, scales, and key signatures. Corequisites: 07:700:123, 127.
07:700:122 Theory II (3) Tonal harmony through modulation. Prerequisite: 07:700:121.
07:700:123-124 Aural Skills I,II (2,2) Intensive work in sight-singing; dictation of melody, rhythm, and harmony; score reading; and keyboard harmony. Corequisites: 07:700:121, 122. For students intending to major in music.
07:700:125 Survey of Jazz Styles (2) Historical and analytical survey of major jazz recordings from the 1920s to the present. Corequisite: 07:700:121. Intended for Mason Gross School of the Arts jazz studies majors.
07:700:127 Introduction to Music Technology (1) Fundamental skills in music technology: computer-based notation, MIDI sequencing, and digital-audio techniques. Corequisites: 07:700:121, 123. For students intending to major in music.
07:700:129 Introduction to Recording Technology (1) Fundamental skills in recording technology: acoustics, microphones, audio consoles, and recording techniques. Prerequisite: 07:700:127 or permission of instructor. Ability to read music. Intended primarily for music majors.
07:700:131 Introduction to Music Online (3) See 07:700:101.
07:700:133 Introduction to Music Theory Online (3) See 07:700:103.
07:700:134 Introduction to Music Theory Short Course Online (2) An intensive introductory study of music theory including the fundamental principles and concepts of music: pitch, rhythm and meter, notation, keyboard layout, scales, and keys.
07:700:135 Making Music with Computers: Introduction to Digital Audio Online (3) An introduction to computer music technology with a focus on creative composition projects integrating studies in electronic music theory and history, digital signal processing (DSP), performance practice, and aesthetics.
07:700:173,174 Studies in Composition I (BA,BA) Independent study in musical composition. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Intended primarily for B.Mus. students and music majors in the B.A. program.
07:700:210 Foundations of Music Education (3) Introduction to the historical and philosophical background for school music in the United States. Discussion of current practices and teaching roles at all grade levels and subjects. Includes field experience. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700: 211,212 Studies in Music History (3,3) Musical styles and genres in different historical periods. May be repeated for credit with differing course content.
Prerequisite: 07:700:101 or 103 or equivalent.
07:700:221 Theory III: Harmony II (3) Chromatic harmony. Prerequisites: 07:700:121, 122, or equivalent.
07:700:222 Theory IV (3) Analysis of 20th-century music. Prerequisite: 07:700:221.
07:700:223-224 Aural Skills III, IV (2,2) Continued work in sight-singing; dictation of melody, rhythm, and harmony; score reading; and keyboard harmony. Prerequisites: 07:700:123-124 or permission of instructor.
07:700:231,232 Special Topics Music History Online (3,3) See 07:700:211,212.
07:700:233 American Popular Song Online (3) Study of the evolution of music that is uniquely American from Colonial days to the 1970s.
07:700:234 Jazz Appreciation and Black Music Online (3) The exploration of the relationship between jazz and other African-American musical traditions from the early 1900s to the present.
07:700:235 Rock and Roll History Online (3) The exploration of the history of rock and roll music from a wide array of perspectives, emphasizing the formation and development of the genre as the result of exchange and interaction across cultural, racial, and economic boundaries as well as its role in social change.
07:700:237,238 Studies in Major Composers I,II (3,3) Studies of selected compositions by a major composer. Specific composer varies from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit with differing course content. Prerequisite: 07:700:101 or 103 or equivalent.
07:700:247-248 Jazz Theory I,II (3,3) Rudiments of jazz improvisation and composition: Lydian chromatic scales, jazz modes, seventh chords, rhythm, intervallic retention, and meter; sight-reading and dictation in jazz idioms. Prerequisites: 07:700:122 and 124.
07:700:251-252 Keyboard Harmony for Jazz Majors (2,2) Study of basic piano voicings and harmonic sequences set to compositions. Prerequisites: 07:700:123 and 124.
07:700:261 Vocal Technique for School Choirs (1) Fundamentals of singing; methods for class vocal instruction for elementary and high schools. Pre- or corequisite: 07:700:121 or examination. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700:263 School Music: String Instrument Techniques (1) Fundamentals of playing and teaching the string instruments; survey of materials for use in the schools. Pre- or corequisite: 07:700:121. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700:265 School Music: Woodwind Instrument Techniques (1) Fundamentals of playing and teaching the woodwind instruments of the orchestra and band. Pre- or corequisite: 07:700:121. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700:267 School Music: Brass Instrument Techniques (1) Fundamentals of playing and teaching the brass instruments of the orchestra and band. Pre- or corequisite: 07:700:121. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700:269 School Music: Percussion Instrument Techniques (1) Fundamentals of playing and teaching the percussion instruments of the orchestra and band. Pre- or corequisite: 07:700:121. For Mason Gross School of the Arts music education students only.
07:700:273,274 Studies in Composition II (BA,BA) Independent study in musical composition. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Intended primarily for B.Mus. students and music majors in the B.A. program.
07:700:283 Computer Applications in Music (3) Introduction to the creative use of computers and synthesizers. Compositional and improvisatory techniques, including sequencing, editing, and sampling MIDI and notational software. Preference given to music majors. Limited enrollment.
07:700:284 Digital Audio Composition (3) An introduction to the digital audio workstation as well as basic concepts of computer music, sound, and electroacoustic composition. Students will develop compositional skills through their own creative projects as well as the study of a wide range of electronic/computer music. Prerequisite: 07:700:105 or 127 or 135.
07:700:287 Choral Music Education Laboratory (1) Practical conducting and performance of repertoire for K-12 ensembles.
07:700:290 Rock and Roll as Culture Phenomenon: History and Development of Rock and Related Genres (3) Survey of the influence of rock and roll with a focus on the artists and music that reflected and influenced American society.
07:700:291 Jazz Appreciation (3) Survey of the relationships between jazz and other African-American musical traditions from the early 1900s to the present.
07:700:292 Introduction to World Music (3) An introduction to the study of the intersection of music and culture as exhibited in diverse regions across the globe.
07:700:295,296 Special Topics in Music (3,3) Studies in musical genres such as symphony, concerto, or choral music; repertoires (music and theater or music since 1945); or cultures (American music, African-American music, music and society, or women and music). May be repeated for credit with differing course content.
Prerequisite: 07:700:101 or 103.
07:700:301-302 Music History I,II (3,3) Styles and forms of Western music from antiquity to the present. Prerequisite: 07:700:122. Intended primarily for music majors.
07:700:303 Principles of Ethnomusicology (3) Selected topics on the musical cultures of the Pacific, Asia, Near East, and Africa; and the aboriginal music of the Americas. Prerequisite: 07:700:122 or permission of instructor.
07:700:305-306 Evolution of Jazz (3,3) History of jazz. First semester: African and African-American origins to the 1930s; basics of improvisation; development of aural ability to distinguish forms and styles. Second semester: jazz of the 1940s to the present. Prerequisites: 07:700:122 and 124, or permission of instructor. Intended for Mason Gross School of the Arts jazz studies majors.
07:700:310 Business of Music (2) Study of issues concerning entry into the music profession such as music publishing, professional management, ethics, and music publishing and recording.
07:700:311 Art of Production I: Recording (3) Study of the practical applications of recording technology: acoustics, microphones, audio consoles, and recording techniques. Through reading, listening, and hands-on projects, students will develop the necessary skills to record individual instruments and ensembles using both mono and stereo microphone techniques, as well as develop critical listening skills and the ability to aurally evaluate a variety of recording techniques from practitioners in the field. Prerequisite: 07:700:105 or 127 or 135.
07:700:312 Art of Production II: Mixing (3) Study of the practical applications of digital audio editing and mixing, including principles of digital audio, advanced signal processing, advanced audio console/digital audio workstation skills, editing, mixing, and mastering. Through reading, listening, and hands-on projects, students will develop the necessary skills to edit, mix, process, and master stereo and multitrack recordings, as well as develop critical listening skills and the ability to aurally evaluate a variety of mixing and processing techniques in professionally produced recordings. Prerequisite: 07:700:311.
07:700:321 Topics Music Theory: Counterpoint (3) Analysis of music and written exercises for two or three voices in 18th-century contrapuntal style. Prerequisite: 07:700:222.
07:700:322 Music Analysis (3) Analysis of music from different historical periods and cultures. Prerequisite: 07:700:321.
07:700:323 Aural Skills V (2) Advanced work in sight-singing; dictation of melody, rhythm, and harmony; score reading; and keyboard harmony. Prerequisite: 07:700:224.
07:700:329-330 Conducting I,II (2,2) Fundamentals of conducting and organization of school choruses, bands, and orchestras. Prerequisite: 07:700:222.
07:700:341 Orchestration I (2) Study and demonstration of instruments of the orchestra; writing idiomatically for individual instruments; scoring for small ensembles. Prerequisite: 07:700:222. Intended primarily for B.Mus. music education students.
07:700:342 Orchestration II (2) Study of selected scores; writing for various ensembles and for symphony orchestra. Prerequisite: 07:700:341.
07:700:347-348 Jazz Composition and Arranging (2,2) Fundamentals of jazz composition and arranging, beginning with arrangements for two or three winds and rhythm sections; and culminating in compositions and arrangements for large ensembles in early, modern, and popular jazz idioms. Prerequisites: 07:700:247-248 and 251-252.
07:700:371-372 Jazz Improvisation I (3,3) Jazz techniques involving chord nomenclature, melodic development, turnbacks, cycles, the blues, scale coloring, rhythmic patterns, and harmonic concepts. Prerequisites: 07:700:247-248 and 251-252.
07:700:373,374 Composition (BA,BA) Independent work in contemporary techniques of composition. Pre- or corequisites: 07:700:222 and permission of instructor.
07:700:375 Composition Practicum (1) A project-based course for undergraduate composition majors in collaboration with students from the dance, digital film, theater, and other departments.
07:700:381 Materials and Methods in Elementary School Music (3) A hands-on activity approach to classroom music programs. Conventional as well as Orff and Kodaly procedures. Fieldwork. Prerequisite: 07:700:210.
07:700:382 Materials and Methods in Secondary Choral/General/School Music (3) Topics include the boy's changing voice, high school choral classes, instrumental music programs, and implications of the revised copyright law. Prerequisite: 07:700:210.
07:700:384 Materials and Methods in Secondary Instrumental Music Education (3) Pedagogical techniques for instrumental music in K-12 curricula. Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:386 Instrumental Music Education Laboratory (1) Practical conducting and performance of repertoire for K-12 ensembles. Sections in choral and instrumental emphases offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: 07:700:210.
07:700:387 Choral Music Education Laboratory II (1) Practical conducting and performance of repertoire for K-12 ensembles. Sections in choral and instrumental emphases offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: 07:700:210.
07:700:419,420 Special Studies in Music History (3,3) Intensive study of a single topic from a variety of perspectives; reading, discussion, and oral and written reports. Prerequisites: 07:700:301-302. Intended for music majors.
07:700:429 Intermediate Recording Technology (3) Intermediate skills in recording technology: principles of digital audio, advanced signal processing, advanced audio console skills, and computer-based digital audio and editing. Prerequisite: 07:700:129 or permission of instructor. Ability to read music. Intended primarily for music majors.
07:700:460 Special Topics: Instrumental Music Education (1) Selected topics related to instrumental music education. A variety of subjects will be taught on a rotating basis. May be repeated for credit with differing content.
07:700:461 Special Topics: Advanced Vocal Techniques for School Choirs (1) Advanced techniques of vocal instruction for secondary and elementary school choirs. Intended for music education choral students only. Prerequisites: 07:700:210 and 261. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:463 Special Topics: Vocal Music Education (1) Selected topics related to K-12 vocal music education. A variety of subjects will be taught on a rotating basis. May be repeated for credit with differing content.
Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:464 Special Topics: Choral Literature for School Choirs (1) A study of choral literature appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school choirs. Focus on concert programming and repertoire selection for developmental, intermediate, and advanced school choirs.
Prerequisites: 07:700:210 and 07:701:300. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:467 Special Topics: Jazz for Music Educators (1) Techniques, repertoire, and resources for teaching instrumental jazz in secondary schools. Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:469 Interactive Computer Music (3) Students will develop systems for interactive computer music composition and performance as well as gain practical, hands-on experience with real-time digital signal processing, sound synthesis, and basic programming culminating with a final performance/presentation of a concert-length piece or installation. Prerequisite: 07:700:105 or 127 or 135 or permission of instructor.
07:700:470 Electroacoustic Music Instrumental Design (3) Students will develop skills in acoustic/electroacoustic musical instrument design, acoustics, and physical properties of materials, as well as design and construct electroacoustic musical instruments, developing skills in basic electronics, circuit design, sensors, electro-mechanical transduction, human-computer interaction, and interface design culminating with a performance featuring these invented instruments. Prerequisite: 07:700:105 or 127 or 135 or permission of instructor.
07:700:471-472 Jazz Improvisation II (3,3) Jazz techniques exploring forms in jazz from 1925 to the present; the study of cadences; the Lydian chromatic concept as applied to defining specific devices and as manifested in various compositions. Prerequisites: 07:700:371-372.
07:700:477 Special Topics: Directing the School Musical (1) Techniques, literature, and resources for staging productions of musical theater, jazz, and show choir in the secondary school. Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:478 Special Topics: Marching Band (1) Techniques of designing marching band routines. Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:479 Special Topics: Wind Ensemble Literature (1) Prerequisite: 07:700:210. Intended for music education majors.
07:700:480 Seminar for Student Teachers (1) Examination of problems relevant to contemporary elementary and secondary music education. Concerns relevant to student teaching emphasized. Opportunity to address problems encountered while student teaching. Corequisite: 07:700:487. Open only to students in a teacher education program who have been admitted formally to student teaching.
07:700:487 Student Teaching (11) Full-time student teaching in approved schools under the supervision of members of the faculty. Corequisite: 07:700:480. Open only to students in a teacher education program who have been admitted formally to student teaching.
07:700:493,494 Independent Study (BA,BA) Supervised research in music composition, education, history, or theory. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
07:700:495 Senior Honors Tutorial (3) Prerequisite: Permission of department.
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