The Department of Mathematics annually publishes a Brochure for Math Majors, which contains detailed information about the math major program; copies of this brochure may be obtained on the web at http://www.math.rutgers.edu/undergrad/majorb.html.
The requirements for a math major are as follows:
1. Three semesters of calculus (01:640:151-152, and 251 or equivalent), Introductory Linear Algebra (01:640:250), and Elementary Differential Equations (01:640:252). Courses 01:640:250, 251, and 252 must be passed with grades of C or better. Majors normally should take both 01:640:250 and 251 in the first semester of their sophomore year.
2. 01:198:107 Introduction to Computing for Mathematics and the Sciences with a grade of C or better. (01:198:111 Introduction to Computer Science or 14:332:252 Programming Methodology I may be substituted for 01:198:107.) It is recommended strongly that this course be completed by the end of the second semester of the sophomore year.
3. The completion of all the requirements in one of the mathematics major options listed below. (Students must notify the mathematics department in writing if they are not following the standard mathematics major option. Courses in other departments may not be substituted.)
Grade Requirements for Mathematics Majors
To be admitted to the mathematics major program, a student normally must have completed three semesters of calculus with a grade of C or better in each course. To continue as a mathematics major, a student must make satisfactory progress toward completing the program. Satisfactory progress for a full-time student normally means passing at least one mathematics course at an appropriate level each semester with a grade of C or better. To complete the mathematics major program, a student must receive grades of C or better in 01:640:250, 251, and 252 and in all but one of the further mathematics courses. A student also must receive grades of C or better in the courses in other departments (e.g., computer science) used to fulfill the requirements of the program.
Mathematics Major Options
Option A, Standard Mathematics (Curriculum Code 640). In addition to the requirements above, to complete the standard mathematics major a student must pass eight 300- to 400-level mathematics courses, excluding 01:640:491,492. All but one of these courses (curriculum code 640) must be passed with a grade of C or better. At least four of the upper-level courses used to complete the major must be taken at Rutgers–New Brunswick, including one of 01:640:311,312, 411-412 and one of 01:640:350, 351- 352, 451-452. An appropriate Rutgers graduate mathematics course may be substituted for the required analysis and/or algebra course, with departmental approval.
Recommended are probability (01:640:477), statistics (01:640:481), a course in mathematical modeling (01:640:321, 338, or 424), and a course in discrete mathematics (01:640:338, 354, 428, or 454). Also recommended is a two-semester sequence of mathematically oriented courses in some other discipline; a list of suggested courses can be found in the Brochure for Math Majors.
Option B, Honors Track. The Department of Mathematics offers a special honors track to qualified students. Admission to the honors track is by application, which is available from the mathematics undergraduate office or from the mathematics department website. Students should normally apply no later than the end of the first semester of their sophomore year. Students in the honors track will have their progress reviewed by the honors committee, and are expected to earn a B or better in their advanced math courses (300 level and above). Students who successfully complete the honors track are eligible for graduation with a B.S.
Each student in the honors track will be assigned a faculty adviser. Together with the adviser, he or she will formulate a proposed course plan, subject to the approval of the mathematics honors committee. This course of study will normally include 01:640:192, 291, and 292 (01:640:151,152, 251, and 252 may be accepted if approved by the Honors Committee); either 01:198:107 or 01:198:111; 01:640:250, 300 (honors), 411-412, and 451-452; two semesters of 1-credit honors seminar, at least one at the junior/senior level; and four mathematics electives as approved by the honors committee.
Biomathematics Interdisciplinary Major (Curriculum Code 122)
The major in biomathematics requires 63-67 credits distributed as follows: mathematics 33 credits, and biology and cognate fields 30-34 credits. Students must earn a minimum grade-point average of 2.0 in courses credited toward the major. See Brochure for Math Majors.
Core biology and chemistry required courses:
01:119:101-102 General Biology I and II (4,4), or equivalent
01:160:161-162 General Chemistry I and II (4,4), or equivalent
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1)
Mathematics required courses:
01:640:151,152, 251 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences I, II, and III (4,4,4)
01:640:250 Introductory Linear Algebra (3)
01:640:252 Elementary Differential Equations (3)
01:640:336 Dynamical Models in Biology (3)
01:640:338 Discrete and Probabilistic Models in Biology (3)
01:640:477 Mathematical Theory of Probability (3)
01:640:481 Mathematical Theory of Statistics (3)
One of the following courses:
01:640:350 Linear Algebra (3)
01:640:373 Numerical Analysis (3)
01:640:423 Elementary Partial Differential Equations (3)
01:640:428 Graph Theory (3)
01:640:454 Combinatorics (3)
01:640:478 Probability II (3)
Required lab, one of the following:
01:119:382 (1); 01:146:357 (1); 01:146:475 (1); 14:125:315 (1)
Note: 01:447:390 is a 4-credit elective (see below) and includes a lab that satisfies this requirement.
Four courses from the following list. 01:447:380 is highly recommended. No more than one course from 14:125 (biomedical engineering) can count as an elective.
01:146:245 Fundamentals of Neurobiology (3)
01:146:270 Fundamentals of Cell and Developmental Biology (3)
01:146:302 or 447:302 Computers in Biology (3)
01:146:356 Systems Physiology (3)
01:146:445 Advanced Neurobiology (3)
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:146:474 Immunology (3)
01:160:305 (3) or 307 (4) or 315 (4) Organic Chemistry
01:160:306 (3) or 308 (4) or 316 (4) Organic Chemistry
01:447:380 Genetics (4)
01:447:384 Genetic Analysis (4)
01:447:390 General Microbiology (4)
01:447:480 Topics in Molecular Genetics (3)
01:447:486 Evolutionary Genetics (3)
11:704:351 Principles of Applied Ecology (4)
11:704:486 Principles of Evolution (3)
16:215:513 Population Genetics (01:447:380) (3)
No more than one of:
01:146:478 Molecular Biology (3)
01:694:301 Introductory Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3)
01:694:407 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (3)
01:694:408 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry II (3)
No more than one of:
14:125:403 Cardiovascular Engineering (3)
14:125:407 Fundamentals of Computer Tomography (3)
14:125:410 Sensory Processes, Mechanisms, and Computational Models (3)
Statistics-Mathematics Interdisciplinary Major (Curriculum Code 961)
See Statistics 960.