Engineering students pursuing the five-year B.A./B.S. program
jointly with Douglass, Livingston, or Rutgers College must complete a
minimum of 48 credits of liberal arts course work, including 01:355:101
Expository Writing I, 01:220:200 Economic Principles and Problems, and
courses designated as electives in the following curriculum outline.
(In the fourth and fifth years, the humanities/social sciences
electives should be used toward these 48 credits.) These courses must
satisfy the requirements for a departmental major in a B.A. or B.S.
program as well as any other degree requirements of the student's
liberal arts college. The student should consult the Degree
Requirements chapter of the appropriate college for further
information. In addition, 18 of these 48 credits must satisfy the
humanities/social sciences electives requirement of the School of
Engineering. These electives should be chosen with the advice and
approval of the advisers for both the B.A. and B.S. programs. Students
who affiliate with Rutgers College with a major in mathematics,
computer science, or the sciences must complete a minor in a subject
within the humanities or social sciences. Students in the five-year
program should consult with the designated five-year engineering
adviser during each term of the first two years. The total number of
credits required for the dual-degree program must be at least 30
credits more than is required for the B.S. program alone.
First Year
Curriculum Code 005
(common to all five-year curricula)
First Term
01:160:159 General Chemistry for Engineers 3
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation* 1
01:355:101 Expository Writing I 3
01:640:151 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4
01:750:123 Analytical Physics I 2
elective 3
Second Term
01:160:160 General Chemistry for Engineers 3
01:640:152 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4
01:750:124 Analytical Physics I 2
electives 6
Second Year
Curriculum Code 005
(common to all five-year curricula)
First Term
14:440:100 Engineering Orientation Lectures 1
14:440:221 Engineering Mechanics: Statics 3
01:640:251 Multivariable Calculus 4
01:750:227 Analytical Physics IIA 3
01:750:229 Analytical Physics II Laboratory 1
electives 6
Second Term
14:440:127 Introduction to Computers for Engineers 3
01:640:244 Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics 4
01:750:228 Analytical Physics IIB ** 3
01:750:230 Analytical Physics II Laboratory ** 1
electives 6
Third Year
(common to all five-year curricula except as noted)
First Term
__:___:___ Engineering major*** 3-8
14:440:222 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics**** 3
electives 9
Second Term
01:220:200 Economic Principles and Problems* 3
__:___:___ Engineering major** 3-8
electives 9
Fourth Year
See the junior year of the four-year program in the student's curriculum.
Fifth Year
See the senior year of the four-year program in the student's curriculum.