The five-year, dual-degree program in bioresource engineering is
offered by the School of Engineering in cooperation with Cook College.
The curriculum provides an option in bioenvironmental engineering. This
program allows a greater depth of specialization at the undergraduate
level than can be achieved by completing the four-year program.
Students in the five-year program apply to Cook College, under whose
jurisdiction they remain for the first two years. Assuming satisfactory
progress, the students come under the academic jurisdiction of the
School of Engineering for the remaining three years of the program.
However, the students continue to affiliate with Cook College and must
select humanities/social sciences electives to satisfy Cook College
requirements. Four-year bioresource engineering majors may apply to
Cook College for transfer to the dual-degree, five-year program at any
time prior to their fourth year.
First Year
Curriculum Code 129
First Term
11:015:101 Perspectives on Agriculture and the Environment 2
01:119:101 General Biology 4
11:127:100 Introduction to Bioresource Engineering 1
01:355:101 Expository Writing I 3
01:640:151 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4
01:750:123 Analytical Physics I 2
Second Term
01:119:102 General Biology 4
14:440:127 Introduction to Computers for Engineers 3
14:440:221 Engineering Mechanics: Statics 3
01:640:152 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4
01:750:124 Analytical Physics I 2
Second Year
First Term
01:160:161 General Chemistry 4
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation 1
14:180:215 Engineering Graphics 1
14:440:222 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 3
01:640:251 Multivariable Calculus 4
01:750:227 Analytical Physics IIA 3
01:750:229 Analytical Physics II Laboratory 1
Second Term
11:127:290 Biosystems Engineering Measurements 3
01:160:162 General Chemistry 4
14:332:373 Elements of Electrical Engineering 3
01:640:244 Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics 4
11:704:351 Principles of Applied Ecology 4
Bioenvironmental Engineering Option
Third Year
First Term
01:160:209 Elementary Organic Chemistry 3
01:160:211 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1
14:180:387 Fluid Mechanics 3
14:180:389 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1
11:375:201 Biological Principles of Environmental Sciences 3
11:375:202 Chemical Principles of Environmental Sciences 3
general elective 3
Second Term
14:180:243 Mechanics of Solids 3
01:220:200 Economic Principles and Problems 3
11:375:203 Physical Principles of Environmental Sciences 3
14:650:351 Thermodynamics 3
Cook College elective 3
Fourth Year
First Term
11:127:462 Design of Solid Waste Treatment Systems 3
11:375:303 Numerical Methods in Environmental Science 3
11:375:333 Environmental Law I 3
Cook College elective 3
Cook College elective 3
general elective 3
Spring Term
11:127:413 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering I 3
11:375:423 Environmental Fate and Transport 3
general elective 3
technical elective 3
Cook College elective 3
Fifth Year
First Term
11:015:400 Junior/Senior Colloquium 3
11:127:414 Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering II 3
11:127:424 Bioenvironmental Engineering Unit Processes Laboratory II 1
11:127:474 Air Pollution Engineering 3
11:127:488 Bioresource Engineering Design I 2
14:180:429 Water and Wastewater Engineering 3
Cook College elective 3
Second Term
11:127:468 Hazardous Waste Treatment Engineering 3
11:127:489 Bioresource Engineering Design II 2
technical elective 3
technical elective 3
technical elective 3
Cook College elective 3
Total Credits = 167
Technical electives may be selected from the following: 11:127:494,
495, 496; 14:180:372 and 374, 382, 443, 448; 11:375:334, 408, 409, 411
and 413, 422, 430, 444; 01:460:428; 14:540:343; 14:650:481.